Uses of Class

Packages that use Instances

Uses of Instances in weka.associations

Fields in weka.associations declared as Instances
protected  Instances Apriori.m_instances
          The instances (transactions) to be used for generating the association rules.
private  Instances Tertius.m_instances
          Instances used for the search.
private  Instances Tertius.m_parts
          Part instances for individual-based learning.

Methods in weka.associations that return Instances
private  Instances Apriori.removeMissingColumns(Instances instances)
          Removes columns that are all missing from the data

Methods in weka.associations with parameters of type Instances
private  Instances Apriori.removeMissingColumns(Instances instances)
          Removes columns that are all missing from the data
 void Apriori.buildAssociations(Instances instances)
          Method that generates all large itemsets with a minimum support, and from these all association rules with a minimum confidence.
private  void Apriori.findLargeItemSets(Instances instances)
          Method that finds all large itemsets for the given set of instances.
static FastVector ItemSet.singletons(Instances instances)
          Converts the header info of the given set of instances into a set of item sets (singletons).
 java.lang.String ItemSet.toString(Instances instances)
          Returns the contents of an item set as a string.
static void ItemSet.upDateCounters(FastVector itemSets, Instances instances)
          Updates counters for a set of item sets and a set of instances.
private  Predicate Tertius.buildPredicate(Instances instances, Attribute attr, boolean isClass)
          Build the predicate corresponding to an attribute.
 void Tertius.buildAssociations(Instances instances)
          Method that launches the search to find the rules with the highest confirmation.
abstract  void Associator.buildAssociations(Instances data)
          Generates an associator.

Uses of Instances in weka.associations.tertius

Subclasses of Instances in weka.associations.tertius
 class IndividualInstances

Fields in weka.associations.tertius declared as Instances
private  Instances IndividualInstance.m_parts

Methods in weka.associations.tertius that return Instances
 Instances IndividualInstance.getParts()

Methods in weka.associations.tertius with parameters of type Instances
 void LiteralSet.upDate(Instances instances)
          Update the number of counter-instances of this set in the dataset.
 void Rule.upDate(Instances instances)
          Update the number of counter-instances of this rule in the dataset.

Constructors in weka.associations.tertius with parameters of type Instances
LiteralSet(Instances instances)
          Constructor initializing the set of counter-instances to all the instances.
Rule(Instances instances, boolean repeatPredicate, int maxLiterals, boolean negBody, boolean negHead, boolean classRule, boolean horn)
          Constructor for a rule when the counter-instances are stored, giving all the constraints applied to this rule.
IndividualInstance(Instance individual, Instances parts)
IndividualInstances(Instances individuals, Instances parts)
Body(Instances instances)
          Constructor storing the counter-instances.
Head(Instances instances)
          Constructor storing the counter-instances.

Uses of Instances in weka.attributeSelection

Fields in weka.attributeSelection declared as Instances
private  Instances AttributeSelection.m_trainInstances
          the instances to select attributes from
private  Instances WrapperSubsetEval.m_trainInstances
          training instances
private  Instances GainRatioAttributeEval.m_trainInstances
          The training instances
private  Instances ConsistencySubsetEval.m_trainInstances
          training instances
private  Instances SymmetricalUncertAttributeEval.m_trainInstances
          The training instances
private  Instances OneRAttributeEval.m_trainInstances
          The training instances
private  Instances ForwardSelection.m_Instances
private  Instances RaceSearch.m_Instances
private  Instances ClassifierSubsetEval.m_trainingInstances
          training instances
private  Instances ClassifierSubsetEval.m_holdOutInstances
          the instances to test on
private  Instances PrincipalComponents.m_trainInstances
          The data to transform analyse/transform
private  Instances PrincipalComponents.m_trainCopy
          Keep a copy for the class attribute (if set)
private  Instances PrincipalComponents.m_transformedFormat
          The header for the transformed data format
private  Instances PrincipalComponents.m_originalSpaceFormat
          The header for data transformed back to the original space
private  Instances RankSearch.m_Instances
          the training instances
private  Instances ReliefFAttributeEval.m_trainInstances
          The training instances
private  Instances CfsSubsetEval.m_trainInstances
          The training instances

Methods in weka.attributeSelection that return Instances
 Instances AttributeSelection.reduceDimensionality(Instances in)
          reduce the dimensionality of a set of instances to include only those attributes chosen by the last run of attribute selection.
 Instances AttributeTransformer.transformedHeader()
          Returns just the header for the transformed data (ie. an empty set of instances.
 Instances AttributeTransformer.transformedData()
          Returns the transformed data
 Instances PrincipalComponents.transformedHeader()
          Returns just the header for the transformed data (ie. an empty set of instances.
 Instances PrincipalComponents.transformedData()
          Gets the transformed training data.
private  Instances PrincipalComponents.setOutputFormatOriginal()
          Set up the header for the PC->original space dataset
private  Instances PrincipalComponents.setOutputFormat()
          Set the format for the transformed data

Methods in weka.attributeSelection with parameters of type Instances
abstract  double HoldOutSubsetEvaluator.evaluateSubset(java.util.BitSet subset, Instances holdOut)
          Evaluates a subset of attributes with respect to a set of instances.
 void InfoGainAttributeEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes an information gain attribute evaluator.
 Instances AttributeSelection.reduceDimensionality(Instances in)
          reduce the dimensionality of a set of instances to include only those attributes chosen by the last run of attribute selection.
 void AttributeSelection.selectAttributesCVSplit(Instances split)
          Select attributes for a split of the data.
 void AttributeSelection.SelectAttributes(Instances data)
          Perform attribute selection on the supplied training instances.
static java.lang.String AttributeSelection.SelectAttributes(ASEvaluation ASEvaluator, java.lang.String[] options, Instances train)
          Perform attribute selection with a particular evaluator and a set of options specifying search method and options for the search method and evaluator.
 void WrapperSubsetEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Generates a attribute evaluator.
 void GainRatioAttributeEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes a gain ratio attribute evaluator.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Kind of a dummy search algorithm.
 void ConsistencySubsetEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Generates a attribute evaluator.
 java.lang.String ConsistencySubsetEval.hashKey.toString(Instances t, int maxColWidth)
          Convert a hash entry to a string
 void SymmetricalUncertAttributeEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes a symmetrical uncertainty attribute evaluator.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space by best first search
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space using an exhaustive search.
abstract  int[] ASEvaluator, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset/ranking space.
 void OneRAttributeEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes a OneRAttribute attribute evaluator.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space by forward selection.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space by racing cross validation errors of competing subsets
private  int[] RaceSearch.schemataRace(Instances data, java.util.Random random)
          Performs a schemata race---a series of races in parallel.
private  int[] RaceSearch.rankRace(Instances data, java.util.Random random)
          Performs a rank race---race consisting of no attributes, the top ranked attribute, the top two attributes etc.
private  int[] RaceSearch.hillclimbRace(Instances data, java.util.Random random)
          Performs a hill climbing race---all single attribute changes to a base subset are raced in parallel.
private  double[] RaceSearch.raceSubsets(char[][] raceSets, Instances data, boolean baseSetIncluded, java.util.Random random)
          Races the leave-one-out cross validation errors of a set of attribute subsets on a set of instances.
 void ClassifierSubsetEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Generates a attribute evaluator.
 double ClassifierSubsetEval.evaluateSubset(java.util.BitSet subset, Instances holdOut)
          Evaluates a subset of attributes with respect to a set of instances.
 void PrincipalComponents.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes principal components and performs the analysis
private  void PrincipalComponents.buildAttributeConstructor(Instances data)
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space using a genetic algorithm.
 void SVMAttributeEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes the evaluator.
private  int[] SVMAttributeEval.rankBySVM(int classInd, Instances data)
          Get SVM-ranked attribute indexes (best to worst) selected for the class attribute indexed by classInd (one-vs-all).
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Ranks attributes using the specified attribute evaluator and then searches the ranking using the supplied subset evaluator.
 void ReliefFAttributeEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes a ReliefF attribute evaluator.
abstract  void ASEvaluation.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Generates a attribute evaluator.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space randomly.
 void ChiSquaredAttributeEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Initializes a chi-squared attribute evaluator.
 void CfsSubsetEval.buildEvaluator(Instances data)
          Generates a attribute evaluator.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers

Methods in weka.classifiers that return Instances
protected  Instances CheckClassifier.makeTestDataset(int seed, int numInstances, int numNominal, int numNumeric, int numClasses, boolean numericClass)
          Make a simple set of instances, which can later be modified for use in specific tests.
 Instances CostMatrix.applyCostMatrix(Instances data, java.util.Random random)
          Applies the cost matrix to a set of instances.

Methods in weka.classifiers with parameters of type Instances
protected  boolean CheckClassifier.testWRTZeroR(Classifier classifier, Evaluation evaluation, Instances train, Instances test)
          Determine whether the scheme performs worse than ZeroR during testing
protected  void CheckClassifier.compareDatasets(Instances data1, Instances data2)
          Compare two datasets to see if they differ.
protected  void CheckClassifier.addMissing(Instances data, int level, boolean predictorMissing, boolean classMissing)
          Add missing values to a dataset.
 void IterativeClassifier.initClassifier(Instances instances)
          Inits an iterative classifier.
 Instances CostMatrix.applyCostMatrix(Instances data, java.util.Random random)
          Applies the cost matrix to a set of instances.
abstract  void Classifier.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Generates a classifier.
 void IteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Stump method for building the classifiers.
 void Evaluation.crossValidateModel(Classifier classifier, Instances data, int numFolds, java.util.Random random)
          Performs a (stratified if class is nominal) cross-validation for a classifier on a set of instances.
 void Evaluation.crossValidateModel(java.lang.String classifierString, Instances data, int numFolds, java.lang.String[] options, java.util.Random random)
          Performs a (stratified if class is nominal) cross-validation for a classifier on a set of instances.
 void Evaluation.evaluateModel(Classifier classifier, Instances data)
          Evaluates the classifier on a given set of instances.
 void Evaluation.setPriors(Instances train)
          Sets the class prior probabilities
protected static java.lang.String Evaluation.printClassifications(Classifier classifier, Instances train, java.lang.String testFileName, int classIndex, Range attributesToOutput)
          Prints the predictions for the given dataset into a String variable.

Constructors in weka.classifiers with parameters of type Instances
Evaluation(Instances data)
          Initializes all the counters for the evaluation.
Evaluation(Instances data, CostMatrix costMatrix)
          Initializes all the counters for the evaluation and also takes a cost matrix as parameter.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.bayes

Fields in weka.classifiers.bayes declared as Instances
private  Instances ComplementNaiveBayes.header
          The instances header that'll be used in toString
 Instances BayesNet.m_Instances
          The dataset header for the purposes of printing out a semi-intelligible model
private  Instances AODE.m_Instances
          The dataset
(package private)  Instances NaiveBayesMultinomial.headerInfo
protected  Instances NaiveBayes.m_Instances
          The dataset header for the purposes of printing out a semi-intelligible model
private  Instances NaiveBayesSimple.m_Instances
          The instances used for training.

