Uses of Class

Packages that use FastVector

Uses of FastVector in weka.associations

Fields in weka.associations declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector Apriori.m_Ls
          The set of all sets of itemsets L.
protected  FastVector Apriori.m_hashtables
          The same information stored in hash tables.
protected  FastVector[] Apriori.m_allTheRules
          The list of all generated rules.

Methods in weka.associations that return FastVector
static FastVector ItemSet.deleteItemSets(FastVector itemSets, int minSupport, int maxSupport)
          Deletes all item sets that don't have minimum support.
 FastVector[] ItemSet.generateRules(double minConfidence, FastVector hashtables, int numItemsInSet)
          Generates all rules for an item set.
 FastVector[] ItemSet.generateRulesBruteForce(double minMetric, int metricType, FastVector hashtables, int numItemsInSet, int numTransactions, double significanceLevel)
          Generates all significant rules for an item set.
static FastVector ItemSet.mergeAllItemSets(FastVector itemSets, int size, int totalTrans)
          Merges all item sets in the set of (k-1)-item sets to create the (k)-item sets and updates the counters.
static FastVector ItemSet.pruneItemSets(FastVector toPrune, java.util.Hashtable kMinusOne)
          Prunes a set of (k)-item sets using the given (k-1)-item sets.
static FastVector ItemSet.singletons(Instances instances)
          Converts the header info of the given set of instances into a set of item sets (singletons).
private  FastVector[] ItemSet.moreComplexRules(FastVector[] rules, int numItemsInSet, int numItemsInConsequence, double minConfidence, FastVector hashtables)
          Generates rules with more than one item in the consequence.

Methods in weka.associations with parameters of type FastVector
static FastVector ItemSet.deleteItemSets(FastVector itemSets, int minSupport, int maxSupport)
          Deletes all item sets that don't have minimum support.
 FastVector[] ItemSet.generateRules(double minConfidence, FastVector hashtables, int numItemsInSet)
          Generates all rules for an item set.
 FastVector[] ItemSet.generateRulesBruteForce(double minMetric, int metricType, FastVector hashtables, int numItemsInSet, int numTransactions, double significanceLevel)
          Generates all significant rules for an item set.
static java.util.Hashtable ItemSet.getHashtable(FastVector itemSets, int initialSize)
          Return a hashtable filled with the given item sets.
static FastVector ItemSet.mergeAllItemSets(FastVector itemSets, int size, int totalTrans)
          Merges all item sets in the set of (k-1)-item sets to create the (k)-item sets and updates the counters.
static FastVector ItemSet.pruneItemSets(FastVector toPrune, java.util.Hashtable kMinusOne)
          Prunes a set of (k)-item sets using the given (k-1)-item sets.
static void ItemSet.pruneRules(FastVector[] rules, double minConfidence)
          Prunes a set of rules.
static void ItemSet.upDateCounters(FastVector itemSets, Instances instances)
          Updates counters for a set of item sets and a set of instances.
private  FastVector[] ItemSet.moreComplexRules(FastVector[] rules, int numItemsInSet, int numItemsInConsequence, double minConfidence, FastVector hashtables)
          Generates rules with more than one item in the consequence.

Uses of FastVector in weka.attributeSelection

Subclasses of FastVector in weka.attributeSelection
 class BestFirst.LinkedList2
          Class for handling a linked list.

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers

Methods in weka.classifiers with parameters of type FastVector
protected  boolean CheckClassifier.runBasicTest(boolean nominalPredictor, boolean numericPredictor, boolean numericClass, int missingLevel, boolean predictorMissing, boolean classMissing, int numTrain, int numTest, int numClasses, FastVector accepts)
          Runs a text on the datasets with the given characteristics.

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.bayes

Methods in weka.classifiers.bayes with parameters of type FastVector
static VaryNode ADNode.MakeVaryNode(int iNode, FastVector nRecords, Instances instances)
          create sub tree
static ADNode ADNode.MakeADTree(int iNode, FastVector nRecords, Instances instances)
          create sub tree

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.evaluation

Methods in weka.classifiers.evaluation that return FastVector
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getCVPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances data, int numFolds)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a cross-validation on the supplied dataset.
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getTrainTestPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances train, Instances test)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a evaluation on a test set after training on the given training set.
 FastVector EvaluationUtils.getTestPredictions(Classifier classifier, Instances test)
          Generate a bunch of predictions ready for processing, by performing a evaluation on a test set assuming the classifier is already trained.

