Uses of Class

Packages that use Instance

Uses of Instance in weka.associations

Methods in weka.associations with parameters of type Instance
 boolean ItemSet.containedBy(Instance instance)
          Checks if an instance contains an item set.
 void ItemSet.upDateCounter(Instance instance)
          Updates counter of item set with respect to given transaction.

Uses of Instance in weka.associations.tertius

Subclasses of Instance in weka.associations.tertius
 class IndividualInstance

Methods in weka.associations.tertius with parameters of type Instance
abstract  boolean Literal.satisfies(Instance instance)
abstract  boolean Literal.negationSatisfies(Instance instance)
 boolean LiteralSet.counterInstance(Instance individual, Instance part)
          Test if an individual instance, given a part instance of this individual, is a counter-instance of this LiteralSet.
 boolean LiteralSet.counterInstance(Instance instance)
          Test if an instance is a counter-instance of this LiteralSet.
abstract  boolean LiteralSet.canKeep(Instance instance, Literal newLit)
          Test if an instance can be kept as a counter-instance, given a new literal.
 boolean AttributeValueLiteral.satisfies(Instance instance)
 boolean AttributeValueLiteral.negationSatisfies(Instance instance)
 boolean Rule.counterInstance(Instance instance)
          Test if an instance is a counter-instance of this rule.
 boolean Body.canKeep(Instance instance, Literal newLit)
          Test if an instance can be kept as a counter-instance, if a new literal is added to this body.
 boolean Head.canKeep(Instance instance, Literal newLit)
          Test if an instance can be kept as a counter-instance, if a new literal is added to this head.

Constructors in weka.associations.tertius with parameters of type Instance
IndividualInstance(Instance individual, Instances parts)

Uses of Instance in weka.attributeSelection

Methods in weka.attributeSelection that return Instance
 Instance AttributeSelection.reduceDimensionality(Instance in)
          reduce the dimensionality of a single instance to include only those attributes chosen by the last run of attribute selection.
 Instance AttributeTransformer.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Transforms an instance in the format of the original data to the transformed space
private  Instance PrincipalComponents.convertInstanceToOriginal(Instance inst)
          Convert a pc transformed instance back to the original space
 Instance PrincipalComponents.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Transform an instance in original (unormalized) format.

Methods in weka.attributeSelection with parameters of type Instance
abstract  double HoldOutSubsetEvaluator.evaluateSubset(java.util.BitSet subset, Instance holdOut, boolean retrain)
          Evaluates a subset of attributes with respect to a single instance.
 Instance AttributeSelection.reduceDimensionality(Instance in)
          reduce the dimensionality of a single instance to include only those attributes chosen by the last run of attribute selection.
private  void ConsistencySubsetEval.insertIntoTable(Instance inst, double[] instA)
          Inserts an instance into the hash table
 Instance AttributeTransformer.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Transforms an instance in the format of the original data to the transformed space
 double ClassifierSubsetEval.evaluateSubset(java.util.BitSet subset, Instance holdOut, boolean retrain)
          Evaluates a subset of attributes with respect to a single instance.
private  Instance PrincipalComponents.convertInstanceToOriginal(Instance inst)
          Convert a pc transformed instance back to the original space
 Instance PrincipalComponents.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Transform an instance in original (unormalized) format.
private  void ReliefFAttributeEval.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.
private  double ReliefFAttributeEval.distance(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculates the distance between two instances

Constructors in weka.attributeSelection with parameters of type Instance
ConsistencySubsetEval.hashKey(Instance t, int numAtts)
          Constructor for a hashKey

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers

Methods in weka.classifiers with parameters of type Instance
 double Classifier.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies the given test instance.
 double[] Classifier.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Predicts the class memberships for a given instance.
 double Evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(Classifier classifier, Instance instance)
          Evaluates the classifier on a single instance.
 double Evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(double[] dist, Instance instance)
          Evaluates the supplied distribution on a single instance.
 void Evaluation.evaluateModelOnce(double prediction, Instance instance)
          Evaluates the supplied prediction on a single instance.
 void Evaluation.updatePriors(Instance instance)
          Updates the class prior probabilities (when incrementally training)
protected static java.lang.String Evaluation.attributeValuesString(Instance instance, Range attRange)
          Builds a string listing the attribute values in a specified range of indices, separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.
protected  void Evaluation.updateStatsForClassifier(double[] predictedDistribution, Instance instance)
          Updates all the statistics about a classifiers performance for the current test instance.
protected  void Evaluation.updateStatsForPredictor(double predictedValue, Instance instance)
          Updates all the statistics about a predictors performance for the current test instance.
 void UpdateableClassifier.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates a classifier using the given instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.bayes

