Uses of Class

Packages that use Classifier

Uses of Classifier in weka.attributeSelection

Fields in weka.attributeSelection declared as Classifier
private  Classifier WrapperSubsetEval.m_BaseClassifier
          holds the base classifier object
private  Classifier ClassifierSubsetEval.m_Classifier
          holds the classifier to use for error estimates

Methods in weka.attributeSelection that return Classifier
 Classifier WrapperSubsetEval.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the base learner.
 Classifier ClassifierSubsetEval.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the base learner.

Methods in weka.attributeSelection with parameters of type Classifier
 void WrapperSubsetEval.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the classifier to use for accuracy estimation
 void ClassifierSubsetEval.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the classifier to use for accuracy estimation

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers
 class IteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer
          Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that build an ensemble from a single base learner.
 class MultipleClassifiersCombiner
          Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that build an ensemble from multiple classifiers.
 class RandomizableClassifier
          Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable classifiers.
 class RandomizableIteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer
          Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable meta classifiers that build an ensemble from a single base learner.
 class RandomizableMultipleClassifiersCombiner
          Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable meta classifiers that build an ensemble from multiple classifiers based on a given random number seed.
 class RandomizableSingleClassifierEnhancer
          Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable meta classifiers that build an ensemble from a single base learner.
 class SingleClassifierEnhancer
          Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that use a single base learner.

Fields in weka.classifiers declared as Classifier
protected  Classifier CheckClassifier.m_Classifier
          The classifier to be examined
protected  Classifier[] IteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer.m_Classifiers
          Array for storing the generated base classifiers.
protected  Classifier[] MultipleClassifiersCombiner.m_Classifiers
          Array for storing the generated base classifiers.
protected  Classifier BVDecompose.m_Classifier
          An instantiated base classifier used for getting and testing options.
protected  Classifier BVDecomposeSegCVSub.m_Classifier
          An instantiated base classifier used for getting and testing options.
protected  Classifier SingleClassifierEnhancer.m_Classifier
          The base classifier to use

Methods in weka.classifiers that return Classifier
 Classifier CheckClassifier.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the classifier
static Classifier Classifier.forName(java.lang.String classifierName, java.lang.String[] options)
          Creates a new instance of a classifier given it's class name and (optional) arguments to pass to it's setOptions method.
static Classifier[] Classifier.makeCopies(Classifier model, int num)
          Creates copies of the current classifier, which can then be used for boosting etc.
 Classifier[] MultipleClassifiersCombiner.getClassifiers()
          Gets the list of possible classifers to choose from.
 Classifier MultipleClassifiersCombiner.getClassifier(int index)
          Gets a single classifier from the set of available classifiers.
 Classifier BVDecompose.getClassifier()
          Gets the name of the classifier being analysed
 Classifier BVDecomposeSegCVSub.getClassifier()
          Gets the name of the classifier being analysed
 Classifier SingleClassifierEnhancer.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the base learner.

Methods in weka.classifiers with parameters of type Classifier
 void CheckClassifier.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the classifier for boosting.
protected  boolean CheckClassifier.testWRTZeroR(Classifier classifier, Evaluation evaluation, Instances train, Instances test)
          Determine whether the scheme performs worse than ZeroR during testing
static Classifier[] Classifier.makeCopies(Classifier model, int num)
          Creates copies of the current classifier, which can then be used for boosting etc.
 void MultipleClassifiersCombiner.setClassifiers(Classifier[] classifiers)
          Sets the list of possible classifers to choose from.
 void BVDecompose.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the classifiers being analysed
 void BVDecomposeSegCVSub.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the classifiers being analysed
 void Evaluation.crossValidateModel(Classifier classifier, Instances data, int numFolds, java.util.Random random)
          Performs a (stratified if class is nominal) cross-validation for a classifier on a set of instances.
static java.lang.String Evaluation.evaluateModel(Classifier classifier, java.lang.String[] options)
          Evaluates a classifier with the options given in an array of strings.
 void Evaluation.evaluateModel(Classifier classifier, Instances data)
          Evaluates the classifier on a given set of instances.
 double Evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(Classifier classifier, Instance instance)
          Evaluates the classifier on a single instance.
protected static java.lang.String Evaluation.printClassifications(Classifier classifier, Instances train, java.lang.String testFileName, int classIndex, Range attributesToOutput)
          Prints the predictions for the given dataset into a String variable.
protected static java.lang.String Evaluation.makeOptionString(Classifier classifier)
          Make up the help string giving all the command line options
 void SingleClassifierEnhancer.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the base learner.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.bayes