Methods in weka.classifiers.evaluation with parameters of type FastVector
 void ConfusionMatrix.addPredictions(FastVector predictions)
          Includes a whole bunch of predictions in the confusion matrix.
 Instances ThresholdCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions)
          Calculates the performance stats for the default class and return results as a set of Instances.
 Instances ThresholdCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions, int classIndex)
          Calculates the performance stats for the desired class and return results as a set of Instances.
private  double[] ThresholdCurve.getProbabilities(FastVector predictions, int classIndex)
 Instances CostCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions)
          Calculates the performance stats for the default class and return results as a set of Instances.
 Instances CostCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions, int classIndex)
          Calculates the performance stats for the desired class and return results as a set of Instances.
 Instances MarginCurve.getCurve(FastVector predictions)
          Calculates the cumulative margin distribution for the set of predictions, returning the result as a set of Instances.
private  double[] MarginCurve.getMargins(FastVector predictions)
          Pulls all the margin values out of a vector of NominalPredictions.

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.functions

Fields in weka.classifiers.functions declared as FastVector
private  FastVector MultilayerPerceptron.m_selected
          A Vector list of the units currently selected.
private  FastVector MultilayerPerceptron.m_graphers
          A Vector list of the graphers.

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions with parameters of type FastVector
private  void MultilayerPerceptron.NodePanel.selection(FastVector v, boolean ctrl, boolean left)
          This function gets called when the user has clicked something It will amend the current selection or connect the current selection to the new selection.

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector CVParameterSelection.m_CVParams
          The set of parameters to cross-validate over
protected  FastVector ND.NDTree.m_indices
          The indices associated with this node
protected  FastVector RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.Committee.m_models
private  FastVector AdditiveRegression.m_additiveModels
          The list of iteratively generated models.
protected  FastVector RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.m_committees
          The committees

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return FastVector
protected  FastVector ThresholdSelector.getPredictions(Instances instances, int mode, int numFolds)
          Collects the classifier predictions using the specified evaluation method.

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type FastVector
protected  void ThresholdSelector.findThreshold(FastVector predictions)
          Finds the best threshold, this implementation searches for the highest FMeasure.

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.rules

Subclasses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.rules
 class DecisionTable.LinkedList
          Class for handling a linked list.

Fields in weka.classifiers.rules declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector ConjunctiveRule.m_Antds
          The vector of antecedents of this rule
private  FastVector ConjunctiveRule.m_Targets
          The predicted classes recorded for each antecedent in the growing data
private  FastVector RuleStats.m_Ruleset
          The specific ruleset in question
private  FastVector RuleStats.m_SimpleStats
          The simple stats of each rule
private  FastVector RuleStats.m_Filtered
          The set of instances filtered by the ruleset
private  FastVector RuleStats.m_Distributions
          The class distributions predicted by each rule
protected  FastVector JRip.RipperRule.m_Antds
          The vector of antecedents of this rule
protected  FastVector Ridor.RidorRule.m_Antds
          The vector of antecedents of this rule
private  FastVector JRip.m_Ruleset
          The ruleset
private  FastVector JRip.m_Distributions
          The predicted class distribution
private  FastVector JRip.m_RulesetStats
          The RuleStats for the ruleset of each class value

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules that return FastVector
 FastVector RuleStats.getRuleset()
          Get the ruleset of the stats
 FastVector JRip.getRuleset()
          Get the ruleset generated by Ripper

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type FastVector
 void RuleStats.setRuleset(FastVector rules)
          Set the ruleset of the stats, overwriting the old one if any
static Instances RuleStats.rmCoveredBySuccessives(Instances data, FastVector rules, int index)
          Static utility function to count the data covered by the rules after the given index in the given rules, and then remove them.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type FastVector
RuleStats(Instances data, FastVector rules)
          Constructor that provides ruleset and data

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.trees

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees declared as FastVector
 FastVector UserClassifier.TreeClass.m_ranges
          This contains the info for the coords of the shape converted to attrib coords, for polygon the first attrib is the number of points, This is not more object oriented because that would be over kill.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type FastVector
 void UserClassifier.TreeClass.setInfo(int at1, int at2, FastVector ar)
          Call this to set this node with different information to what it was created with.
private  boolean UserClassifier.TreeClass.inPolyline(FastVector ob, double x, double y)
          Call to find out if an instance is in a polyline.
private  boolean UserClassifier.TreeClass.inPoly(FastVector ob, double x, double y)
          Call this to determine if an instance is in a polygon.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type FastVector
UserClassifier.TreeClass(FastVector r, int a1, int a2, int id, double w, Instances i, UserClassifier.TreeClass p)
          Constructs a TreeClass node with all the important information.