Fields in weka.classifiers.bayes declared as Instance
 Instance[] ADNode.m_Instances
          list of Instance children (either m_Instances or m_VaryNodes is instantiated)

Methods in weka.classifiers.bayes with parameters of type Instance
 double ComplementNaiveBayes.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
 void BayesNet.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates the classifier with the given instance.
 double[] BayesNet.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] BayesNet.countsForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the counts for Dirichlet distribution for the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
private  void AODE.addToCounts(Instance instance)
          Puts an instance's values into m_CondiCounts, m_ClassCounts and m_SumInstances.
 double[] AODE.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double AODE.NBconditionalProb(Instance instance, int classVal)
          Calculates the probability of the specified class for the given test instance, using naive Bayes.
 double[] NaiveBayesMultinomial.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
private  double NaiveBayesMultinomial.probOfDocGivenClass(Instance inst, int classIndex)
 void NaiveBayes.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates the classifier with the given instance.
 double[] NaiveBayes.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] NaiveBayesSimple.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.evaluation

Methods in weka.classifiers.evaluation that return Instance
private  Instance ThresholdCurve.makeInstance(TwoClassStats tc, double prob)
private  Instance MarginCurve.makeInstance(double margin, int current, int cumulative)
          Creates an Instance object with the attributes calculated.

Methods in weka.classifiers.evaluation with parameters of type Instance
 Prediction EvaluationUtils.getPrediction(Classifier classifier, Instance test)
          Generate a single prediction for a test instance given the pre-trained classifier.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.functions

Fields in weka.classifiers.functions declared as Instance
private  Instance MultilayerPerceptron.m_currentInstance
          The current instance running through the network.

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions with parameters of type Instance
 double[] MultilayerPerceptron.distributionForInstance(Instance i)
          Call this function to predict the class of an instance once a classification model has been built with the buildClassifier call.
 double SMOreg.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Classifies a given instance.
 double LeastMedSq.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classify a given instance using the best generated LinearRegression Classifier.
private  double SMO.BinarySMO.SVMOutput(int index, Instance inst)
          Computes SVM output for given instance.
 double[] Logistic.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes the distribution for a given instance
 double[] SimpleLogistic.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Returns class probabilities for an instance.
 double[] VotedPerceptron.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Outputs the distribution for the given output.
private  double VotedPerceptron.innerProduct(Instance i1, Instance i2)
          Computes the inner product of two instances
private  int VotedPerceptron.makePrediction(int k, Instance inst)
          Compute a prediction from a perceptron
 void Winnow.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates the classifier with a new learning example
private  void Winnow.actualUpdateClassifier(Instance inst)
          Actual update routine for prefiltered instances
private  void Winnow.actualUpdateClassifierBalanced(Instance inst)
          Actual update routine (balanced) for prefiltered instances
 double Winnow.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Outputs the prediction for the given instance.
private  double Winnow.makePrediction(Instance inst)
          Compute the actual prediction for prefiltered instance
private  double Winnow.makePredictionBalanced(Instance inst)
          Compute our prediction (Balanced) for prefiltered instance
 double SimpleLinearRegression.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Generate a prediction for the supplied instance.
 double LinearRegression.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies the given instance using the linear regression function.
private  double LinearRegression.regressionPrediction(Instance transformedInstance, boolean[] selectedAttributes, double[] coefficients)
          Calculate the dependent value for a given instance for a given regression model.
 boolean PaceRegression.checkForMissing(Instance instance, Instances model)
          Checks if an instance has a missing value.
 double PaceRegression.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies the given instance using the linear regression function.
private  double PaceRegression.regressionPrediction(Instance transformedInstance, double[] coefficients)
          Calculate the dependent value for a given instance for a given regression model.
 double[] SMO.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Estimates class probabilities for given instance.
 int[] SMO.obtainVotes(Instance inst)
          Returns an array of votes for the given instance.
 double[] RBFNetwork.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes the distribution for a given instance

