Package weka.estimators

Interface Summary
ConditionalEstimator Interface for conditional probability estimators.
Estimator Interface for probability estimators.

Class Summary
DDConditionalEstimator Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a discrete domain.
DiscreteEstimator Simple symbolic probability estimator based on symbol counts.
DKConditionalEstimator Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a numeric domain.
DNConditionalEstimator Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a numeric domain.
KDConditionalEstimator Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a discrete domain (utilises separate kernel estimators for each discrete conditioning value).
KernelEstimator Simple kernel density estimator.
KKConditionalEstimator Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a numeric domain.
MahalanobisEstimator Simple probability estimator that places a single normal distribution over the observed values.
NDConditionalEstimator Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a discrete domain (utilises separate normal estimators for each discrete conditioning value).
NNConditionalEstimator Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a numeric domain (using Mahalanobis distance).
NormalEstimator Simple probability estimator that places a single normal distribution over the observed values.
PoissonEstimator Simple probability estimator that places a single Poisson distribution over the observed values.