Package weka.classifiers.meta

Interface Summary
NestedDichotomy Marker-interface for nested dichotomies usable by END.

Class Summary
AdaBoostM1 Class for boosting a classifier using Freund & Schapire's Adaboost M1 method.
AdditiveRegression Meta classifier that enhances the performance of a regression base classifier.
AttributeSelectedClassifier Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been reduced through attribute selection.
Bagging Class for bagging a classifier.
ClassificationViaRegression Class for doing classification using regression methods.
CostSensitiveClassifier This metaclassifier makes its base classifier cost-sensitive.
CVParameterSelection Class for performing parameter selection by cross-validation for any classifier.
Decorate DECORATE is a meta-learner for building diverse ensembles of classifiers by using specially constructed artificial training examples.
END Class for creating a committee of random classifiers.
FilteredClassifier Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter.
Grading Implements Grading.
HND Class to create levelwise NDs with respect to a given hierarchy of classes.
LogitBoost Class for performing additive logistic regression..
MetaCost This metaclassifier makes its base classifier cost-sensitive using the method specified in Pedro Domingos (1999).
MultiBoostAB Class for boosting a classifier using the MultiBoosting method.
MultiClassClassifier Class for handling multi-class datasets with 2-class distribution classifiers.
MultiScheme Class for selecting a classifier from among several using cross validation on the training data or the performance on the training data.
OrdinalClassClassifier Meta classifier for transforming an ordinal class problem to a series of binary class problems.
RacedIncrementalLogitBoost Classifier for incremental learning of large datasets by way of racing logit-boosted committees.
RandomCommittee Class for creating a committee of random classifiers.
RegressionByDiscretization Class for a regression scheme that employs any distribution classifier on a copy of the data that has the class attribute (equal-width) discretized.
Stacking Implements stacking.
StackingC Implements StackingC (more efficient version of stacking).
ThresholdSelector Class for selecting a threshold on a probability output by a distribution classifier.
TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier Class that represents and builds a classifier tree.
Vote Class for combining classifiers using unweighted average of probability estimates (classification) or numeric predictions (regression).