Uses of Class

Packages that use Matrix

Uses of Matrix in weka.classifiers

Subclasses of Matrix in weka.classifiers
 class CostMatrix
          Class for storing and manipulating a misclassification cost matrix.

Uses of Matrix in weka.classifiers.evaluation

Subclasses of Matrix in weka.classifiers.evaluation
 class ConfusionMatrix
          Cells of this matrix correspond to counts of the number (or weight) of predictions for each actual value / predicted value combination.

Uses of Matrix in weka.core

Methods in weka.core that return Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.add(Matrix other)
          Returns the sum of this matrix with another.
 Matrix Matrix.transpose()
          Returns the transpose of a matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(Matrix b)
          Returns the multiplication of two matrices
 Matrix Matrix.getL()
          Returns the L part of the matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.getU()
          Returns the U part of the matrix.

Methods in weka.core with parameters of type Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.add(Matrix other)
          Returns the sum of this matrix with another.
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(Matrix b)
          Returns the multiplication of two matrices
 double[] Matrix.regression(Matrix y, double ridge)
          Performs a (ridged) linear regression.
 double[] Matrix.regression(Matrix y, double[] w, double ridge)
          Performs a weighted (ridged) linear regression.
 boolean Matrix.testEigen(Matrix V, double[] d, boolean verbose)
          Test eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
static double[] Optimization.solveTriangle(Matrix t, double[] b, boolean isLower, boolean[] isZero)
          Solve the linear equation of TX=B where T is a triangle matrix It can be solved using back/forward substitution, with O(N^2) complexity
protected  void Optimization.updateCholeskyFactor(Matrix L, double[] D, double[] v, double coeff, boolean[] isFixed)
          One rank update of the Cholesky factorization of B matrix in BFGS updates, i.e.

Uses of Matrix in weka.estimators

Fields in weka.estimators declared as Matrix
private  Matrix MahalanobisEstimator.m_CovarianceInverse
          The inverse of the covariance matrix
private  Matrix NNConditionalEstimator.m_Covariance
          Current covariance matrix

Constructors in weka.estimators with parameters of type Matrix
MahalanobisEstimator(Matrix covariance, double constDelta, double valueMean)