Methods in weka.classifiers.bayes with parameters of type Instances
 void ParentSet.AddParent(int nParent, Instances _Instances)
          Add parent to parent set and update internals (specifically the cardinality of the parent set)
 void ParentSet.DeleteLastParent(Instances _Instances)
          Delete last added parent from parent set and update internals (specifically the cardinality of the parent set)
static VaryNode ADNode.MakeVaryNode(int iNode, FastVector nRecords, Instances instances)
          create sub tree
static ADNode ADNode.MakeADTree(int iNode, FastVector nRecords, Instances instances)
          create sub tree
static ADNode ADNode.MakeADTree(Instances instances)
          create AD tree from set of instances
 void ComplementNaiveBayes.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void BayesNet.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
private  double BayesNet.CalcNodeScoreADTree(int nNode, Instances instances)
          helper function for CalcNodeScore above using the ADTree data structure
private  double BayesNet.CalcNodeScore(int nNode, Instances instances)
protected  double BayesNet.CalcScoreOfCounts(int[] nCounts, int nCardinality, int numValues, Instances instances)
          utility function used by CalcScore and CalcNodeScore to determine the score based on observed frequencies.
protected  double BayesNet.CalcScoreOfCounts2(int[][] nCounts, int nCardinality, int numValues, Instances instances)
 void AODE.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void NaiveBayesMultinomial.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void NaiveBayes.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void NaiveBayesSimple.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.evaluation

Methods in weka.classifiers.evaluation that return Instances
 Instances ThresholdCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions)
          Calculates the performance stats for the default class and return results as a set of Instances.
 Instances ThresholdCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions, int classIndex)
          Calculates the performance stats for the desired class and return results as a set of Instances.
private  Instances ThresholdCurve.makeHeader()
 Instances CostCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions)
          Calculates the performance stats for the default class and return results as a set of Instances.
 Instances CostCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions, int classIndex)
          Calculates the performance stats for the desired class and return results as a set of Instances.
private  Instances CostCurve.makeHeader()
 Instances MarginCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions)
          Calculates the cumulative margin distribution for the set of predictions, returning the result as a set of Instances.
private  Instances MarginCurve.makeHeader()
          Creates an Instances object with the attributes we will be calculating.

Methods in weka.classifiers.evaluation with parameters of type Instances
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getCVPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances data, int numFolds)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a cross-validation on the supplied dataset.
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getTrainTestPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances train, Instances test)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a evaluation on a test set after training on the given training set.
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getTestPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances test)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a evaluation on a test set assuming the classifier is already trained.
static double ThresholdCurve.getNPointPrecision(Instances tcurve, int n)
          Calculates the n point precision result, which is the precision averaged over n evenly spaced (w.r.t recall) samples of the curve.
static double ThresholdCurve.getROCArea(Instances tcurve)
          Calculates the area under the ROC curve.
static int ThresholdCurve.getThresholdInstance(Instances tcurve, double threshold)
          Gets the index of the instance with the closest threshold value to the desired target

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.functions

Fields in weka.classifiers.functions declared as Instances
private  Instances MultilayerPerceptron.m_instances
          The training instances.
private  Instances SMOreg.m_data
          The training data.
private  Instances LeastMedSq.m_Data
private  Instances LeastMedSq.m_RLSData
private  Instances LeastMedSq.m_SubSample
private  Instances SMO.BinarySMO.m_data
          The training data.
private  Instances VotedPerceptron.m_Train
          The training instances
private  Instances Winnow.m_Train
          The training instances
private  Instances LinearRegression.m_TransformedData
          Variable for storing transformed training data.
(package private)  Instances PaceRegression.m_Model
          The model used

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions that return Instances
private  Instances MultilayerPerceptron.setClassType(Instances inst)
          This function sets what the m_numeric flag to represent the passed class it also performs the normalization of the attributes if applicable and sets up the info to normalize the class.

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions with parameters of type Instances
private  Instances MultilayerPerceptron.setClassType(Instances inst)
          This function sets what the m_numeric flag to represent the passed class it also performs the normalization of the attributes if applicable and sets up the info to normalize the class.
 void MultilayerPerceptron.buildClassifier(Instances i)
          Call this function to build and train a neural network for the training data provided.
 void SMOreg.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Method for building the classifier.
 void LeastMedSq.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Build lms regression
private  void LeastMedSq.cleanUpData(Instances data)
          Cleans up data
private  void LeastMedSq.selectSubSample(Instances data)
          Produces a random sample from m_Data in m_SubSample
private  java.lang.String LeastMedSq.selectIndices(Instances data)
          Returns a string suitable for passing to RemoveRange consisting of m_samplesize indices.
private  void SMO.BinarySMO.fitLogistic(Instances insts, int cl1, int cl2, int numFolds, java.util.Random random)
          Fits logistic regression model to SVM outputs analogue to John Platt's method.
private  void SMO.BinarySMO.buildClassifier(Instances insts, int cl1, int cl2, boolean fitLogistic, int numFolds, int randomSeed)
          Method for building the binary classifier.
 void Logistic.buildClassifier(Instances train)
          Builds the classifier
 void SimpleLogistic.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the logistic regression using LogitBoost.
 void VotedPerceptron.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Builds the ensemble of perceptrons.
 void Winnow.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Builds the classifier
 void SimpleLinearRegression.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Builds a simple linear regression model given the supplied training data.
 void LinearRegression.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds a regression model for the given data.
 void PaceRegression.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds a pace regression model for the given data.
 boolean PaceRegression.checkForMissing(Instances data)
          Checks if instances have a missing value.
 boolean PaceRegression.checkForMissing(Instance instance, Instances model)
          Checks if an instance has a missing value.
 boolean PaceRegression.checkForNonBinary(Instances data)
          Checks if any of the nominal attributes is non-binary.
private  double[][] PaceRegression.getTransformedDataMatrix(Instances data, int classIndex)
          Transforms dataset into a two-dimensional array.
 void SMO.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Method for building the classifier.
 void RBFNetwork.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds the classifier

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector

Fields in weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector declared as Instances
(package private)  Instances Kernel.m_data
          The dataset

Constructors in weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector with parameters of type Instances
NormalizedPolyKernel(Instances dataset, int cacheSize, double exponent, boolean lowerOrder)
          Creates a new NormalizedPolyKernel instance.
RBFKernel(Instances data, int cacheSize, double gamma)
PolyKernel(Instances dataset, int cacheSize, double exponent, boolean lowerOrder)
          Creates a new PolyKernel instance.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.lazy

Fields in weka.classifiers.lazy declared as Instances
protected  Instances LWL.m_Train
          The training instances used for classification.
private  Instances IB1.m_Train
          The training instances used for classification.
protected  Instances KStar.m_Train
          The training instances used for classification.
protected  Instances LBR.m_Instances
          The set of instances used for current training.
protected  Instances IBk.m_Train
          The training instances used for classification.

Methods in weka.classifiers.lazy with parameters of type Instances
 void LWL.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void IB1.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void KStar.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void LBR.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          For lazy learning, building classifier is only to prepare their inputs until classification time.
 void IBk.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar

Fields in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar declared as Instances
protected  Instances KStarNumericAttribute.m_TrainSet
          The training instances used for classification.
protected  Instances KStarNominalAttribute.m_TrainSet
          The training instances used for classification.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar with parameters of type Instances
KStarNumericAttribute(Instance test, Instance train, int attrIndex, Instances trainSet, int[][] randClassCols, KStarCache cache)
KStarNominalAttribute(Instance test, Instance train, int attrIndex, Instances trainSet, int[][] randClassCol, KStarCache cache)

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as Instances
protected  Instances LogitBoost.m_NumericClassData
          Dummy dataset with a numeric class
protected  Instances Stacking.m_MetaFormat
          Format for meta data
protected  Instances Stacking.m_BaseFormat
          Format for base data
protected  Instances AttributeSelectedClassifier.m_ReducedHeader
          The header of the dimensionally reduced data
protected  Instances FilteredClassifier.m_FilteredInstances
          The instance structure of the filtered instances
private  Instances MultiClassClassifier.m_TwoClassDataset
          A transformed dataset header used by the 1-against-1 method
protected  Instances RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.m_NumericClassData
          Dummy dataset with a numeric class
protected  Instances RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.m_validationSet
          The instances used for validation
protected  Instances RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.m_currentSet
          The instances currently in memory for training
(package private)  Instances TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.m_Data

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return Instances
protected  Instances LogitBoost.selectWeightQuantile(Instances data, double quantile)
          Select only instances with weights that contribute to the specified quantile of the weight distribution
protected  Instances Stacking.metaFormat(Instances instances)
          Makes the format for the level-1 data.
protected  Instances Grading.metaFormat(Instances instances)
          Makes the format for the level-1 data.
private  Instances AdditiveRegression.residualReplace(Instances data, Classifier c, boolean useShrinkage)
          Replace the class values of the instances from the current iteration with residuals ater predicting with the supplied classifier.
 Instances Bagging.resampleWithWeights(Instances data, java.util.Random random, boolean[] sampled)
          Creates a new dataset of the same size using random sampling with replacement according to the given weight vector.
protected  Instances Decorate.generateArtificialData(int artSize, Instances data)
          Generate artificial training examples.
protected  Instances AdaBoostM1.selectWeightQuantile(Instances data, double quantile)
          Select only instances with weights that contribute to the specified quantile of the weight distribution