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree declared as FastVector
private  FastVector PredictionNode.children
          The children of this node - any number of splitter nodes

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree that return FastVector
 FastVector PredictionNode.getChildren()
          Gets the children of this node.

Uses of FastVector in weka.classifiers.trees.m5

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector M5Base.m_ruleSet
          the rule set

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 with parameters of type FastVector
 void RuleNode.returnLeaves(FastVector[] v)
          Return a list containing all the leaves in the tree

Uses of FastVector in weka.clusterers

Fields in weka.clusterers declared as FastVector
private  FastVector Cobweb.CNode.m_children
          Children of this node

Uses of FastVector in weka.core

Fields in weka.core declared as FastVector
private  FastVector FastVector.FastVectorEnumeration.m_Vector
          The vector.
private  FastVector Attribute.m_Values
          The attribute's values (if nominal or string).
protected  FastVector Instances.m_Attributes
          The attribute information.
protected  FastVector Instances.m_Instances
          The instances.

Methods in weka.core with parameters of type FastVector
 void FastVector.appendElements(FastVector toAppend)
          Appends all elements of the supplied vector to this vector.
 double[] Optimization.lnsrch(double[] xold, double[] gradient, double[] direct, double stpmax, boolean[] isFixed, double[][] nwsBounds, FastVector wsBdsIndx)
          Find a new point x in the direction p from a point xold at which the value of the function has decreased sufficiently, the positive definiteness of B matrix (approximation of the inverse of the Hessian) is preserved and no bound constraints are violated.
private  boolean Optimization.equal(FastVector a, FastVector b)
          Check whether the two integer vectors equal to each other Two integer vectors are equal if all the elements are the same, regardless of the order of the elements

Constructors in weka.core with parameters of type FastVector
FastVector.FastVectorEnumeration(FastVector vector)
          Constructs an enumeration.
FastVector.FastVectorEnumeration(FastVector vector, int special)
          Constructs an enumeration with a special element.
ClassRemoveableInstances(java.lang.String name, FastVector attInfo, int capacity)
Attribute(java.lang.String attributeName, FastVector attributeValues)
          Constructor for nominal attributes and string attributes.
Attribute(java.lang.String attributeName, FastVector attributeValues, ProtectedProperties metadata)
          Constructor for nominal attributes and string attributes, where metadata is supplied.
Attribute(java.lang.String attributeName, FastVector attributeValues, int index)
          Constructor for nominal attributes and string attributes with a particular index.
Instances(java.lang.String name, FastVector attInfo, int capacity)
          Creates an empty set of instances.

Uses of FastVector in weka.core.converters

Fields in weka.core.converters declared as FastVector
private  FastVector CSVLoader.m_cumulativeStructure
          A list of hash tables for accumulating nominal values during parsing.
private  FastVector CSVLoader.m_cumulativeInstances
          Holds instances accumulated so far

Methods in weka.core.converters that return FastVector
private  FastVector CSVLoader.getInstance( tokenizer)
          Attempts to parse a line of the data set.

Methods in weka.core.converters with parameters of type FastVector
private  void CSVLoader.checkStructure(FastVector current)
          Checks the current instance against what is known about the structure of the data set so far.

Uses of FastVector in weka.datagenerators

Fields in weka.datagenerators declared as FastVector
private  FastVector BIRCHCluster.m_ClusterList
private  FastVector RDG1.m_DecisionList
private  FastVector RDG1.RuleList.m_RuleList

Methods in weka.datagenerators that return FastVector
private  FastVector BIRCHCluster.defineClusters(java.util.Random random)
          Defines the clusters
private  FastVector BIRCHCluster.defineClustersGRID(java.util.Random random)
          Defines the clusters if pattern is GRID
private  FastVector BIRCHCluster.defineClustersRANDOM(java.util.Random random)
          Defines the clusters if pattern is RANDOM
private  FastVector RDG1.generateTestList(java.util.Random random, Instance example)
          Generates a new rule for the decision list and classifies the new example.