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector with parameters of type Instance
 double NormalizedPolyKernel.eval(int id1, int id2, Instance inst1)
          Redefines the eval function of PolyKernel.
 double RBFKernel.eval(int id1, int id2, Instance inst1)
          Implements the abstract function of Kernel.
private  double RBFKernel.dotProd(Instance inst1, Instance inst2)
          Calculates a dot product between two instances
abstract  double Kernel.eval(int id1, int id2, Instance inst1)
          Computes the result of the kernel function for two instances.
 double PolyKernel.eval(int id1, int id2, Instance inst1)
          Implements the abstract function of Kernel.
private  double PolyKernel.dotProd(Instance inst1, Instance inst2)
          Calculates a dot product between two instances

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.lazy

Fields in weka.classifiers.lazy declared as Instance
private  Instance IBk.NeighborNode.m_Instance
          The neighbor instance

Methods in weka.classifiers.lazy with parameters of type Instance
 void IBk.NeighborList.insertSorted(double distance, Instance instance)
          Inserts an instance neighbor into the list, maintaining the list sorted by distance.
 void LWL.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Adds the supplied instance to the training set
 double[] LWL.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
private  double LWL.distance(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculates the distance between two instances
private  void LWL.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.
 void IB1.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates the classifier.
 double IB1.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies the given test instance.
private  double IB1.distance(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculates the distance between two instances
private  void IB1.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.
 void KStar.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Adds the supplied instance to the training set
 double[] KStar.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
private  double KStar.instanceTransformationProbability(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculate the probability of the first instance transforming into the second instance: the probability is the product of the transformation probabilities of the attributes normilized over the number of instances used.
private  double KStar.attrTransProb(Instance first, Instance second, int col)
          Calculates the transformation probability of the indexed test attribute to the indexed train attribute.
 double[] LBR.distributionForInstance(Instance testInstance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] LBR.localDistributionForInstance(Instance instance, LBR.Indexes instanceIndex)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities.
 void IBk.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Adds the supplied instance to the training set
 double[] IBk.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
protected  double IBk.distance(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculates the distance between two instances
protected  void IBk.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.
protected  IBk.NeighborList IBk.findNeighbors(Instance instance)
          Build the list of nearest k neighbors to the given test instance.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.lazy with parameters of type Instance
IBk.NeighborNode(double distance, Instance instance, IBk.NeighborNode next)
          Create a new neighbor node.
IBk.NeighborNode(double distance, Instance instance)
          Create a new neighbor node that doesn't link to any other nodes.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar

Fields in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar declared as Instance
protected  Instance KStarNumericAttribute.m_Test
          The test instance
protected  Instance KStarNumericAttribute.m_Train
          The train instance
protected  Instance KStarNominalAttribute.m_Test
          The test instance
protected  Instance KStarNominalAttribute.m_Train
          The train instance

Methods in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar with parameters of type Instance
private  double KStarNominalAttribute.PStar(Instance test, Instance train, int col, double stop)
          Calculates the nominal probability function defined as: P(i|j) = (1-stop) * P(i) + ((i==j) ?

Constructors in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar with parameters of type Instance
KStarNumericAttribute(Instance test, Instance train, int attrIndex, Instances trainSet, int[][] randClassCols, KStarCache cache)
KStarNominalAttribute(Instance test, Instance train, int attrIndex, Instances trainSet, int[][] randClassCol, KStarCache cache)

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.meta

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return Instance
protected  Instance Stacking.metaInstance(Instance instance)
          Makes a level-1 instance from the given instance.
protected  Instance Grading.metaInstance(Instance instance, int k)
          Makes a level-1 instance from the given instance.