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type Instances
protected  Instances LogitBoost.selectWeightQuantile(Instances data, double quantile)
          Select only instances with weights that contribute to the specified quantile of the weight distribution
 void LogitBoost.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the boosted classifier
private  void LogitBoost.performIteration(double[][] trainYs, double[][] trainFs, double[][] probs, Instances data, double origSumOfWeights)
          Performs one boosting iteration.
 void Stacking.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Buildclassifier selects a classifier from the set of classifiers by minimising error on the training data.
protected  void Stacking.generateMetaLevel(Instances newData, java.util.Random random)
          Generates the meta data
protected  Instances Stacking.metaFormat(Instances instances)
          Makes the format for the level-1 data.
private  void HND.buildLevelwiseClassifier(Instances data)
          Build levelwise NDs with respect to the specified hierarchy of classes.
 void HND.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the classifier for the given training data.
 void AttributeSelectedClassifier.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Build the classifier on the dimensionally reduced data.
 void Vote.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Buildclassifier selects a classifier from the set of classifiers by minimising error on the training data.
 void FilteredClassifier.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Build the classifier on the filtered data.
 void CostSensitiveClassifier.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the model of the base learner.
 void MultiScheme.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Buildclassifier selects a classifier from the set of classifiers by minimising error on the training data.
 void RandomCommittee.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the committee of randomizable classifiers.
protected  void CVParameterSelection.findParamsByCrossValidation(int depth, Instances trainData, java.util.Random random)
          Finds the best parameter combination.
 void CVParameterSelection.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void MultiClassClassifier.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Builds the classifiers.
protected  void Grading.generateMetaLevel(Instances newData, java.util.Random random)
          Generates the meta data
protected  Instances Grading.metaFormat(Instances instances)
          Makes the format for the level-1 data.
 void ND.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the classifier.
 void ND.buildClassifierForNode(ND.NDTree node, Instances data)
          Builds the classifier for one node.
protected  Classifier[] RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.Committee.boost(Instances data)
 void ClassificationViaRegression.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Builds the classifiers.
 void RegressionByDiscretization.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
protected  void StackingC.generateMetaLevel(Instances newData, java.util.Random random)
          Method that builds meta level.
 void MetaCost.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the model of the base learner.
 void AdditiveRegression.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Build the classifier on the supplied data
private  Instances AdditiveRegression.residualReplace(Instances data, Classifier c, boolean useShrinkage)
          Replace the class values of the instances from the current iteration with residuals ater predicting with the supplied classifier.
 void END.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the committee of randomizable classifiers.
 void RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the classifier.
 Instances Bagging.resampleWithWeights(Instances data, java.util.Random random, boolean[] sampled)
          Creates a new dataset of the same size using random sampling with replacement according to the given weight vector.
 void Bagging.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Bagging method.
 void OrdinalClassClassifier.buildClassifier(Instances insts)
          Builds the classifiers.
 void MultiBoostAB.buildClassifier(Instances training)
          Method for building this classifier.
protected  void MultiBoostAB.setWeights(Instances training, double reweight)
          Sets the weights for the next iteration.
 void Decorate.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Build Decorate classifier
protected  void Decorate.computeStats(Instances data)
          Compute and store statistics required for generating artificial data.
protected  Instances Decorate.generateArtificialData(int artSize, Instances data)
          Generate artificial training examples.
protected  void Decorate.labelData(Instances artData)
          Labels the artificially generated data.
protected  void Decorate.removeInstances(Instances data, int numRemove)
          Removes a specified number of instances from the given set of instances.
protected  void Decorate.addInstances(Instances data, Instances newData)
          Add new instances to the given set of instances.
protected  double Decorate.computeError(Instances data)
          Computes the error in classification on the given data.
protected  Instances AdaBoostM1.selectWeightQuantile(Instances data, double quantile)
          Select only instances with weights that contribute to the specified quantile of the weight distribution
 void AdaBoostM1.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Boosting method.
protected  void AdaBoostM1.buildClassifierUsingResampling(Instances data)
          Boosting method.
protected  void AdaBoostM1.setWeights(Instances training, double reweight)
          Sets the weights for the next iteration.
protected  void AdaBoostM1.buildClassifierWithWeights(Instances data)
          Boosting method.
private  void TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.generateClassifierForNode(Instances data, Range classes, java.util.Random rand, Classifier classifier, boolean random, boolean ordinal)
          Generates a classifier for the current node and proceeds recursively
 void TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds tree recursively
protected  FastVector ThresholdSelector.getPredictions(Instances instances, int mode, int numFolds)
          Collects the classifier predictions using the specified evaluation method.
 void ThresholdSelector.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
private  boolean ThresholdSelector.checkForInstance(Instances data)
          Checks whether instance of designated class is in subset.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type Instances
MultiClassClassifier.RandomCode(int numClasses, int numCodes, Instances data)

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.misc

Fields in weka.classifiers.misc declared as Instances
protected  Instances VFI.m_Instances
          The training data
protected  Instances HyperPipes.m_Instances
          The structure of the training data

Methods in weka.classifiers.misc with parameters of type Instances
 void VFI.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void FLR.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the FLR Classifier
 void FLR.setBounds(Instances data)
          Sets the metric space from the training set using the min-max stats, in case -B option is not used.
 void HyperPipes.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.misc with parameters of type Instances
HyperPipes.HyperPipe(Instances instances)
          Creates the HyperPipe as the n-dimensional parallel-piped with minimum volume containing all the points in pointSet.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.rules

Subclasses of Instances in weka.classifiers.rules
private  class NNge.Exemplar
          Implements Exemplar as used by NNge : parallel axis hyperrectangle.

Fields in weka.classifiers.rules declared as Instances
private  Instances NNge.m_Train
          An empty instances to keep the headers, the classIndex, etc...
private  Instances Prism.PrismRule.m_instances
          The instance
private  Instances RuleStats.m_Data
          The data on which the stats calculation is based
private  Instances DecisionTable.m_theInstances
          Holds the training instances

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules that return Instances
abstract  Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.Antd.splitData(Instances data, double defInfo)
private  Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.computeInfoGain(Instances instances, double defInfo, ConjunctiveRule.Antd antd)
          Compute the best information gain for the specified antecedent
 Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.NumericAntd.splitData(Instances insts, double defInfo)
          Implements the splitData function.
 Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.NominalAntd.splitData(Instances data, double defInfo)
          Implements the splitData function.
 Instances Prism.PrismRule.coveredBy(Instances data)
          Returns the set of instances that are covered by this rule.
 Instances Prism.PrismRule.notCoveredBy(Instances data)
          Returns the set of instances that are not covered by this rule.
 Instances RuleStats.getData()
          Get the data of the stats
 Instances[] RuleStats.getFiltered(int index)
          Get the data after filtering the given rule
private  Instances[] RuleStats.computeSimpleStats(int index, Instances insts, double[] stats, double[] dist)
          Find all the instances in the dataset covered/not covered by the rule in given index, and the correponding simple statistics and predicted class distributions are stored in the given double array, which can be obtained by getSimpleStats() and getDistributions().
static Instances RuleStats.rmCoveredBySuccessives(Instances data, FastVector rules, int index)
          Static utility function to count the data covered by the rules after the given index in the given rules, and then remove them.
static Instances RuleStats.stratify(Instances data, int folds, java.util.Random rand)
          Stratify the given data into the given number of bags based on the class values.
static Instances[] RuleStats.partition(Instances data, int numFolds)
          Patition the data into 2, first of which has (numFolds-1)/numFolds of the data and the second has 1/numFolds of the data
private  Instances JRip.RipperRule.computeInfoGain(Instances instances, double defAcRt, JRip.Antd antd)
          Compute the best information gain for the specified antecedent
 Instances[] Ridor.RidorRule.coveredByRule(Instances insts)
          Find all the instances in the dataset covered by this rule.
private  Instances Ridor.RidorRule.computeInfoGain(Instances instances, double defAcRt, Ridor.Antd antd)
          Compute the best information gain for the specified antecedent
abstract  Instances[] Ridor.Antd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cla)
 Instances[] Ridor.NumericAntd.splitData(Instances insts, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
protected  Instances JRip.rulesetForOneClass(double expFPRate, Instances data, double classIndex, double defDL)
          Build a ruleset for the given class according to the given data
abstract  Instances[] JRip.Antd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cla)
 Instances[] JRip.NumericAntd.splitData(Instances insts, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
 Instances[] JRip.NominalAntd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
 Instances[] Ridor.NominalAntd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
private  Instances Ridor.Ridor_node.append(Instances data1, Instances data2)
          Private function to combine two data
private  Instances[][] Ridor.Ridor_node.divide(Ridor.RidorRule rule, Instances[] dataByClass)
          Builds an array of data according to their true class label Each bag of data is filtered through the rule specified and is totally covered by this rule.