Uses of FastVector in weka.experiment

Fields in weka.experiment declared as FastVector
(package private)  FastVector PairedTTester.DatasetSpecifiers.m_Specifiers
protected  FastVector DatabaseResultListener.m_Cache
          Stores the cached values
private  FastVector RemoteExperiment.m_listeners
          The list of objects listening for remote experiment events
protected  FastVector AveragingResultProducer.m_Keys
          Collects the keys from a single run
protected  FastVector AveragingResultProducer.m_Results
          Collects the results from a single run
(package private)  FastVector PairedTTester.Dataset.m_Dataset
(package private)  FastVector PairedTTester.Resultset.m_Datasets
protected  FastVector InstancesResultListener.m_Instances
          Stores the instances created so far, before assigning to a header
protected  FastVector[] InstancesResultListener.m_NominalStrings
          Contains strings seen so far for each nominal attribute
protected  FastVector PairedTTester.m_Resultsets
          Stores a vector for each resultset holding all instances in each set

Methods in weka.experiment that return FastVector
protected  FastVector PairedTTester.Dataset.contents()
          Returns a vector containing the instances in the dataset
 FastVector PairedTTester.Resultset.dataset(Instance inst)
          Returns a vector containing all instances belonging to one dataset.

Uses of FastVector in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute

Fields in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector Add.m_Labels
          The list of labels for nominal attribute

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute with parameters of type FastVector
private  int StringToWordVector.convertInstancewoDocNorm(Instance instance, FastVector v)

Uses of FastVector in weka.gui

Fields in weka.gui declared as FastVector
private  FastVector AttributeVisualizationPanel.m_colorList
          Contains discrete colours for colouring for nominal attributes

Uses of FastVector in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer

Fields in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector BoundaryPanel.m_Colors

Methods in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer that return FastVector
 FastVector BoundaryPanel.getColors()
          Get the current vector of Color objects used for the classes

Methods in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer with parameters of type FastVector
 void BoundaryPanel.setColors(FastVector colors)
          Set a vector of Color objects for the classes

Uses of FastVector in weka.gui.experiment

Fields in weka.gui.experiment declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector GeneratorPropertyIteratorPanel.m_Listeners
          Listeners who want to be notified about editing status of this panel

Uses of FastVector in weka.gui.explorer

Methods in weka.gui.explorer with parameters of type FastVector
private  void ClassifierPanel.processClassifierPrediction(Instance toPredict, Classifier classifier, Evaluation eval, FastVector predictions, Instances plotInstances, FastVector plotShape, FastVector plotSize)
          Process a classifier's prediction for an instance and update a set of plotting instances and additional plotting info. plotInfo for nominal class datasets holds shape types (actual data points have automatic shape type assignment; classifier error data points have box shape type).
private  void ClassifierPanel.postProcessPlotInfo(FastVector plotSize)
          Post processes numeric class errors into shape sizes for plotting in the visualize panel

Uses of FastVector in weka.gui.graphvisualizer

Fields in weka.gui.graphvisualizer declared as FastVector
protected  FastVector GraphVisualizer.m_nodes
          Vector containing nodes
protected  FastVector GraphVisualizer.m_edges
          Vector containing edges
protected  FastVector HierarchicalBCEngine.m_nodes
          FastVector containing nodes and edges
protected  FastVector HierarchicalBCEngine.m_edges
          FastVector containing nodes and edges
protected  FastVector HierarchicalBCEngine.layoutCompleteListeners
          FastVector containing listeners for layoutCompleteEvent generated by this LayoutEngine
protected  FastVector DotParser.m_nodes
          These holds the nodes and edges of the graph
protected  FastVector DotParser.m_edges
          These holds the nodes and edges of the graph
protected  FastVector BIFParser.m_nodes
          These holds the nodes and edges of the graph
protected  FastVector BIFParser.m_edges
          These holds the nodes and edges of the graph

Methods in weka.gui.graphvisualizer with parameters of type FastVector
 void HierarchicalBCEngine.setNodesEdges(FastVector nodes, FastVector edges)
          Sets the nodes and edges for this LayoutEngine.
 void LayoutEngine.setNodesEdges(FastVector nodes, FastVector edges)
          This method sets the nodes and edges vectors of the LayoutEngine
static void DotParser.writeDOT(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String graphName, FastVector nodes, FastVector edges)
          This method saves a graph in a file in DOT format.
static void BIFParser.writeXMLBIF03(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String graphName, FastVector nodes, FastVector edges)
          This method writes a graph in XMLBIF ver. 0.3 format to a file.