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type Instance
 double[] LogitBoost.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] Stacking.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities.
protected  Instance Stacking.metaInstance(Instance instance)
          Makes a level-1 instance from the given instance.
 double[] HND.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns a class probability estimation for the given instance.
private  void HND.distributionForInstance(Instance instance, java.util.Map classDistribution, double factor)
          Computes levelwise class probability estimation for the given instance and fills in the respective values to the classDistribution, using the factor (accumulated class probability for the respective superclass).
 double[] AttributeSelectedClassifier.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance after attribute selection
 double[] Vote.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance using the selected classifier.
 double[] FilteredClassifier.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance after filtering.
 double[] CostSensitiveClassifier.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities.
 double[] MultiScheme.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities.
 double[] RandomCommittee.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] CVParameterSelection.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Predicts the class distribution for the given test instance.
 double[] MultiClassClassifier.individualPredictions(Instance inst)
          Returns the individual predictions of the base classifiers for an instance.
 double[] MultiClassClassifier.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Returns the distribution for an instance.
 double[] Grading.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities for a given instance using the stacked classifier.
protected  Instance Grading.metaInstance(Instance instance, int k)
          Makes a level-1 instance from the given instance.
 double[] ND.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Predicts the class distribution for a given instance
protected  double[] ND.distributionForInstance(Instance inst, ND.NDTree node)
          Predicts the class distribution for a given instance
 double RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.Committee.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
 double[] RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.Committee.updateFS(Instance instance, Classifier[] newModel, double[] Fs)
 double[] RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.Committee.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
 double[] ClassificationViaRegression.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Returns the distribution for an instance.
 double RegressionByDiscretization.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns a predicted class for the test instance.
 double[] StackingC.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance using the stacked classifier.
 double MetaCost.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given test instance.
 double AdditiveRegression.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Classify an instance.
 double[] END.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 void RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates the classifier.
 double[] RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes class distribution of an instance using the best committee.
 double[] Bagging.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] OrdinalClassClassifier.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Returns the distribution for an instance.
 double[] Decorate.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] AdaBoostM1.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double[] TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.distributionForInstance(Instance inst)
          Predicts the class distribution for a given instance * * @param inst the (multi-class) instance to be classified
 double[] ThresholdSelector.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.misc

Methods in weka.classifiers.misc with parameters of type Instance
 double[] VFI.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies the given test instance.
 double FLR.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance using the FLR Classifier model
 void HyperPipes.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates the classifier.
 double[] HyperPipes.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies the given test instance.
 void HyperPipes.HyperPipe.addInstance(Instance instance)
          Updates the bounds arrays with a single instance.
 double HyperPipes.HyperPipe.partialContains(Instance instance)
          Returns the fraction of the dimensions of a given instance with values lying within the corresponding bounds of the HyperPipe.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.misc with parameters of type Instance
FLR.FuzzyLattice(Instance dR, FLR.FuzzyLattice bounds)
          Constructs a Fuzzy Lattice from a instance

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.rules

Fields in weka.classifiers.rules declared as Instance
private  Instance NNge.Exemplar.m_PreInst