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type Instances
 void NNge.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Generates a classifier.
abstract  Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.Antd.splitData(Instances data, double defInfo)
 void ConjunctiveRule.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds a single rule learner with REP dealing with nominal classes or numeric classes.
private  void ConjunctiveRule.grow(Instances data)
          Build one rule using the growing data
private  Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.computeInfoGain(Instances instances, double defInfo, ConjunctiveRule.Antd antd)
          Compute the best information gain for the specified antecedent
private  void ConjunctiveRule.prune(Instances pruneData)
          Prune the rule using the pruning data.
private  double ConjunctiveRule.computeAccu(Instances data, int clas)
          Private function to compute number of accurate instances based on the specified predicted class
private  double ConjunctiveRule.meanSquaredError(Instances data, double mean)
          Private function to compute the squared error of the specified data and the specified mean
 Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.NumericAntd.splitData(Instances insts, double defInfo)
          Implements the splitData function.
 Instances[] ConjunctiveRule.NominalAntd.splitData(Instances data, double defInfo)
          Implements the splitData function.
 Instances Prism.PrismRule.coveredBy(Instances data)
          Returns the set of instances that are covered by this rule.
 Instances Prism.PrismRule.notCoveredBy(Instances data)
          Returns the set of instances that are not covered by this rule.
 void RuleStats.setData(Instances data)
          Set the data of the stats, overwriting the old one if any
static double RuleStats.numAllConditions(Instances data)
          Compute the number of all possible conditions that could appear in a rule of a given data.
 void RuleStats.countData(int index, Instances uncovered, double[][] prevRuleStats)
          Count data from the position index in the ruleset assuming that given data are not covered by the rules in position 0...
private  Instances[] RuleStats.computeSimpleStats(int index, Instances insts, double[] stats, double[] dist)
          Find all the instances in the dataset covered/not covered by the rule in given index, and the correponding simple statistics and predicted class distributions are stored in the given double array, which can be obtained by getSimpleStats() and getDistributions().
static Instances RuleStats.rmCoveredBySuccessives(Instances data, FastVector rules, int index)
          Static utility function to count the data covered by the rules after the given index in the given rules, and then remove them.
static Instances RuleStats.stratify(Instances data, int folds, java.util.Random rand)
          Stratify the given data into the given number of bags based on the class values.
static Instances[] RuleStats.partition(Instances data, int numFolds)
          Patition the data into 2, first of which has (numFolds-1)/numFolds of the data and the second has 1/numFolds of the data
private  double JRip.RipperRule.computeDefAccu(Instances data)
          Private function to compute default number of accurate instances in the specified data for the consequent of the rule
 void JRip.RipperRule.grow(Instances data)
          Build one rule using the growing data
private  Instances JRip.RipperRule.computeInfoGain(Instances instances, double defAcRt, JRip.Antd antd)
          Compute the best information gain for the specified antecedent
 void JRip.RipperRule.prune(Instances pruneData, boolean useWhole)
          Prune all the possible final sequences of the rule using the pruning data.
 void OneR.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 OneR.OneRRule OneR.newRule(Attribute attr, Instances data)
          Create a rule branching on this attribute.
 OneR.OneRRule OneR.newNominalRule(Attribute attr, Instances data, int[] missingValueCounts)
          Create a rule branching on this nominal attribute.
 OneR.OneRRule OneR.newNumericRule(Attribute attr, Instances data, int[] missingValueCounts)
          Create a rule branching on this numeric attribute
abstract  void Rule.grow(Instances data)
          Build this rule
 void Prism.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Generates the classifier.
private static boolean Prism.contains(Instances E, int C)
          Does E contain any examples in the class C?
 void ZeroR.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void Ridor.RidorRule.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds a single rule learner with REP dealing with 2 classes.
 Instances[] Ridor.RidorRule.coveredByRule(Instances insts)
          Find all the instances in the dataset covered by this rule.
private  void Ridor.RidorRule.grow(Instances data)
          Build one rule using the growing data
private  Instances Ridor.RidorRule.computeInfoGain(Instances instances, double defAcRt, Ridor.Antd antd)
          Compute the best information gain for the specified antecedent
private  void Ridor.RidorRule.prune(Instances pruneData)
          Prune the rule using the pruning data and update the worth parameters for this rule The accuracy rate is used to prune the rule.
private  double Ridor.RidorRule.computeDefAccu(Instances data)
          Private function to compute default number of accurate instances in the specified data for m_Class
abstract  Instances[] Ridor.Antd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cla)
 Instances[] Ridor.NumericAntd.splitData(Instances insts, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
 void JRip.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds Ripper in the order of class frequencies.
protected  Instances JRip.rulesetForOneClass(double expFPRate, Instances data, double classIndex, double defDL)
          Build a ruleset for the given class according to the given data
abstract  Instances[] JRip.Antd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cla)
 Instances[] JRip.NumericAntd.splitData(Instances insts, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
 Instances[] JRip.NominalAntd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
 java.lang.String DecisionTable.hashKey.toString(Instances t, int maxColWidth)
          Convert a hash entry to a string
 Instances[] Ridor.NominalAntd.splitData(Instances data, double defAcRt, double cl)
          Implements the splitData function.
(package private)  double DecisionTable.classifyFoldCV(Instances fold, int[] fs)
          Calculates the accuracy on a test fold for internal cross validation of feature sets
 void DecisionTable.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Generates the classifier.
 void PART.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void Ridor.Ridor_node.findRules(Instances[] dataByClass, int lvl)
          Builds a ripple-down manner rule learner.
private  double Ridor.Ridor_node.buildRuleset(Instances insts, double classCount, java.util.Vector ruleset)
          Private function to build a rule set and return the weighted avg of accuracy rate of rules in the set.
private  Instances Ridor.Ridor_node.append(Instances data1, Instances data2)
          Private function to combine two data
private  Instances[][] Ridor.Ridor_node.divide(Ridor.RidorRule rule, Instances[] dataByClass)
          Builds an array of data according to their true class label Each bag of data is filtered through the rule specified and is totally covered by this rule.
 void Ridor.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds a ripple-down manner rule learner.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type Instances
NNge.Exemplar(NNge nnge, Instances inst, int size, double classV)
          Build a new empty Exemplar
Prism.PrismRule(Instances data, int cl)
          Constructor that takes instances and the classification.
OneR.OneRRule(Instances data, Attribute attribute)
          Constructor for nominal attribute.
OneR.OneRRule(Instances data, Attribute attribute, int nBreaks)
          Constructor for numeric attribute.
RuleStats(Instances data, FastVector rules)
          Constructor that provides ruleset and data

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.rules.part

Fields in weka.classifiers.rules.part declared as Instances
protected  Instances ClassifierDecList.m_train
          The training instances.

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules.part with parameters of type Instances
 void C45PruneableDecList.buildDecList(Instances data, boolean leaf)
          Builds the partial tree without hold out set.
protected  ClassifierDecList C45PruneableDecList.getNewDecList(Instances data, boolean leaf)
          Returns a newly created tree.
 void MakeDecList.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds dec list.
 void PruneableDecList.buildRule(Instances train, Instances test)
          Method for building a pruned partial tree.
 void PruneableDecList.buildDecList(Instances train, Instances test, boolean leaf)
          Builds the partial tree with hold out set
protected  ClassifierDecList PruneableDecList.getNewDecList(Instances train, Instances test, boolean leaf)
          Returns a newly created tree.
 void ClassifierDecList.buildRule(Instances data)
          Method for building a pruned partial tree.
 void ClassifierDecList.buildDecList(Instances data, boolean leaf)
          Builds the partial tree without hold out set.
 void ClassifierDecList.cleanup(Instances justHeaderInfo)
          Cleanup in order to save memory.
protected  ClassifierDecList ClassifierDecList.getNewDecList(Instances train, boolean leaf)
          Returns a newly created tree.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.trees

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees declared as Instances
protected  Instances REPTree.Tree.m_Info
          The header information (for printing the tree).
protected  Instances ADTree.m_trainInstances
          The instances used to train the tree
protected  Instances ADTree.m_search_bestPathPosInstances
          The positive instances that apply to the best path found so far
protected  Instances ADTree.m_search_bestPathNegInstances
          The negative instances that apply to the best path found so far
protected  Instances RandomTree.m_Info
          The header information.
 Instances UserClassifier.TreeClass.m_training
private  Instances DecisionStump.m_Instances
          The instances used for training.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees that return Instances
private  Instances[] Id3.splitData(Instances data, Attribute att)
          Splits a dataset according to the values of a nominal attribute.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type Instances
 void LMT.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the classifier.
 void REPTree.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds classifier.
protected  void REPTree.Tree.buildTree(int[][] sortedIndices, double[][] weights, Instances data, double totalWeight, double[] classProbs, Instances header, double minNum, double minVariance, int depth, int maxDepth)
          Recursively generates a tree.
protected  void REPTree.Tree.splitData(int[][][] subsetIndices, double[][][] subsetWeights, int att, double splitPoint, int[][] sortedIndices, double[][] weights, Instances data)
          Splits instances into subsets.
protected  double REPTree.Tree.distribution(double[][] props, double[][][] dists, int att, int[] sortedIndices, double[] weights, double[][] subsetWeights, Instances data)
          Computes class distribution for an attribute.
protected  double REPTree.Tree.numericDistribution(double[][] props, double[][][] dists, int att, int[] sortedIndices, double[] weights, double[][] subsetWeights, Instances data, double[] vals)
          Computes class distribution for an attribute.
protected  void REPTree.Tree.insertHoldOutSet(Instances data)
          Inserts hold-out set into tree.
protected  void REPTree.Tree.backfitHoldOutSet(Instances data)
          Inserts hold-out set into tree.
 void ADTree.initClassifier(Instances instances)
          Sets up the tree ready to be trained, using two-class optimized method.
private  void ADTree.searchForBestTestSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Recursive function that carries out search for the best test (splitter) to add to this part of the tree, by aiming to minimize the Z value.
private  void ADTree.goDownAllPathsSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating every node in the subtree under currentNode.
private  void ADTree.goDownHeaviestPathSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating only the path with the most heavily weighted instances.
private  void ADTree.goDownZpurePathSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating only the path with the best Z-pure value at each branch.
private  void ADTree.goDownRandomPathSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating a random path.
private  void ADTree.evaluateNominalSplitSingle(int attIndex, PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Investigates the option of introducing a nominal split under currentNode.
private  void ADTree.evaluateNumericSplitSingle(int attIndex, PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances, Instances allInstances)
          Investigates the option of introducing a two-way numeric split under currentNode.
private  double ADTree.calcPredictionValue(Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Calculates the prediction value used for a particular set of instances.
private  double ADTree.calcZpure(Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Calculates the Z-pure value for a particular set of instances.
private  void ADTree.updateWeights(Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances, double predictionValue)
          Updates the weights of instances that are influenced by a new prediction value.
private  double[] ADTree.findLowestZNominalSplit(Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances, int attIndex)
          Finds the nominal attribute value to split on that results in the lowest Z-value.
private  double[] ADTree.attributeValueWeights(Instances instances, int attIndex)
          Simultanously sum the weights of all attribute values for all instances.
private  double[] ADTree.findLowestZNumericSplit(Instances instances, int attIndex)
          Finds the numeric split-point that results in the lowest Z-value.
protected  void ADTree.graphTraverse(PredictionNode currentNode, java.lang.StringBuffer text, int splitOrder, int predOrder, Instances instances)
          Traverses the tree, graphing each node.
 void ADTree.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds a classifier for a set of instances.
 void RandomForest.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds a classifier for a set of instances.
 void J48.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.
 void RandomTree.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds classifier.
protected  void RandomTree.buildTree(int[][] sortedIndices, double[][] weights, Instances data, double[] classProbs, Instances header, double minNum, boolean debug, int[] attIndicesWindow, java.util.Random random)
          Recursively generates a tree.
protected  void RandomTree.splitData(int[][][] subsetIndices, double[][][] subsetWeights, int att, double splitPoint, int[][] sortedIndices, double[][] weights, double[][] dist, Instances data)
          Splits instances into subsets.
protected  double RandomTree.distribution(double[][] props, double[][][] dists, int att, int[] sortedIndices, double[] weights, Instances data)
          Computes class distribution for an attribute.
 void Id3.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds Id3 decision tree classifier.
private  void Id3.makeTree(Instances data)
          Method building Id3 tree.
private  double Id3.computeInfoGain(Instances data, Attribute att)
          Computes information gain for an attribute.
private  double Id3.computeEntropy(Instances data)
          Computes the entropy of a dataset.
private  Instances[] Id3.splitData(Instances data, Attribute att)
          Splits a dataset according to the values of a nominal attribute.
 void UserClassifier.buildClassifier(Instances i)
          Call this function to build a decision tree for the training data provided.
 void DecisionStump.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Generates the classifier.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type Instances
UserClassifier.TreeClass(FastVector r, int a1, int a2, int id, double w, Instances i, UserClassifier.TreeClass p)
          Constructs a TreeClass node with all the important information.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree

Subclasses of Instances in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree
 class ReferenceInstances
          Simple class that extends the Instances class making it possible to create subsets of instances that reference their source set.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree with parameters of type Instances
abstract  ReferenceInstances Splitter.instancesDownBranch(int branch, Instances sourceInstances)
          Gets the subset of instances that apply to a particluar branch of the split.
abstract  java.lang.String Splitter.attributeString(Instances dataset)
          Gets the string describing the attributes the split depends on.
abstract  java.lang.String Splitter.comparisonString(int branchNum, Instances dataset)
          Gets the string describing the comparision the split depends on for a particular branch. i.e. the right hand side of the description of the split.
 ReferenceInstances TwoWayNominalSplit.instancesDownBranch(int branch, Instances instances)
          Gets the subset of instances that apply to a particluar branch of the split.
 java.lang.String TwoWayNominalSplit.attributeString(Instances dataset)
          Gets the string describing the attributes the split depends on.
 java.lang.String TwoWayNominalSplit.comparisonString(int branchNum, Instances dataset)
          Gets the string describing the comparision the split depends on for a particular branch. i.e. the right hand side of the description of the split.
 ReferenceInstances TwoWayNumericSplit.instancesDownBranch(int branch, Instances instances)
          Gets the subset of instances that apply to a particluar branch of the split.
 java.lang.String TwoWayNumericSplit.attributeString(Instances dataset)
          Gets the string describing the attributes the split depends on.
 java.lang.String TwoWayNumericSplit.comparisonString(int branchNum, Instances dataset)
          Gets the string describing the comparision the split depends on for a particular branch. i.e. the right hand side of the description of the split.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree with parameters of type Instances
ReferenceInstances(Instances dataset, int capacity)
          Creates an empty set of instances.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.trees.j48

