Uses of Interface

Packages that use Drawable

Uses of Drawable in weka.classifiers.bayes

Classes in weka.classifiers.bayes that implement Drawable
 class BayesNet
          Base class for a Bayes Network classifier.
 class BayesNetB
          Class for a Bayes Network classifier based on a hill climbing algorithm for learning structure as described in Buntine, W. (1991).
 class BayesNetB2
          Class for a Bayes Network classifier based on Buntines hill climbing algorithm for learning structure, but augmented to allow arc reversal as an operation.
 class BayesNetK2
          Class for a Bayes Network classifier based on K2 for learning structure.

Uses of Drawable in weka.classifiers.meta

Classes in weka.classifiers.meta that implement Drawable
 class AttributeSelectedClassifier
          Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been reduced through attribute selection.
 class CostSensitiveClassifier
          This metaclassifier makes its base classifier cost-sensitive.
 class CVParameterSelection
          Class for performing parameter selection by cross-validation for any classifier.
 class FilteredClassifier
          Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter.
 class ThresholdSelector
          Class for selecting a threshold on a probability output by a distribution classifier.

Uses of Drawable in weka.classifiers.trees

Classes in weka.classifiers.trees that implement Drawable
 class ADTree
          Class for generating an alternating decision tree.
 class J48
          Class for generating an unpruned or a pruned C4.5 decision tree.
 class LMT
          Class for "logistic model tree" classifier.
 class M5P
 class REPTree
          Fast decision tree learner.
 class UserClassifier
          Class for generating an user defined decision tree.

Uses of Drawable in weka.classifiers.trees.j48

Classes in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 that implement Drawable
 class C45PruneableClassifierTree
          Class for handling a tree structure that can be pruned using C4.5 procedures.
 class ClassifierTree
          Class for handling a tree structure used for classification.
 class PruneableClassifierTree
          Class for handling a tree structure that can be pruned using a pruning set.

Uses of Drawable in weka.clusterers

Classes in weka.clusterers that implement Drawable
 class Cobweb
          Class implementing the Cobweb and Classit clustering algorithms.