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type Instance
 double NNge.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
 void NNge.updateClassifier(Instance instance)
          Updates the classifier using the given instance.
private  void NNge.update(Instance instance)
          Performs the update of the classifier
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.nearestExemplar(Instance inst)
          Returns the nearest Exemplar
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.nearestExemplar(Instance inst, double c)
          Returns the nearest Exemplar with class c
private  void NNge.generalise(Instance newInst)
          Generalise an Exemplar (not necessarily predictedExemplar) to match instance.
private  void NNge.adjust(Instance newInst, NNge.Exemplar predictedExemplar)
          Adjust the NNge.
private  void NNge.prune(NNge.Exemplar predictedExemplar, Instance newInst)
          Prunes an Exemplar that matches an Instance
private  boolean NNge.notEqualFeatures(Instance inst1, Instance inst2)
          Returns true if the instance don't have the same feature values
private  void NNge.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum, maximum, sum, sumSquare values for all the attributes
private  void NNge.updateMI(Instance inst)
          Updates the data for computing the mutual information MUST be called AFTER adding inst in m_Train
private  void NNge.Exemplar.generalise(Instance inst)
          Generalise the Exemplar with inst
private  void NNge.Exemplar.preGeneralise(Instance inst)
          pre-generalise the Exemplar with inst i.e. the boundaries of the Exemplar include inst but the Exemplar still doesn't 'own' inst.
private  boolean NNge.Exemplar.holds(Instance inst)
          return true if inst is held by this Exemplar, false otherwise
private  double NNge.Exemplar.attrDistance(Instance inst, int attrIndex)
          Compute the distance between the projection of inst and this Exemplar along the attribute attrIndex.
private  double NNge.Exemplar.squaredDistance(Instance inst)
          Returns the square of the distance between inst and the Exemplar.
abstract  boolean ConjunctiveRule.Antd.isCover(Instance inst)
private  boolean Prism.Test.satisfies(Instance inst)
          Returns whether a given instance satisfies this test.
 double[] ConjunctiveRule.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes class distribution for the given instance.
 boolean ConjunctiveRule.isCover(Instance datum)
          Whether the instance covered by this rule
 boolean ConjunctiveRule.NumericAntd.isCover(Instance inst)
          Whether the instance is covered by this antecedent
 boolean ConjunctiveRule.NominalAntd.isCover(Instance inst)
          Whether the instance is covered by this antecedent
 int Prism.PrismRule.resultRule(Instance inst)
          Returns the result assigned by this rule to a given instance.
 int Prism.PrismRule.resultRules(Instance inst)
          Returns the result assigned by these rules to a given instance.
 boolean JRip.RipperRule.covers(Instance datum)
          Whether the instance covered by this rule
 double OneR.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Classifies a given instance.
abstract  boolean Rule.covers(Instance datum)
          Whether the instance covered by this rule
 double Prism.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Classifies a given instance.
 double ZeroR.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
 double[] ZeroR.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 boolean Ridor.RidorRule.isCover(Instance datum)
          Whether the instance covered by this rule
abstract  boolean Ridor.Antd.isCover(Instance inst)
 boolean Ridor.NumericAntd.isCover(Instance inst)
          Whether the instance is covered by this antecedent
 double[] JRip.distributionForInstance(Instance datum)
          Classify the test instance with the rule learner and provide the class distributions
abstract  boolean JRip.Antd.covers(Instance inst)
 boolean JRip.NumericAntd.covers(Instance inst)
          Whether the instance is covered by this antecedent
 boolean JRip.NominalAntd.covers(Instance inst)
          Whether the instance is covered by this antecedent
 boolean Ridor.NominalAntd.isCover(Instance inst)
          Whether the instance is covered by this antecedent
private  void DecisionTable.insertIntoTable(Instance inst, double[] instA)
          Inserts an instance into the hash table
(package private)  double DecisionTable.classifyInstanceLeaveOneOut(Instance instance, double[] instA)
          Classifies an instance for internal leave one out cross validation of feature sets
 double[] DecisionTable.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
 double PART.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies an instance.
 double[] PART.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities for an instance.
 double Ridor.classifyInstance(Instance datum)
          Classify the test instance with the rule learner
private  double Ridor.classify(Ridor.Ridor_node node, Instance datum)
          Classify the test instance with one node of Ridor

Constructors in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type Instance
DecisionTable.hashKey(Instance t, int numAtts)
          Constructor for a hashKey

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.rules.part

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules.part with parameters of type Instance
 double MakeDecList.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies an instance.
 double[] MakeDecList.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns the class distribution for an instance.
 double ClassifierDecList.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies an instance.
 double[] ClassifierDecList.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities for a weighted instance.
 double ClassifierDecList.weight(Instance instance)
          Returns the weight a rule assigns to an instance.
private  double ClassifierDecList.getProbs(int classIndex, Instance instance, double weight)
          Help method for computing class probabilities of a given instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.trees