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 declared as Instances
private  Instances C45ModelSelection.m_allData
          All the training data
protected  Instances ClassifierTree.m_train
          The training instances.
private  Instances BinC45ModelSelection.m_allData
          The FULL training dataset.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 that return Instances
 Instances[] ClassifierSplitModel.split(Instances data)
          Splits the given set of instances into subsets.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 with parameters of type Instances
 ClassifierSplitModel C45ModelSelection.selectModel(Instances data)
          Selects C4.5-type split for the given dataset.
 ClassifierSplitModel C45ModelSelection.selectModel(Instances train, Instances test)
          Selects C4.5-type split for the given dataset.
abstract  void ClassifierSplitModel.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds the classifier split model for the given set of instances.
abstract  java.lang.String ClassifierSplitModel.leftSide(Instances data)
          Prints left side of condition satisfied by instances.
abstract  java.lang.String ClassifierSplitModel.rightSide(int index, Instances data)
          Prints left side of condition satisfied by instances in subset index.
 java.lang.String ClassifierSplitModel.dumpLabel(int index, Instances data)
          Prints label for subset index of instances (eg class).
 java.lang.String ClassifierSplitModel.sourceClass(int index, Instances data)
abstract  java.lang.String ClassifierSplitModel.sourceExpression(int index, Instances data)
 java.lang.String ClassifierSplitModel.dumpModel(Instances data)
          Prints the split model.
 void ClassifierSplitModel.resetDistribution(Instances data)
          Sets distribution associated with model.
 Instances[] ClassifierSplitModel.split(Instances data)
          Splits the given set of instances into subsets.
 void C45PruneableClassifierTree.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Method for building a pruneable classifier tree.
protected  ClassifierTree C45PruneableClassifierTree.getNewTree(Instances data)
          Returns a newly created tree.
private  double C45PruneableClassifierTree.getEstimatedErrorsForBranch(Instances data)
          Computes estimated errors for one branch.
private  void C45PruneableClassifierTree.newDistribution(Instances data)
          Computes new distributions of instances for nodes in tree.
 void C45Split.buildClassifier(Instances trainInstances)
          Creates a C4.5-type split on the given data.
private  void C45Split.handleEnumeratedAttribute(Instances trainInstances)
          Creates split on enumerated attribute.
private  void C45Split.handleNumericAttribute(Instances trainInstances)
          Creates split on numeric attribute.
 java.lang.String C45Split.leftSide(Instances data)
          Prints left side of condition..
 java.lang.String C45Split.rightSide(int index, Instances data)
          Prints the condition satisfied by instances in a subset.
 java.lang.String C45Split.sourceExpression(int index, Instances data)
          Returns a string containing java source code equivalent to the test made at this node.
 void C45Split.setSplitPoint(Instances allInstances)
          Sets split point to greatest value in given data smaller or equal to old split point.
 double[][] C45Split.minsAndMaxs(Instances data, double[][] minsAndMaxs, int index)
          Returns the minsAndMaxs of the subset.
 void C45Split.resetDistribution(Instances data)
          Sets distribution associated with model.
 void BinC45Split.buildClassifier(Instances trainInstances)
          Creates a C4.5-type split on the given data.
private  void BinC45Split.handleEnumeratedAttribute(Instances trainInstances)
          Creates split on enumerated attribute.
private  void BinC45Split.handleNumericAttribute(Instances trainInstances)
          Creates split on numeric attribute.
 java.lang.String BinC45Split.leftSide(Instances data)
          Prints left side of condition..
 java.lang.String BinC45Split.rightSide(int index, Instances data)
          Prints the condition satisfied by instances in a subset.
 java.lang.String BinC45Split.sourceExpression(int index, Instances data)
          Returns a string containing java source code equivalent to the test made at this node.
 void BinC45Split.setSplitPoint(Instances allInstances)
          Sets split point to greatest value in given data smaller or equal to old split point.
 void BinC45Split.resetDistribution(Instances data)
          Sets distribution associated with model.
abstract  ClassifierSplitModel ModelSelection.selectModel(Instances data)
          Selects a model for the given dataset.
 ClassifierSplitModel ModelSelection.selectModel(Instances train, Instances test)
          Selects a model for the given train data using the given test data
 void ClassifierTree.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Method for building a classifier tree.
 void ClassifierTree.buildTree(Instances data, boolean keepData)
          Builds the tree structure.
 void ClassifierTree.buildTree(Instances train, Instances test, boolean keepData)
          Builds the tree structure with hold out set
 void ClassifierTree.cleanup(Instances justHeaderInfo)
          Cleanup in order to save memory.
protected  ClassifierTree ClassifierTree.getNewTree(Instances data)
          Returns a newly created tree.
protected  ClassifierTree ClassifierTree.getNewTree(Instances train, Instances test)
          Returns a newly created tree.
 void Distribution.addInstWithUnknown(Instances source, int attIndex)
          Adds all instances with unknown values for given attribute, weighted according to frequency of instances in each bag.
 void Distribution.addRange(int bagIndex, Instances source, int startIndex, int lastPlusOne)
          Adds all instances in given range to given bag.
 void Distribution.delRange(int bagIndex, Instances source, int startIndex, int lastPlusOne)
          Deletes all instances in given range from given bag.
 void Distribution.shiftRange(int from, int to, Instances source, int startIndex, int lastPlusOne)
          Shifts all instances in given range from one bag to another one.
 void NoSplit.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Creates a "no-split"-split for a given set of instances.
 java.lang.String NoSplit.leftSide(Instances instances)
          Does nothing because no condition has to be satisfied.
 java.lang.String NoSplit.rightSide(int index, Instances instances)
          Does nothing because no condition has to be satisfied.
 java.lang.String NoSplit.sourceExpression(int index, Instances data)
          Returns a string containing java source code equivalent to the test made at this node.
 ClassifierSplitModel BinC45ModelSelection.selectModel(Instances data)
          Selects C4.5-type split for the given dataset.
 ClassifierSplitModel BinC45ModelSelection.selectModel(Instances train, Instances test)
          Selects C4.5-type split for the given dataset.
 void PruneableClassifierTree.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Method for building a pruneable classifier tree.
protected  ClassifierTree PruneableClassifierTree.getNewTree(Instances train, Instances test)
          Returns a newly created tree.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 with parameters of type Instances
C45ModelSelection(int minNoObj, Instances allData)
          Initializes the split selection method with the given parameters.
Distribution(Instances source)
          Creates a distribution with only one bag according to instances in source.
Distribution(Instances source, ClassifierSplitModel modelToUse)
          Creates a distribution according to given instances and split model.
BinC45ModelSelection(int minNoObj, Instances allData)
          Initializes the split selection method with the given parameters.

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt declared as Instances
protected  Instances LogisticBase.m_numericDataHeader
          Header-only version of the numeric version of the training data
protected  Instances LogisticBase.m_numericData
          Numeric version of the training data.
protected  Instances LogisticBase.m_train
          Training data
protected  Instances ResidualSplit.m_data
          The set of instances

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt that return Instances
protected  Instances LMTNode.getNumericData(Instances train)
          Returns a numeric version of a set of instances.
protected  Instances LogisticBase.getNumericData(Instances data)
          Converts training data to numeric version.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt with parameters of type Instances
 ClassifierSplitModel ResidualModelSelection.selectModel(Instances data, double[][] dataZs, double[][] dataWs)
          Selects split based on residuals for the given dataset.
 ClassifierSplitModel ResidualModelSelection.selectModel(Instances train)
          Method not in use
 ClassifierSplitModel ResidualModelSelection.selectModel(Instances train, Instances test)
          Method not in use
 void LMTNode.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Method for building a logistic model tree (only called for the root node).
 void LMTNode.buildTree(Instances data, SimpleLinearRegression[][] higherRegressions, double totalInstanceWeight)
          Method for building the tree structure.
 int LMTNode.prune(double[] alphas, double[] errors, Instances test)
          Method for performing one fold in the cross-validation of the cost-complexity parameter.
protected  int LMTNode.tryLogistic(Instances data)
          Determines the optimum number of LogitBoost iterations to perform by building a standalone logistic regression function on the training data.
protected  Instances LMTNode.getNumericData(Instances train)
          Returns a numeric version of a set of instances.
 void LogisticBase.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Builds the logistic regression model usiing LogitBoost.
protected  int LogisticBase.performBoosting(Instances train, Instances test, double[] error, int maxIterations)
          Runs LogitBoost on a training set and monitors the error on a test set.
protected  double LogisticBase.getErrorRate(Instances data)
          Returns the misclassification error of the current model on a set of instances.
protected  double LogisticBase.getMeanAbsoluteError(Instances data)
          Returns the error of the probability estimates for the current model on a set of instances.
protected  boolean LogisticBase.performIteration(int iteration, double[][] trainYs, double[][] trainFs, double[][] probs, Instances trainNumeric)
          Performs a single iteration of LogitBoost, and updates the model accordingly.
protected  Instances LogisticBase.getNumericData(Instances data)
          Converts training data to numeric version.
protected  double[][] LogisticBase.getYs(Instances data)
          Computes the Y-values (actual class probabilities) for a set of instances.
protected  double[][] LogisticBase.getFs(Instances data)
          Computes the F-values for a set of instances.
 void ResidualSplit.buildClassifier(Instances data, double[][] dataZs, double[][] dataWs)
          Builds the split.
 java.lang.String ResidualSplit.leftSide(Instances data)
          Returns name of splitting attribute (left side of condition).
 java.lang.String ResidualSplit.rightSide(int index, Instances data)
          Prints the condition satisfied by instances in a subset.
 void ResidualSplit.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Method not in use
 java.lang.String ResidualSplit.sourceExpression(int index, Instances data)
          Method not in use

Uses of Instances in weka.classifiers.trees.m5

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 declared as Instances
private  Instances RuleNode.m_instances
          instances reaching this node
private  Instances PreConstructedLinearModel.m_instancesHeader
private  Instances Rule.m_instances
          the instances covered by this rule
private  Instances Rule.m_covered
          the instances covered by this rule
private  Instances Rule.m_notCovered
          the instances not covered by this rule
private  Instances M5Base.m_instances
          the instances covered by the tree/rules

