Package weka.core

Interface Summary
AdditionalMeasureProducer Interface to something that can produce measures other than those calculated by evaluation modules.
ClassHierarchy Interface for representations of a hierarchy of classes.
Copyable Interface implemented by classes that can produce "shallow" copies of their objects.
Drawable Interface to something that can be drawn as a graph.
Matchable Interface to something that can be matched with tree matching algorithms.
OptionHandler Interface to something that understands options.
Randomizable Interface to something that has random behaviour that is able to be seeded with an integer.
Summarizable Interface to something that provides a short textual summary (as opposed to toString() which is usually a fairly complete description) of itself.
WeightedInstancesHandler Interface to something that makes use of the information provided by instance weights.

Class Summary
Attribute Class for handling an attribute.
AttributeStats A Utility class that contains summary information on an the values that appear in a dataset for a particular attribute.
BinarySparseInstance Class for storing a binary-data-only instance as a sparse vector.
CheckOptionHandler Simple command line checking of classes that implement OptionHandler.
ClassTree ClassTree provides the hierarchy of classes according to a given encoding.
ContingencyTables Class implementing some statistical routines for contingency tables.
FastVector Implements a fast vector class without synchronized methods.
Instance Class for handling an instance.
Instances Class for handling an ordered set of weighted instances.
Matrix Class for performing operations on a matrix of floating-point values.
Optimization Implementation of Active-sets method with BFGS update to solve optimization problem with only bounds constraints in multi-dimensions.
Option Class to store information about an option.
ProtectedProperties Simple class that extends the Properties class so that the properties are unable to be modified.
Queue Class representing a FIFO queue.
RandomVariates Class implementing some simple random variates generator.
Range Class representing a range of cardinal numbers.
SelectedTag Represents a selected value from a finite set of values, where each value is a Tag (i.e. has some string associated with it).
SerializedObject Class for storing an object in serialized form in memory.
SingleIndex Class representing a single cardinal number.
SparseInstance Class for storing an instance as a sparse vector.
SpecialFunctions Class implementing some mathematical functions.
Statistics Class implementing some distributions, tests, etc.
Stopwords Class that can test whether a given string is a stop word.
Tag A Tag simply associates a numeric ID with a String description.
Utils Class implementing some simple utility methods.

Exception Summary
NoSupportForMissingValuesException Exception that is raised by an object that is unable to process data with missing values.
UnassignedClassException Exception that is raised when trying to use some data that has no class assigned to it, but a class is needed to perform the operation.
UnassignedDatasetException Exception that is raised when trying to use something that has no reference to a dataset, when one is required.
UnsupportedAttributeTypeException Exception that is raised by an object that is unable to process some of the attribute types it has been passed.
UnsupportedClassTypeException Exception that is raised by an object that is unable to process the class type of the data it has been passed.
WekaException Class for Weka-specific exceptions.