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.bayes
 class AODE
          AODE achieves highly accurate classification by averaging over all of a small space of alternative naive-Bayes-like models that have weaker (and hence less detrimental) independence assumptions than naive Bayes.
 class BayesNet
          Base class for a Bayes Network classifier.
 class BayesNetB
          Class for a Bayes Network classifier based on a hill climbing algorithm for learning structure as described in Buntine, W. (1991).
 class BayesNetB2
          Class for a Bayes Network classifier based on Buntines hill climbing algorithm for learning structure, but augmented to allow arc reversal as an operation.
 class BayesNetK2
          Class for a Bayes Network classifier based on K2 for learning structure.
 class ComplementNaiveBayes
          Class for building and using a Complement class Naive Bayes classifier.
 class NaiveBayes
          Class for a Naive Bayes classifier using estimator classes.
 class NaiveBayesMultinomial
          The core equation for this classifier: P[Ci|D] = (P[D|Ci] x P[Ci]) / P[D] (Bayes rule) where Ci is class i and D is a document
 class NaiveBayesSimple
          Class for building and using a simple Naive Bayes classifier.
 class NaiveBayesUpdateable
          Class for a Naive Bayes classifier using estimator classes.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.evaluation

Methods in weka.classifiers.evaluation with parameters of type Classifier
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getCVPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances data, int numFolds)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a cross-validation on the supplied dataset.
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getTrainTestPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances train, Instances test)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a evaluation on a test set after training on the given training set.
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getTestPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances test)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a evaluation on a test set assuming the classifier is already trained.
 Prediction EvaluationUtils.getPrediction(Classifier classifier, Instance test)
          Generate a single prediction for a test instance given the pre-trained classifier.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.functions

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.functions
 class LeastMedSq
          Implements a least median sqaured linear regression utilising the existing weka LinearRegression class to form predictions.
 class LinearRegression
          Class for using linear regression for prediction.
 class Logistic
          Second implementation for building and using a multinomial logistic regression model with a ridge estimator.
 class MultilayerPerceptron
          A Classifier that uses backpropagation to classify instances.
 class PaceRegression
          Class for building pace regression linear models and using them for prediction.
 class RBFNetwork
          Class that implements a radial basis function network.
 class SimpleLinearRegression
          Class for learning a simple linear regression model.
 class SimpleLogistic
          Class for building a logistic regression model using LogitBoost.
 class SMO
          Implements John C.
 class SMOreg
          Implements Alex J.Smola and Bernhard Scholkopf sequential minimal optimization algorithm for training a support vector regression using polynomial or RBF kernels.
 class VotedPerceptron
          Implements the voted perceptron algorithm by Freund and Schapire.
 class Winnow
          Implements Winnow and Balanced Winnow algorithms by N.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.lazy

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.lazy
 class IB1
          IB1-type classifier.
 class IBk
          K-nearest neighbours classifier.
 class KStar
          K* is an instance-based classifier, that is the class of a test instance is based upon the class of those training instances similar to it, as determined by some similarity function.
 class LBR
          Lazy Bayesian Rules implement a lazy learning approach to lessening the attribute-independence assumption of naive Bayes.
 class LWL
          Locally-weighted learning.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.meta