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 that return Instances
 Instances Rule.notCoveredInstances()
          Get the instances not covered by this rule

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 with parameters of type Instances
 void RuleNode.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Build this node (find an attribute and split point)
 void PreConstructedLinearModel.buildClassifier(Instances instances)
          Builds the classifier.
 void SplitEvaluate.attrSplit(int attr, Instances inst)
          Finds the best splitting point for an attribute in the instances
 java.lang.String YongSplitInfo.toString(Instances inst)
          Converts the spliting information to string
 void YongSplitInfo.attrSplit(int attr, Instances inst)
          Finds the best splitting point for an attribute in the instances
 void Rule.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Generates a single rule or m5 model tree.
protected static double Rule.stdDev(int attr, Instances inst)
          Returns the standard deviation value of the supplied attribute index.
protected static double Rule.absDev(int attr, Instances inst)
          Returns the absolute deviation value of the supplied attribute index.
 void M5Base.buildClassifier(Instances data)
          Generates the classifier.
 void CorrelationSplitInfo.attrSplit(int attr, Instances inst)
          Finds the best splitting point for an attribute in the instances

Constructors in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 with parameters of type Instances
Values(int low, int high, int attribute, Instances inst)
          Constructs an object which stores some statistics of the instances such as sum, squared sum, variance, standard deviation
Impurity(int partition, int attribute, Instances inst, int k)
          Constructs an Impurity object containing the impurity values of partitioning the instances using an attribute

Uses of Instances in weka.clusterers

Fields in weka.clusterers declared as Instances
private  Instances MakeDensityBasedClusterer.m_theInstances
          holds training instances header information
protected  Instances FarthestFirst.m_instances
          training instances, not necessary to keep, could be replaced by m_ClusterCentroids where needed for header info
protected  Instances FarthestFirst.m_ClusterCentroids
          holds the cluster centroids
private  Instances EM.m_theInstances
          training instances
private  Instances ClusterEvaluation.m_trainInstances
          the instances to cluster
protected  Instances Cobweb.CNode.m_clusterInstances
          Instances at this node
private  Instances SimpleKMeans.m_ClusterCentroids
          holds the cluster centroids
private  Instances SimpleKMeans.m_ClusterStdDevs
          Holds the standard deviations of attributes in each cluster

Methods in weka.clusterers with parameters of type Instances
 void MakeDensityBasedClusterer.buildClusterer(Instances data)
          Builds a clusterer for a set of instances.
 void FarthestFirst.buildClusterer(Instances data)
          Generates a clusterer.
protected  void FarthestFirst.updateMinDistance(double[] minDistance, boolean[] selected, Instances data, Instance center)
protected  void FarthestFirst.initMinMax(Instances data)
private  void EM.EM_Init(Instances inst)
          Initialise estimators and storage.
private  void EM.estimate_priors(Instances inst)
          calculate prior probabilites for the clusters
private  void EM.M(Instances inst)
          The M step of the EM algorithm.
private  double EM.E(Instances inst, boolean change_weights)
          The E step of the EM algorithm.
private  void EM.EM_Report(Instances inst)
          verbose output for debugging
 void EM.buildClusterer(Instances data)
          Generates a clusterer.
private  double EM.iterate(Instances inst, boolean report)
          iterates the E and M steps until the log likelihood of the data converges.
 void ClusterEvaluation.evaluateClusterer(Instances test)
          Evaluate the clusterer on a set of instances.
private  void ClusterEvaluation.evaluateClustersWithRespectToClass(Instances inst)
          Evaluates cluster assignments with respect to actual class labels.
private  java.lang.String ClusterEvaluation.toMatrixString(int[][] counts, int[] clusterTotals, Instances inst)
          Returns a "confusion" style matrix of classes to clusters assignments
static java.lang.String ClusterEvaluation.crossValidateModel(java.lang.String clustererString, Instances data, int numFolds, java.lang.String[] options, java.util.Random random)
          Performs a cross-validation for a distribution clusterer on a set of instances.
private static java.lang.String ClusterEvaluation.printClusterings(Clusterer clusterer, Instances train, java.lang.String testFileName, Range attributesToOutput)
          Print the cluster assignments for either the training or the testing data.
 void Cobweb.buildClusterer(Instances data)
          Builds the clusterer.
 void SimpleKMeans.buildClusterer(Instances data)
          Generates a clusterer.
abstract  void Clusterer.buildClusterer(Instances data)
          Generates a clusterer.

Uses of Instances in weka.core

Subclasses of Instances in weka.core
 class ClassRemoveableInstances

Fields in weka.core declared as Instances
protected  Instances Instance.m_Dataset
          The dataset the instance has access to.

Methods in weka.core that return Instances
 Instances ClassHierarchy.selectCoveredClasses(Instances data)
          Returns the part of data covered by this hierarchy.
 Instances ClassHierarchy.mergeClasses(Instances instances)
          Returns a new Instances with classes merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this hierarchy.
 Instances Instance.dataset()
          Returns the dataset this instance has access to.
 Instances ClassTree.selectCoveredClasses(Instances data)
          Returns the part of data covered by this hierarchy.
 Instances[] ClassTree.splitForSuperClasses(Instances data)
          Returns an array of Instances by splitting the given Instances with respect to the current superclasses.
 Instances ClassTree.mergeClasses(Instances instances)
          Returns a new Instances with classes merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this ClassTree.
 Instances Instances.stringFreeStructure()
          Create a copy of the structure, but "cleanse" string types (i.e.
 Instances Instances.resample(java.util.Random random)
          Creates a new dataset of the same size using random sampling with replacement.
 Instances Instances.resampleWithWeights(java.util.Random random)
          Creates a new dataset of the same size using random sampling with replacement according to the current instance weights.
 Instances Instances.resampleWithWeights(java.util.Random random, double[] weights)
          Creates a new dataset of the same size using random sampling with replacement according to the given weight vector.
 Instances Instances.testCV(int numFolds, int numFold)
          Creates the test set for one fold of a cross-validation on the dataset.
 Instances Instances.trainCV(int numFolds, int numFold)
          Creates the training set for one fold of a cross-validation on the dataset.
 Instances Instances.trainCV(int numFolds, int numFold, java.util.Random random)
          Creates the training set for one fold of a cross-validation on the dataset.
static Instances Instances.mergeInstances(Instances first, Instances second)
          Merges two sets of Instances together.

Methods in weka.core with parameters of type Instances
 java.util.Map ClassHierarchy.getChildren(Instances instanceInfo)
          Returns the childrenHierarchies as Map.
 Instances ClassHierarchy.selectCoveredClasses(Instances data)
          Returns the part of data covered by this hierarchy.
 Instances ClassHierarchy.mergeClasses(Instances instances)
          Returns a new Instances with classes merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this hierarchy.
 void Instance.setDataset(Instances instances)
          Sets the reference to the dataset.
 java.util.Map ClassTree.getChildren(Instances instanceInfo)
          Returns the childrenHierarchies as Map.
 Instances ClassTree.selectCoveredClasses(Instances data)
          Returns the part of data covered by this hierarchy.
private  java.lang.String ClassTree.createKey(Instances instanceInfo)
          Provides a String as unique key for a ClassTree with respect to the given Instances.
 Instances[] ClassTree.splitForSuperClasses(Instances data)
          Returns an array of Instances by splitting the given Instances with respect to the current superclasses.
 Instances ClassTree.mergeClasses(Instances instances)
          Returns a new Instances with classes merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this ClassTree.
 boolean Instances.equalHeaders(Instances dataset)
          Checks if two headers are equivalent.
private  void Instances.copyInstances(int from, Instances dest, int num)
          Copies instances from one set to the end of another one.
static Instances Instances.mergeInstances(Instances first, Instances second)
          Merges two sets of Instances together.

Constructors in weka.core with parameters of type Instances
ClassRemoveableInstances(Instances dataset)
ClassRemoveableInstances(Instances dataset, int capacity)
ClassRemoveableInstances(Instances source, int first, int toCopy)
Instances(Instances dataset)
          Constructor copying all instances and references to the header information from the given set of instances.
Instances(Instances dataset, int capacity)
          Constructor creating an empty set of instances.
Instances(Instances source, int first, int toCopy)
          Creates a new set of instances by copying a subset of another set.

Uses of Instances in weka.core.converters

Fields in weka.core.converters declared as Instances
protected  Instances ArffLoader.m_structure
          Holds the determined structure (header) of the data set.
protected  Instances CSVLoader.m_structure
          Holds the determined structure (header) of the data set.
protected  Instances SerializedInstancesLoader.m_Dataset
          Holds the structure (header) of the data set.
protected  Instances C45Loader.m_structure
          Holds the determined structure (header) of the data set.

Methods in weka.core.converters that return Instances
 Instances ArffLoader.getStructure()
          Determines and returns (if possible) the structure (internally the header) of the data set as an empty set of instances.
 Instances ArffLoader.getDataSet()
          Return the full data set.
 Instances CSVLoader.getStructure()
          Determines and returns (if possible) the structure (internally the header) of the data set as an empty set of instances.
 Instances CSVLoader.getDataSet()
          Return the full data set.
 Instances Loader.getStructure()
          Determines and returns (if possible) the structure (internally the header) of the data set as an empty set of instances.
 Instances Loader.getDataSet()
          Return the full data set.
abstract  Instances TreeLoader.getStructure()
abstract  Instances TreeLoader.getDataSet()
 Instances SerializedInstancesLoader.getStructure()
          Determines and returns (if possible) the structure (internally the header) of the data set as an empty set of instances.
 Instances SerializedInstancesLoader.getDataSet()
          Return the full data set.
 Instances C45Loader.getStructure()
          Determines and returns (if possible) the structure (internally the header) of the data set as an empty set of instances.
 Instances C45Loader.getDataSet()
          Return the full data set.
abstract  Instances AbstractLoader.getStructure()
abstract  Instances AbstractLoader.getDataSet()

Methods in weka.core.converters with parameters of type Instances
 void ClassTreeParser.init(Instances instanceInfo)
          Inits the ClassTreeParser.
 void ClassHierarchyParser.init(Instances instanceInfo)
          Initiation of a ClassHierarchyParser should enable it to validate a given encoded hierarchy.
 void AbstractClassHierarchyParser.init(Instances instanceInfo)
          This init-method checks only if the class-attribute is nominal.

