Package weka.gui

Interface Summary
CustomPanelSupplier An interface for objects that are capable of supplying their own custom GUI components.
Logger Interface for objects that display log (permanent historical) and status (transient) messages.
TaskLogger Interface for objects that display log and display information on running tasks.

Class Summary
AttributeListPanel Creates a panel that displays the attributes contained in a set of instances, letting the user select a single attribute for inspection.
AttributeSelectionPanel Creates a panel that displays the attributes contained in a set of instances, letting the user toggle whether each attribute is selected or not (eg: so that unselected attributes can be removed before classification).
AttributeSummaryPanel This panel displays summary statistics about an attribute: name, type number/% of missing/unique values, number of distinct values.
AttributeVisualizationPanel Creates a panel that shows a visualization of an attribute in a dataset.
CostMatrixEditor Class for editing CostMatrix objects.
DatabaseConnectionDialog A dialog to enter URL, username and password for a database connection.
ExtensionFileFilter Provides a file filter for FileChoosers that accepts or rejects files based on their extension.
FileEditor A PropertyEditor for File objects that lets the user select a file.
GenericArrayEditor A PropertyEditor for arrays of objects that themselves have property editors.
GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects that themselves have been defined as editable in the GenericObjectEditor configuration file, which lists possible values that can be selected from, and themselves configured.
GUIChooser The main class for the Weka GUIChooser.
HierarchyPropertyParser This class implements a parser to read properties that have a hierarchy(i.e. tree) structure.
InstancesSummaryPanel This panel just displays relation name, number of instances, and number of attributes.
ListSelectorDialog A dialog to present the user with a list of items, that the user can make a selection from, or cancel the selection.
LogPanel This panel allows log and status messages to be posted.
PropertyDialog Support for PropertyEditors with custom editors: puts the editor into a separate frame.
PropertyPanel Support for drawing a property value in a component.
PropertySelectorDialog Allows the user to select any (supported) property of an object, including properties that any of it's property values may have.
PropertySheetPanel Displays a property sheet where (supported) properties of the target object may be edited.
PropertyText Support for a PropertyEditor that uses text.
PropertyValueSelector Support for any PropertyEditor that uses tags.
ResultHistoryPanel A component that accepts named stringbuffers and displays the name in a list box.
ResultHistoryPanel.RKeyAdapter Extension of KeyAdapter that implements Serializable.
ResultHistoryPanel.RMouseAdapter Extension of MouseAdapter that implements Serializable.
SaveBuffer This class handles the saving of StringBuffers to files.
SelectedTagEditor A PropertyEditor that uses tags, where the tags are obtained from a weka.core.SelectedTag object.
SetInstancesPanel A panel that displays an instance summary for a set of instances and lets the user open a set of instances from either a file or URL.
SimpleCLI Creates a very simple command line for invoking the main method of classes.
SysErrLog This Logger just sends messages to System.err.
WekaTaskMonitor This panel records the number of weka tasks running and displays a simple bird animation while their are active tasks