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.meta
 class AdaBoostM1
          Class for boosting a classifier using Freund & Schapire's Adaboost M1 method.
 class AdditiveRegression
          Meta classifier that enhances the performance of a regression base classifier.
 class AttributeSelectedClassifier
          Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been reduced through attribute selection.
 class Bagging
          Class for bagging a classifier.
 class ClassificationViaRegression
          Class for doing classification using regression methods.
 class CostSensitiveClassifier
          This metaclassifier makes its base classifier cost-sensitive.
 class CVParameterSelection
          Class for performing parameter selection by cross-validation for any classifier.
 class Decorate
          DECORATE is a meta-learner for building diverse ensembles of classifiers by using specially constructed artificial training examples.
 class END
          Class for creating a committee of random classifiers.
 class FilteredClassifier
          Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter.
 class Grading
          Implements Grading.
 class HND
          Class to create levelwise NDs with respect to a given hierarchy of classes.
 class LogitBoost
          Class for performing additive logistic regression..
 class MetaCost
          This metaclassifier makes its base classifier cost-sensitive using the method specified in Pedro Domingos (1999).
 class MultiBoostAB
          Class for boosting a classifier using the MultiBoosting method.
 class MultiClassClassifier
          Class for handling multi-class datasets with 2-class distribution classifiers.
 class MultiScheme
          Class for selecting a classifier from among several using cross validation on the training data or the performance on the training data.
 class ND
 class OrdinalClassClassifier
          Meta classifier for transforming an ordinal class problem to a series of binary class problems.
 class RacedIncrementalLogitBoost
          Classifier for incremental learning of large datasets by way of racing logit-boosted committees.
 class RandomCommittee
          Class for creating a committee of random classifiers.
 class RegressionByDiscretization
          Class for a regression scheme that employs any distribution classifier on a copy of the data that has the class attribute (equal-width) discretized.
 class Stacking
          Implements stacking.
 class StackingC
          Implements StackingC (more efficient version of stacking).
 class ThresholdSelector
          Class for selecting a threshold on a probability output by a distribution classifier.
 class TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier
          Class that represents and builds a classifier tree.
 class Vote
          Class for combining classifiers using unweighted average of probability estimates (classification) or numeric predictions (regression).

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as Classifier
protected  Classifier[][] LogitBoost.m_Classifiers
          Array for storing the generated base classifiers.
protected  Classifier Stacking.m_MetaClassifier
          The meta classifier
protected  Classifier AttributeSelectedClassifier.m_Classifier
          The classifier
protected  Classifier FilteredClassifier.m_Classifier
          The classifier
protected  Classifier CostSensitiveClassifier.m_Classifier
          The classifier
protected  Classifier MultiScheme.m_Classifier
          The classifier that had the best performance on training data.
private  Classifier[] MultiClassClassifier.m_Classifiers
          The classifiers.
private  Classifier MultiClassClassifier.m_Classifier
          The class name of the base classifier.
protected  Classifier[] Grading.m_MetaClassifiers
          The meta classifiers, one for each base classifier.
protected  Classifier ND.m_classifier
          The base classifier .
private  Classifier[] ClassificationViaRegression.m_Classifiers
          The classifiers.
protected  Classifier[] StackingC.m_MetaClassifiers
          The meta classifiers (one for each class, like in ClassificationViaRegression)
protected  Classifier AdditiveRegression.m_Classifier
          Base classifier.
protected  Classifier RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.m_Classifier
          The model base classifier to use
private  Classifier[] OrdinalClassClassifier.m_Classifiers
          The classifiers.
private  Classifier OrdinalClassClassifier.m_Classifier
          The class name of the base classifier.
protected  Classifier Decorate.m_Classifier
          The model base classifier to use.
protected  Classifier TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.m_Classifier
          The classifier at this node.
protected  Classifier ThresholdSelector.m_Classifier
          The generated base classifier

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return Classifier
 Classifier[][] LogitBoost.classifiers()
          Returns the array of classifiers that have been built.
 Classifier Stacking.getMetaClassifier()
          Gets the meta classifier.
 Classifier AttributeSelectedClassifier.getClassifier()
          Gets the classifier used.
 Classifier FilteredClassifier.getClassifier()
          Gets the classifier used.
 Classifier CostSensitiveClassifier.getClassifier()
          Gets the classifier used.
 Classifier[] MultiScheme.getClassifiers()
          Gets the list of possible classifers to choose from.
 Classifier MultiScheme.getClassifier(int index)
          Gets a single classifier from the set of available classifiers.
 Classifier MultiClassClassifier.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the classifier
 Classifier ND.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the classifier
protected  Classifier[] RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.Committee.boost(Instances data)
 Classifier AdditiveRegression.getClassifier()
          Gets the classifier used.
 Classifier RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the classifier
 Classifier OrdinalClassClassifier.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the classifier
 Classifier Decorate.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the base classifier
 Classifier TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier used as the classifier * * @return the classifier used as the classifier
 Classifier ThresholdSelector.getClassifier()
          Get the Classifier used as the classifier.

