Package weka.core.converters

Interface Summary
BatchLoader Marker interface for a loader that can retrieve instances in batch mode
ClassHierarchyParser Interface defines required methods for all parsers, which provide a ClassHierarchy.
IncrementalLoader Marker interface for a loader that can retrieve instances incrementally
Loader Interface to something that can load Instances from an input source in some format.

Class Summary
AbstractClassHierarchyParser This abstract parser does ensure the class-attribute of the instances given to the init-method is nominal.
AbstractLoader Abstract class gives default implementation of setSource methods.
ArffFileMerger Class to merge two arff-files.
ArffLoader Reads a source that is in arff text format.
C45Loader Reads C4.5 input files.
ClassTreeArffFileParser Works as a ClassTreeFileParser, but expects the file to be of arff-format and to contain a comment-line providing as keyword "@hierarchy" followed by a hierarchy-string suitable for ClassTreeParser.setEncodedHierarchy(String encodedHierarchy).
ClassTreeFileParser Works as ClassTreeParser, but expects the encodedHierarchy to be provided by a file's first line.
ClassTreeParser ClassTreeParser is a ClassHierarchyParser which provides as ClassHierarchy-structure a ClassTree
ConverterUtils Utility routines for the converter package.
CSVLoader Reads a text file that is comma or tab delimited..
HierarchicalCostMatrix This is a stand-alone class within the WEKA-framework to provide a hierarchical cost matrix for a given hierarchy of classes.
SerializedInstancesLoader Reads a source that contains serialized Instances.
TreeLoader Abstract TreeLoader should be extended by Loaders for tree-formatted data.