Uses of Instances in weka.datagenerators

Fields in weka.datagenerators declared as Instances
private  Instances BIRCHCluster.m_DatasetFormat
private  Instances ClusterGenerator.m_Format
private  Instances RDG1.m_DatasetFormat
private  Instances Generator.m_Format
(package private)  Instances Test.m_Dataset

Methods in weka.datagenerators that return Instances
 Instances BIRCHCluster.getDatasetFormat()
          Gets the dataset format.
 Instances BIRCHCluster.defineDataFormat()
          Initializes the format for the dataset produced.
 Instances BIRCHCluster.generateExamples()
          Generate all examples of the dataset.
 Instances BIRCHCluster.generateExamples(java.util.Random random, Instances format)
          Generate all examples of the dataset.
(package private) abstract  Instances ClusterGenerator.defineDataFormat()
          Initializes the format for the dataset produced.
(package private) abstract  Instances ClusterGenerator.generateExamples()
          Generates all examples of the dataset.
protected  Instances ClusterGenerator.getFormat()
          Gets the format of the dataset that is to be generated.
 Instances RDG1.getDatasetFormat()
          Gets the dataset format.
 Instances RDG1.defineDataFormat()
          Initializes the format for the dataset produced.
 Instances RDG1.generateExamples()
          Generate all examples of the dataset.
 Instances RDG1.generateExamples(int num, java.util.Random random, Instances format)
          Generate all examples of the dataset.
private  Instances RDG1.defineDataset(java.util.Random random)
          Returns a dataset header.
private  Instances RDG1.voteDataset(Instances dataset)
          Resets the class values of all instances using voting.
(package private) abstract  Instances Generator.defineDataFormat()
          Initializes the format for the dataset produced.
(package private) abstract  Instances Generator.generateExamples()
          Generates all examples of the dataset.
protected  Instances Generator.getFormat()
          Gets the format of the dataset that is to be generated.

Methods in weka.datagenerators with parameters of type Instances
 void BIRCHCluster.setDatasetFormat(Instances newDatasetFormat)
          Sets the dataset format.
 Instances BIRCHCluster.generateExamples(java.util.Random random, Instances format)
          Generate all examples of the dataset.
private  Instance BIRCHCluster.generateInstance(Instances format, java.util.Random randomG, double stdDev, double[] center, java.lang.String cName)
          Generate an example of the dataset.
protected  void ClusterGenerator.setFormat(Instances newFormat)
          Sets the format of the dataset that is to be generated.
 void RDG1.setDatasetFormat(Instances newDatasetFormat)
          Sets the dataset format.
 Instances RDG1.generateExamples(int num, java.util.Random random, Instances format)
          Generate all examples of the dataset.
private  Instance RDG1.generateExample(java.util.Random random, Instances format)
          Generates an example with its classvalue set to missing and binds it to the datasets.
private  Instances RDG1.voteDataset(Instances dataset)
          Resets the class values of all instances using voting.
protected  void Generator.setFormat(Instances newFormat)
          Sets the format of the dataset that is to be generated.

Constructors in weka.datagenerators with parameters of type Instances
Test(int i, double s, Instances dataset)
Test(int i, double s, Instances dataset, boolean n)

Uses of Instances in weka.experiment

Fields in weka.experiment declared as Instances
protected  Instances DatabaseResultProducer.m_Instances
          The dataset of interest
protected  Instances CrossValidationResultProducer.m_Instances
          The dataset of interest
protected  Instances RandomSplitResultProducer.m_Instances
          The dataset of interest
protected  Instances AveragingResultProducer.m_Instances
          The dataset of interest
protected  Instances Experiment.m_CurrentInstances
          The dataset currently being used
protected  Instances LearningRateResultProducer.m_Instances
          The dataset of interest
protected  Instances PairedTTester.m_Instances
          The set of instances we will analyse

Methods in weka.experiment that return Instances
 Instances InstanceQuery.retrieveInstances()
          Makes a database query using the query set through the -Q option to convert a table into a set of instances
 Instances InstanceQuery.retrieveInstances(java.lang.String query)
          Makes a database query to convert a table into a set of instances
 Instances PairedTTester.getInstances()
          Get the value of Instances.

Methods in weka.experiment with parameters of type Instances
 java.lang.Object[] CostSensitiveClassifierSplitEvaluator.getResult(Instances train, Instances test)
          Gets the results for the supplied train and test datasets.
 void DatabaseResultProducer.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the dataset that results will be obtained for.
 void CrossValidationResultProducer.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the dataset that results will be obtained for.
 void RandomSplitResultProducer.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the dataset that results will be obtained for.
 java.lang.Object[] SplitEvaluator.getResult(Instances train, Instances test)
          Gets the results for the supplied train and test datasets.
 void ResultProducer.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the dataset that results will be obtained for.
 void AveragingResultProducer.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the dataset that results will be obtained for.
 java.lang.Object[] ClassifierSplitEvaluator.getResult(Instances train, Instances test)
          Gets the results for the supplied train and test datasets.
 void LearningRateResultProducer.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the dataset that results will be obtained for.
 void PairedTTester.setInstances(Instances newInstances)
          Set the value of Instances.
 java.lang.Object[] RegressionSplitEvaluator.getResult(Instances train, Instances test)
          Gets the results for the supplied train and test datasets.

Uses of Instances in weka.filters

Fields in weka.filters declared as Instances
private  Instances Filter.m_OutputFormat
          The output format for instances
private  Instances Filter.m_InputFormat
          The input format for instances

Methods in weka.filters that return Instances
protected  Instances Filter.getInputFormat()
          Gets the currently set inputformat instances.
protected  Instances Filter.inputFormatPeek()
          Returns a reference to the current input format without copying it.
protected  Instances Filter.outputFormatPeek()
          Returns a reference to the current output format without copying it.
 Instances Filter.outputFormat()
          Deprecated. use getOutputFormat() instead.
 Instances Filter.getOutputFormat()
          Gets the format of the output instances.
static Instances Filter.useFilter(Instances data, Filter filter)
          Filters an entire set of instances through a filter and returns the new set.

Methods in weka.filters with parameters of type Instances
protected  void Filter.setOutputFormat(Instances outputFormat)
          Sets the format of output instances.
private  void Filter.copyStringValues(Instance inst, Instances destDataset, int[] strAtts)
          Copies string values contained in the instance copied to a new dataset.
protected  void Filter.copyStringValues(Instance instance, boolean instSrcCompat, Instances srcDataset, Instances destDataset)
          Takes string values referenced by an Instance and copies them from a source dataset to a destination dataset.
protected  void Filter.copyStringValues(Instance instance, boolean instSrcCompat, Instances srcDataset, int[] srcStrAtts, Instances destDataset, int[] destStrAtts)
          Takes string values referenced by an Instance and copies them from a source dataset to a destination dataset.
 boolean Filter.inputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Deprecated. use setInputFormat(Instances) instead.
 boolean Filter.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
protected  int[] Filter.getStringIndices(Instances insts)
          Gets an array containing the indices of all string attributes.
static Instances Filter.useFilter(Instances data, Filter filter)
          Filters an entire set of instances through a filter and returns the new set.
 boolean AllFilter.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean NullFilter.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.

Uses of Instances in weka.filters.supervised.attribute

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.attribute with parameters of type Instances
 boolean ClassOrder.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean NominalToBinary.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Discretize.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
protected  void Discretize.calculateCutPointsByMDL(int index, Instances data)
          Set cutpoints for a single attribute using MDL.
private  double[] Discretize.cutPointsForSubset(Instances instances, int attIndex, int first, int lastPlusOne)
          Selects cutpoints for sorted subset.

Uses of Instances in weka.filters.supervised.instance

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.instance with parameters of type Instances
 boolean SpreadSubsample.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Resample.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean StratifiedRemoveFolds.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.

Uses of Instances in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute that return Instances
 Instances PotentialClassIgnorer.getOutputFormat()
          Gets the format of the output instances.

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute with parameters of type Instances
 boolean RemoveType.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Add.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean NominalToBinary.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean ReplaceMissingValues.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean AddNoise.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 void AddNoise.addNoise(Instances instances, int seed, int percent, int attIndex, boolean useMissing)
          add noise to the dataset a given percentage of the instances are changed in the way, that a set of instances are randomly selected using seed.
 boolean Standardize.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean StringToNominal.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean PKIDiscretize.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Normalize.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Copy.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean TimeSeriesDelta.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean RandomProjection.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean AddCluster.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean ClusterMembership.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean MakeIndicator.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean NumericToBinary.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Discretize.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Obfuscate.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean RemoveUseless.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean NumericTransform.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean TimeSeriesTranslate.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean SwapValues.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean AddExpression.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean PotentialClassIgnorer.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean MergeTwoValues.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean FirstOrder.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean StringToWordVector.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Remove.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean AbstractTimeSeries.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.

Uses of Instances in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance that return Instances
private  Instances RemoveMisclassified.cleanseTrain(Instances data)
          Cleanses the data based on misclassifications when used training data.
private  Instances RemoveMisclassified.cleanseCross(Instances data)
          Cleanses the data based on misclassifications when performing cross-validation.

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance with parameters of type Instances
 boolean SparseToNonSparse.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Resample.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean RemoveRange.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean RemoveWithValues.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean RemoveFolds.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean RemovePercentage.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean NonSparseToSparse.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean Randomize.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 boolean RemoveMisclassified.setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
private  Instances RemoveMisclassified.cleanseTrain(Instances data)
          Cleanses the data based on misclassifications when used training data.
private  Instances RemoveMisclassified.cleanseCross(Instances data)
          Cleanses the data based on misclassifications when performing cross-validation.

Uses of Instances in weka.gui

Fields in weka.gui declared as Instances
protected  Instances AttributeListPanel.AttributeTableModel.m_Instances
          The instances who's attribute structure we are reporting
protected  Instances AttributeSelectionPanel.AttributeTableModel.m_Instances
          The instances who's attribute structure we are reporting
protected  Instances AttributeSummaryPanel.m_Instances
          The instances we're playing with
protected  Instances SetInstancesPanel.m_Instances
          The current set of instances loaded
(package private)  Instances AttributeVisualizationPanel.m_data
protected  Instances InstancesSummaryPanel.m_Instances
          The instances we're playing with

Methods in weka.gui that return Instances
 Instances SetInstancesPanel.getInstances()
          Gets the set of instances currently held by the panel

Methods in weka.gui with parameters of type Instances
 void AttributeListPanel.setInstances(Instances newInstances)
          Sets the instances who's attribute names will be displayed.
 void AttributeListPanel.AttributeTableModel.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the tablemodel to look at a new set of instances.
 void AttributeSelectionPanel.AttributeTableModel.setInstances(Instances instances)
          Sets the tablemodel to look at a new set of instances.
 void AttributeSummaryPanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
 void SetInstancesPanel.setInstances(Instances i)
          Updates the set of instances that is currently held by the panel
 void AttributeVisualizationPanel.setInstances(Instances newins)
          Sets the instances for use
 void InstancesSummaryPanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
 void AttributeSelectionPanel.setInstances(Instances newInstances)
          Sets the instances who's attribute names will be displayed.