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type Instance
 double[] LMT.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities for an instance.
 double LMT.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies an instance.
 double[] REPTree.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes class distribution of an instance using the tree.
protected  double[] REPTree.Tree.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes class distribution of an instance using the tree.
protected  void REPTree.Tree.insertHoldOutInstance(Instance inst, double weight, REPTree.Tree parent)
          Inserts an instance from the hold-out set into the tree.
protected  void REPTree.Tree.backfitHoldOutInstance(Instance inst, double weight, REPTree.Tree parent)
          Inserts an instance from the hold-out set into the tree.
 double[] ADTree.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns the class probability distribution for an instance.
protected  double ADTree.predictionValueForInstance(Instance inst, PredictionNode currentNode, double currentValue)
          Returns the class prediction value (vote) for an instance.
 double[] RandomForest.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns the class probability distribution for an instance.
 double J48.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies an instance.
 double[] J48.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities for an instance.
 double[] RandomTree.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes class distribution of an instance using the decision tree.
 double Id3.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given test instance using the decision tree.
 double[] Id3.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes class distribution for instance using decision tree.
 double[] UserClassifier.TreeClass.calcClassType(Instance i)
          This will recursively go through the tree and return inside the array the weightings of each of the class types for this instance.
 double[] UserClassifier.distributionForInstance(Instance i)
          Call this function to get a double array filled with the probability of how likely each class type is the class of the instance.
 double[] DecisionStump.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
private  int DecisionStump.whichSubset(Instance instance)
          Returns the subset an instance falls into.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree with parameters of type Instance
 void ReferenceInstances.addReference(Instance instance)
          Adds one instance reference to the end of the set.
abstract  int Splitter.branchInstanceGoesDown(Instance i)
          Gets the index of the branch that an instance applies to.
 int TwoWayNominalSplit.branchInstanceGoesDown(Instance inst)
          Gets the index of the branch that an instance applies to.
 int TwoWayNumericSplit.branchInstanceGoesDown(Instance inst)
          Gets the index of the branch that an instance applies to.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.trees.j48

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 with parameters of type Instance
 double ClassifierSplitModel.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
 double ClassifierSplitModel.classProb(int classIndex, Instance instance, int theSubset)
          Gets class probability for instance.
 double ClassifierSplitModel.classProbLaplace(int classIndex, Instance instance, int theSubset)
          Gets class probability for instance.
abstract  double[] ClassifierSplitModel.weights(Instance instance)
          Returns weights if instance is assigned to more than one subset.
abstract  int ClassifierSplitModel.whichSubset(Instance instance)
          Returns index of subset instance is assigned to.
 double C45Split.classProb(int classIndex, Instance instance, int theSubset)
          Gets class probability for instance.
 double[] C45Split.weights(Instance instance)
          Returns weights if instance is assigned to more than one subset.
 int C45Split.whichSubset(Instance instance)
          Returns index of subset instance is assigned to.
 double BinC45Split.classProb(int classIndex, Instance instance, int theSubset)
          Gets class probability for instance.
 double[] BinC45Split.weights(Instance instance)
          Returns weights if instance is assigned to more than one subset.
 int BinC45Split.whichSubset(Instance instance)
          Returns index of subset instance is assigned to.
 double ClassifierTree.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies an instance.
 double[] ClassifierTree.distributionForInstance(Instance instance, boolean useLaplace)
          Returns class probabilities for a weighted instance.
private  double ClassifierTree.getProbsLaplace(int classIndex, Instance instance, double weight)
          Help method for computing class probabilities of a given instance.
private  double ClassifierTree.getProbs(int classIndex, Instance instance, double weight)
          Help method for computing class probabilities of a given instance.
 void Distribution.add(int bagIndex, Instance instance)
          Adds given instance to given bag.
 void Distribution.sub(int bagIndex, Instance instance)
          Subtracts given instance from given bag.
 void Distribution.addWeights(Instance instance, double[] weights)
          Adds given instance to all bags weighting it according to given weights.
 void Distribution.del(int bagIndex, Instance instance)
          Deletes given instance from given bag.
 void Distribution.shift(int from, int to, Instance instance)
          Shifts given instance from one bag to another one.
 int NoSplit.whichSubset(Instance instance)
          Always returns 0 because only there is only one subset.
 double[] NoSplit.weights(Instance instance)
          Always returns null because there is only one subset.