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type Classifier
 void Stacking.setMetaClassifier(Classifier classifier)
          Adds meta classifier
 void AttributeSelectedClassifier.setClassifier(Classifier classifier)
          Sets the classifier
 void FilteredClassifier.setClassifier(Classifier classifier)
          Sets the classifier
 void CostSensitiveClassifier.setClassifier(Classifier classifier)
          Sets the distribution classifier
 void MultiScheme.setClassifiers(Classifier[] classifiers)
          Sets the list of possible classifers to choose from.
 void MultiClassClassifier.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the base classifier.
 void ND.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the base classifier.
 double[] RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.Committee.updateFS(Instance instance, Classifier[] newModel, double[] Fs)
 void AdditiveRegression.setClassifier(Classifier classifier)
          Sets the classifier
private  Instances AdditiveRegression.residualReplace(Instances data, Classifier c, boolean useShrinkage)
          Replace the class values of the instances from the current iteration with residuals ater predicting with the supplied classifier.
 void RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the classifier for boosting.
 void OrdinalClassClassifier.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the base classifier.
 void Decorate.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the base classifier for Decorate.
private  void TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.generateClassifierForNode(Instances data, Range classes, java.util.Random rand, Classifier classifier, boolean random, boolean ordinal)
          Generates a classifier for the current node and proceeds recursively
 void TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the base classifier
 void ThresholdSelector.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set the Classifier for which threshold is set.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type Classifier
FilteredClassifier(Classifier classifier, Filter filter)
          Constructor that specifies the subclassifier and filter to use.
AdditiveRegression(Classifier classifier)
          Constructor which takes base classifier as argument.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.misc

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.misc
 class FLR
          Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning Classifier FLR Classifier implementation in WEKA The Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning Classifier uses the notion of Fuzzy Lattices for creating a Reasoning Environment.
 class HyperPipes
          Class implementing a HyperPipe classifier.
 class VFI
          Class implementing the voting feature interval classifier.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.rules

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.rules
 class ConjunctiveRule
          This class implements a single conjunctive rule learner that can predict for numeric and nominal class labels.
 class DecisionTable
          Class for building and using a simple decision table majority classifier.
 class JRip
          This class implements a propositional rule learner, Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER), which is proposed by William W.
 class M5Rules
          Generates a decision list for regression problems using separate-and-conquer.
 class NNge
          NNge classifier.
 class OneR
          Class for building and using a 1R classifier.
 class PART
          Class for generating a PART decision list.
 class Prism
          Class for building and using a PRISM rule set for classifcation.
 class Ridor
          The implementation of a RIpple-DOwn Rule learner.
 class ZeroR
          Class for building and using a 0-R classifier.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.trees

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.trees
 class ADTree
          Class for generating an alternating decision tree.
 class DecisionStump
          Class for building and using a decision stump.
 class Id3
          Class implementing an Id3 decision tree classifier.
 class J48
          Class for generating an unpruned or a pruned C4.5 decision tree.
 class LMT
          Class for "logistic model tree" classifier.
 class M5P
 class RandomForest
          Class for constructing random forests.
 class RandomTree
          Class for constructing a tree that considers K random features at each node.
 class REPTree
          Fast decision tree learner.
 class UserClassifier
          Class for generating an user defined decision tree.

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees declared as Classifier
 Classifier UserClassifier.TreeClass.m_classObject
          Used instead of the standard leaf if one exists.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type Classifier
 void UserClassifier.TreeClass.setClassifier(Classifier c)
          Call this to set an alternate classifier For this node.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt
 class LMTNode
          Class for logistic model tree structure.
 class LogisticBase
          Base/helper class for building logistic regression models with the LogitBoost algorithm.

Uses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.trees.m5

Subclasses of Classifier in weka.classifiers.trees.m5
 class M5Base
 class PreConstructedLinearModel
          This class encapsulates a linear regression function.
 class RuleNode
          Constructs a node for use in an m5 tree or rule

Uses of Classifier in weka.experiment

Fields in weka.experiment declared as Classifier
protected  Classifier ClassifierSplitEvaluator.m_Classifier
          The classifier used for evaluation
protected  Classifier RegressionSplitEvaluator.m_Classifier
          The classifier used for evaluation

Methods in weka.experiment that return Classifier
 Classifier ClassifierSplitEvaluator.getClassifier()
          Get the value of Classifier.
 Classifier RegressionSplitEvaluator.getClassifier()
          Get the value of Classifier.