Constructors in weka.gui with parameters of type Instances
AttributeListPanel.AttributeTableModel(Instances instances)
          Creates the tablemodel with the given set of instances.
AttributeSelectionPanel.AttributeTableModel(Instances instances)
          Creates the tablemodel with the given set of instances.

Uses of Instances in weka.gui.beans

Fields in weka.gui.beans declared as Instances
protected  Instances DataVisualizer.m_visualizeDataSet
private  Instances Loader.m_dataSet
          Holds the instances loaded
private  Instances Classifier.m_trainingSet
          Holds training instances for batch training.
private  Instances Classifier.m_testingSet
private  Instances Filter.m_trainingSet
private  Instances Filter.m_testingSet
protected  Instances TestSetEvent.m_testSet
          The test set instances
protected  Instances PredictionAppender.m_incrementalStructure
protected  Instances TrainingSetEvent.m_trainingSet
          The training instances
protected  Instances BatchClassifierEvent.m_testSet
          Instances that can be used for testing the classifier
private  Instances DataSetEvent.m_dataSet

Methods in weka.gui.beans that return Instances
 Instances TestSetEvent.getTestSet()
          Get the test set instances
private  Instances PredictionAppender.makeDataSetProbabilities(Instances format, Classifier classifier, java.lang.String relationNameModifier)
private  Instances PredictionAppender.makeDataSetClass(Instances format, Classifier classifier, java.lang.String relationNameModifier)
 Instances TrainingSetEvent.getTrainingSet()
          Get the training instances
 Instances BatchClassifierEvent.getTestSet()
          Get the test set
 Instances DataSetEvent.getDataSet()
          Return the instances of the data set

Methods in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type Instances
private  void ClassAssigner.assignClass(Instances dataSet)
 void DataVisualizer.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Set instances for this bean.
private  Instances PredictionAppender.makeDataSetProbabilities(Instances format, Classifier classifier, java.lang.String relationNameModifier)
private  Instances PredictionAppender.makeDataSetClass(Instances format, Classifier classifier, java.lang.String relationNameModifier)
 void ScatterPlotMatrix.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Set instances for this bean.
 void AttributeSummarizer.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Set instances for this bean.

Constructors in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type Instances
TestSetEvent(java.lang.Object source, Instances testSet)
TrainingSetEvent(java.lang.Object source, Instances trainSet)
          Creates a new TrainingSetEvent
BatchClassifierEvent(java.lang.Object source, Classifier scheme, Instances tstI, int setNum, int maxSetNum)
          Creates a new BatchClassifierEvent instance.
DataSetEvent(java.lang.Object source, Instances dataSet)

Uses of Instances in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer

Fields in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer declared as Instances
private  Instances RemoteBoundaryVisualizerSubTask.m_trainingData
protected  Instances BoundaryPanel.m_trainingData
private  Instances BoundaryVisualizer.m_trainingInstances
private  Instances KDDataGenerator.m_instances

Methods in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer that return Instances
 Instances BoundaryVisualizer.getInstances()
          Get the training instances

Methods in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer with parameters of type Instances
 void DataGenerator.buildGenerator(Instances inputInstances)
          Build the data generator
 void RemoteBoundaryVisualizerSubTask.setInstances(Instances i)
          Set the training data
 void BoundaryPanel.setTrainingData(Instances trainingData)
          Set the training data to use
 void BoundaryVisualizer.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Set the training instances
 void KDDataGenerator.buildGenerator(Instances inputInstances)
          Initialize the generator using the supplied instances

Uses of Instances in weka.gui.experiment

Fields in weka.gui.experiment declared as Instances
protected  Instances ResultsPanel.m_Instances
          The instances we're extracting results from

Methods in weka.gui.experiment with parameters of type Instances
 void ResultsPanel.setInstances(Instances newInstances)
          Sets up the panel with a new set of instances, attempting to guess the correct settings for various columns.

Uses of Instances in weka.gui.explorer

Fields in weka.gui.explorer declared as Instances
protected  Instances ClustererPanel.m_Instances
          The main set of instances we're playing with
protected  Instances ClustererPanel.m_TestInstances
          The user-supplied test set (if any)
protected  Instances ClustererPanel.m_TestInstancesCopy
          The user supplied test set after preprocess filters have been applied
protected  Instances ClassifierPanel.m_Instances
          The main set of instances we're playing with
protected  Instances ClassifierPanel.m_TestInstances
          The user-supplied test set (if any)
protected  Instances AssociationsPanel.m_Instances
          The main set of instances we're playing with
protected  Instances AssociationsPanel.m_TestInstances
          The user-supplied test set (if any)
protected  Instances PreprocessPanel.m_Instances
          The working instances
protected  Instances AttributeSelectionPanel.m_Instances
          The main set of instances we're playing with

Methods in weka.gui.explorer that return Instances
private  Instances ClustererPanel.removeClass(Instances inst)
private  Instances ClustererPanel.removeIgnoreCols(Instances inst)
private  Instances ClustererPanel.removeIgnoreCols(Instances inst, int[] toIgnore)
private  Instances ClassifierPanel.setUpVisualizableInstances(Instances trainInstances)
          Sets up the structure for the visualizable instances.
 Instances PreprocessPanel.getInstances()
          Gets the working set of instances.

Methods in weka.gui.explorer with parameters of type Instances
 void ClustererPanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
static PlotData2D ClustererPanel.setUpVisualizableInstances(Instances testInstances, ClusterEvaluation eval)
          Sets up the structure for the visualizable instances.
private  Instances ClustererPanel.removeClass(Instances inst)
private  Instances ClustererPanel.removeIgnoreCols(Instances inst)
private  Instances ClustererPanel.removeIgnoreCols(Instances inst, int[] toIgnore)
protected  void ClustererPanel.saveClusterer(java.lang.String name, Clusterer clusterer, Instances trainHeader, int[] ignoredAtts)
          Saves the currently selected clusterer
protected  void ClustererPanel.reevaluateModel(java.lang.String name, Clusterer clusterer, Instances trainHeader, int[] ignoredAtts)
          Re-evaluates the named clusterer with the current test set.
 void ClassifierPanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
private  void ClassifierPanel.processClassifierPrediction(Instance toPredict, Classifier classifier, Evaluation eval, FastVector predictions, Instances plotInstances, FastVector plotShape, FastVector plotSize)
          Process a classifier's prediction for an instance and update a set of plotting instances and additional plotting info. plotInfo for nominal class datasets holds shape types (actual data points have automatic shape type assignment; classifier error data points have box shape type).
private  Instances ClassifierPanel.setUpVisualizableInstances(Instances trainInstances)
          Sets up the structure for the visualizable instances.
protected  void ClassifierPanel.saveClassifier(java.lang.String name, Classifier classifier, Instances trainHeader)
          Saves the currently selected classifier
protected  void ClassifierPanel.reevaluateModel(java.lang.String name, Classifier classifier, Instances trainHeader)
          Re-evaluates the named classifier with the current test set.
 void AssociationsPanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
 void PreprocessPanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new base set of instances.
protected  void PreprocessPanel.saveInstancesToFile( f, Instances inst)
          Saves the current instances to the supplied file.
 void AttributeSelectionPanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
protected  void AttributeSelectionPanel.visualizeTransformedData(Instances ti)
          Popup a visualize panel for viewing transformed data

Uses of Instances in weka.gui.streams

Fields in weka.gui.streams declared as Instances
private  Instances InstanceTable.m_Instances
protected  Instances InstanceJoiner.m_InputFormat
          The input format for instances
private  Instances InstanceLoader.m_OutputInstances

Methods in weka.gui.streams that return Instances
 Instances InstanceProducer.outputFormat()
 Instances InstanceJoiner.outputFormat()
          Gets the format of the output instances.
 Instances InstanceLoader.outputFormat()

Methods in weka.gui.streams with parameters of type Instances
 void InstanceTable.inputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
 void InstanceCounter.inputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
 boolean InstanceJoiner.inputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
          Sets the format of the input instances.
 void InstanceSavePanel.inputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)
 void InstanceViewer.inputFormat(Instances instanceInfo)

Uses of Instances in weka.gui.treevisualizer

Fields in weka.gui.treevisualizer declared as Instances
private  Instances Node.m_theData
          An Instances variable generated from the data.

Methods in weka.gui.treevisualizer that return Instances
 Instances Node.getInstances()
          This will return the Instances object related to this node.

Uses of Instances in weka.gui.visualize

Fields in weka.gui.visualize declared as Instances
protected  Instances MatrixPanel.m_data
          The dataset for which this panel will display the plot matrix for
protected  Instances Plot2D.m_plotInstances
          The instances to be plotted
protected  Instances VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.m_plotInstances
          The instances from the master plot
protected  Instances PlotData2D.m_plotInstances
          The instances
protected  Instances AttributePanel.m_plotInstances
          The instances to be plotted
private  Instances VisualizePanelEvent.m_inst
          The instances that fall inside the shapes described in m_values.
private  Instances VisualizePanelEvent.m_inst2
          The instances that fall outside the shapes described in m_values.
private  Instances ClassPanel.m_Instances
          Instances being plotted

Methods in weka.gui.visualize that return Instances
 Instances VisualizePanel.getInstances()
          Get the master plot's instances
 Instances PlotData2D.getPlotInstances()
          Returns the instances for this plot
 Instances VisualizePanelEvent.getInstances1()
 Instances VisualizePanelEvent.getInstances2()

Methods in weka.gui.visualize with parameters of type Instances
 void MatrixPanel.setInstances(Instances newInst)
          This method changes the Instances object of this class to a new one.
 void Plot2D.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Sets the master plot from a set of instances
protected  void VisualizePanel.newColorAttribute(int a, Instances i)
          Sets the Colors in use for a different attrib if it is not a nominal attrib and or does not have more possible values then this will do nothing.
 void VisualizePanel.setInstances(Instances inst)
          Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
 void VisualizePanel.setUpComboBoxes(Instances inst)
private  void VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.plotReset(Instances inst, int cIndex)
          Reset the visualize panel's buttons and the plot panels instances
 void ThresholdVisualizePanel.setUpComboBoxes(Instances inst)
          This overloads VisualizePanel's setUpComboBoxes to add ActionListeners to watch for when the X/Y Axis comboboxes are changed.
 void AttributePanel.setInstances(Instances ins)
          This sets the instances to be drawn into the attribute panel
 void ClassPanel.setInstances(Instances insts)
          Set the instances.

Constructors in weka.gui.visualize with parameters of type Instances
PlotData2D(Instances insts)
          Construct a new PlotData2D using the supplied instances
VisualizePanelEvent(FastVector ar, Instances i, Instances i2, int at1, int at2)
          This constructor creates the event with all the parameters set.