Constructors in weka.gui.graphvisualizer with parameters of type FastVector
HierarchicalBCEngine(FastVector nodes, FastVector edges, int nodeWidth, int nodeHeight)
          Constructor - takes in FastVectors of nodes and edges, and the initial width and height of a node
HierarchicalBCEngine(FastVector nodes, FastVector edges, int nodeWidth, int nodeHeight, boolean edgeConcentration)
          Constructor - takes in FastVectors of nodes and edges, the initial width and height of a node, and a boolean value to indicate if the edges should be concentrated.
DotParser( input, FastVector nodes, FastVector edges)
          Dot parser Constructor
BIFParser(java.lang.String input, FastVector nodes, FastVector edges)
          Constructor (if our input is a String)
BIFParser( instream, FastVector nodes, FastVector edges)
          Constructor (if our input is an InputStream)

Uses of FastVector in weka.gui.visualize

Fields in weka.gui.visualize declared as FastVector
private  FastVector MatrixPanel.m_colorList
          Contains discrete colours for colouring for nominal attributes
protected  FastVector LegendPanel.m_plots
          the list of plot elements
protected  FastVector LegendPanel.m_Repainters
          a list of components that need to be repainted when a colour is changed
protected  FastVector Plot2D.m_plots
          The plots to display
protected  FastVector Plot2D.m_colorList
          The list of the colors used
protected  FastVector VisualizePanel.m_colorList
          The list of the colors used
private  FastVector VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.m_shapes
          contains all the shapes that have been drawn for these attribs
private  FastVector VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.m_shapePoints
          contains the points of the shape currently being drawn.
protected  FastVector AttributePanel.m_colorList
          The colour map to use for colouring points
protected  FastVector AttributePanel.m_Listeners
          The list of things listening to this panel
private  FastVector VisualizePanelEvent.m_values
          Contains FastVectors, each one containing the points for an object.
private  FastVector ClassPanel.m_colorList
          the list of colours to use for colouring nominal attribute labels
private  FastVector ClassPanel.m_Repainters
          An optional list of Components that use the colour list maintained by this class.
private  FastVector ClassPanel.m_ColourChangeListeners
          An optional list of listeners who want to know when a colour changes.

Methods in weka.gui.visualize that return FastVector
 FastVector Plot2D.getPlots()
          Return the list of plots
 FastVector VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.getShapes()
private  FastVector VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.makePolygon(FastVector v)
          This will convert a polyline to a polygon for drawing purposes So that I can simply use the polygon drawing function.
 FastVector VisualizePanelEvent.getValues()

Methods in weka.gui.visualize with parameters of type FastVector
 void LegendPanel.setPlotList(FastVector pl)
          Set the list of plots to generate legend entries for
 void Plot2D.setColours(FastVector cols)
          Set a list of colours to use when colouring points according to class values or cluster numbers
 void VisualizePanel.setShapes(FastVector l)
          This will set the shapes for the instances.
 void VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.setShapes(FastVector v)
          This can be used to set the shapes that should appear.
private  boolean VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.inPolyline(FastVector ob, double x, double y)
          Checks to see if the coordinate passed is inside the ployline passed, Note that this is done using attribute values and not there respective screen values.
private  boolean VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.inPoly(FastVector ob, double x, double y)
          This checks to see if The coordinate passed is inside the polygon that was passed.
 void VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.setColours(FastVector cols)
          Set a list of colours to use for plotting points
private  FastVector VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.makePolygon(FastVector v)
          This will convert a polyline to a polygon for drawing purposes So that I can simply use the polygon drawing function.
private  int[] VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.getXCoords(FastVector v)
          This will extract from a polygon shape its x coodrdinates so that an awt.Polygon can be created.
private  int[] VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.getYCoords(FastVector v)
          This will extract from a polygon shape its y coordinates so that an awt.Polygon can be created.
 void PlotData2D.setShapeType(FastVector st)
          Set the shape type for the plot data
 void PlotData2D.setShapeSize(FastVector ss)
          Set the shape sizes for the plot data
 void PlotData2D.setConnectPoints(FastVector cp)
          Set whether consecutive points should be connected by lines
 void AttributePanel.setColours(FastVector cols)
          Sets a list of colours to use for colouring data points
 void ClassPanel.setColours(FastVector cols)
          Set a list of colours to use for colouring labels

Constructors in weka.gui.visualize with parameters of type FastVector
VisualizePanelEvent(FastVector ar, Instances i, Instances i2, int at1, int at2)
          This constructor creates the event with all the parameters set.