Methods in weka.experiment with parameters of type Classifier
 void ClassifierSplitEvaluator.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Sets the classifier.
 void RegressionSplitEvaluator.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Sets the classifier.

Uses of Classifier in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance

Fields in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance declared as Classifier
protected  Classifier RemoveMisclassified.m_cleansingClassifier
          The classifier used to do the cleansing

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance that return Classifier
 Classifier RemoveMisclassified.getClassifier()
          Gets the classifier used by the filter.

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance with parameters of type Classifier
 void RemoveMisclassified.setClassifier(Classifier classifier)
          Sets the classifier to classify instances with.

Uses of Classifier in weka.gui.beans

Fields in weka.gui.beans declared as Classifier
private  Classifier IncrementalClassifierEvaluator.m_classifier
private  Classifier Classifier.m_Classifier
protected  Classifier BatchClassifierEvent.m_classifier
          The classifier
protected  Classifier IncrementalClassifierEvent.m_classifier
private  Classifier ClassifierPerformanceEvaluator.m_classifier
          Holds the classifier to be evaluated

Methods in weka.gui.beans that return Classifier
 Classifier Classifier.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier currently set for this wrapper
 Classifier BatchClassifierEvent.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier
 Classifier IncrementalClassifierEvent.getClassifier()
          Get the classifier

Methods in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type Classifier
 void Classifier.setClassifier(Classifier c)
          Set the classifier for this wrapper
private  Instances PredictionAppender.makeDataSetProbabilities(Instances format, Classifier classifier, java.lang.String relationNameModifier)
private  Instances PredictionAppender.makeDataSetClass(Instances format, Classifier classifier, java.lang.String relationNameModifier)
 void IncrementalClassifierEvent.setClassifier(Classifier c)

Constructors in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type Classifier
BatchClassifierEvent(java.lang.Object source, Classifier scheme, Instances tstI, int setNum, int maxSetNum)
          Creates a new BatchClassifierEvent instance.
IncrementalClassifierEvent(java.lang.Object source, Classifier scheme, Instance currentI, int status)
          Creates a new IncrementalClassifierEvent instance.

Uses of Classifier in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer

Fields in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer declared as Classifier
private  Classifier RemoteBoundaryVisualizerSubTask.m_classifier
protected  Classifier BoundaryPanel.m_classifier
private  Classifier BoundaryVisualizer.m_classifier

Methods in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer with parameters of type Classifier
 void RemoteBoundaryVisualizerSubTask.setClassifier(Classifier dc)
          Set the classifier to use
 void BoundaryPanel.setClassifier(Classifier classifier)
          Set the classifier to use.
 void BoundaryVisualizer.setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
          Set a classifier to use

Uses of Classifier in weka.gui.experiment

Methods in weka.gui.experiment with parameters of type Classifier
private  void AlgorithmListPanel.addNewAlgorithm(Classifier newScheme)
          Add a new algorithm to the list.

Uses of Classifier in weka.gui.explorer

Methods in weka.gui.explorer with parameters of type Classifier
private  void ClassifierPanel.processClassifierPrediction(Instance toPredict, Classifier classifier, Evaluation eval, FastVector predictions, Instances plotInstances, FastVector plotShape, FastVector plotSize)
          Process a classifier's prediction for an instance and update a set of plotting instances and additional plotting info. plotInfo for nominal class datasets holds shape types (actual data points have automatic shape type assignment; classifier error data points have box shape type).
protected  java.lang.String ClassifierPanel.predictionText(Classifier classifier, Instance inst, int instNum)
protected  void ClassifierPanel.saveClassifier(java.lang.String name, Classifier classifier, Instances trainHeader)
          Saves the currently selected classifier
protected  void ClassifierPanel.reevaluateModel(java.lang.String name, Classifier classifier, Instances trainHeader)
          Re-evaluates the named classifier with the current test set.