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt with parameters of type Instance
protected  double[] LMTNode.getFs(Instance instance)
          Computes the F-values of LogitBoost for an instance from the current logistic model at the node Note that this also takes into account the (partial) logistic model fit at higher levels in the tree.
 double[] LMTNode.modelDistributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns the class probabilities for an instance according to the logistic model at the node.
 double[] LMTNode.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns the class probabilities for an instance given by the logistic model tree.
protected  double[] LogisticBase.getFs(Instance instance)
          Computes the F-values for a single instance.
 double[] LogisticBase.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns class probabilities for an instance.
 int ResidualSplit.whichSubset(Instance instance)
 double[] ResidualSplit.weights(Instance instance)
          Method not in use

Uses of Instance in weka.classifiers.trees.m5

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 with parameters of type Instance
 double RuleNode.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Classify an instance using this node.
 double PreConstructedLinearModel.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Predicts the class of the supplied instance using the linear model.
 double Rule.classifyInstance(Instance instance)
          Calculates a prediction for an instance using this rule or M5 model tree
 double M5Base.classifyInstance(Instance inst)
          Calculates a prediction for an instance using a set of rules or an M5 model tree

Uses of Instance in weka.clusterers

Methods in weka.clusterers with parameters of type Instance
abstract  double[] DensityBasedClusterer.logDensityPerClusterForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes the log of the conditional density (per cluster) for a given instance.
 double DensityBasedClusterer.logDensityForInstance(Instance instance)
          Computes the density for a given instance.
 double[] DensityBasedClusterer.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Returns the cluster probability distribution for an instance.
protected  double[] DensityBasedClusterer.logJointDensitiesForInstance(Instance inst)
          Returns the logs of the joint densities for a given instance.
 double[] MakeDensityBasedClusterer.logDensityPerClusterForInstance(Instance inst)
          Computes the log of the conditional density (per cluster) for a given instance.
protected  void FarthestFirst.updateMinDistance(double[] minDistance, boolean[] selected, Instances data, Instance center)
private  void FarthestFirst.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.
protected  int FarthestFirst.clusterProcessedInstance(Instance instance)
          clusters an instance that has been through the filters
 int FarthestFirst.clusterInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
protected  double FarthestFirst.distance(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculates the distance between two instances
private  void EM.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.
 double[] EM.logDensityPerClusterForInstance(Instance inst)
          Computes the log of the conditional density (per cluster) for a given instance.
private static java.lang.String ClusterEvaluation.attributeValuesString(Instance instance, Range attRange)
          Builds a string listing the attribute values in a specified range of indices, separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.
 int Cobweb.clusterInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
 void Cobweb.addInstance(Instance newInstance)
          Adds an instance to the Cobweb tree.
protected  void Cobweb.CNode.addInstance(Instance newInstance)
          Adds an instance to this cluster.
private  double[] Cobweb.CNode.cuScoresForChildren(Instance newInstance)
          Temporarily adds a new instance to each of this nodes children in turn and computes the category utility.
private  double Cobweb.CNode.cuScoreForBestTwoMerged(Cobweb.CNode merged, Cobweb.CNode a, Cobweb.CNode b, Instance newInstance)
private  Cobweb.CNode Cobweb.CNode.findHost(Instance newInstance, boolean structureFrozen)
          Finds a host for the new instance in this nodes children.
protected  void Cobweb.CNode.updateStats(Instance updateInstance, boolean delete)
          Update attribute stats using the supplied instance.
private  int SimpleKMeans.clusterProcessedInstance(Instance instance)
          clusters an instance that has been through the filters
 int SimpleKMeans.clusterInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
private  double SimpleKMeans.distance(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculates the distance between two instances
private  void SimpleKMeans.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.
 int Clusterer.clusterInstance(Instance instance)
          Classifies a given instance.
 double[] Clusterer.distributionForInstance(Instance instance)
          Predicts the cluster memberships for a given instance.

Constructors in weka.clusterers with parameters of type Instance
Cobweb.CNode(int numAttributes, Instance leafInstance)
          Creates a new leaf CNode instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.core

Subclasses of Instance in weka.core
 class BinarySparseInstance
          Class for storing a binary-data-only instance as a sparse vector.
 class SparseInstance
          Class for storing an instance as a sparse vector.

Methods in weka.core that return Instance
 Instance ClassHierarchy.mergeClasses(Instance instance)
          Returns a new Instance with classes selected and merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this hierarchy.
 Instance BinarySparseInstance.mergeInstance(Instance inst)
          Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result.
 Instance Instance.mergeInstance(Instance inst)
          Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result.
 Instance ClassTree.mergeClasses(Instance instance)
          Returns a new Instance with classes selected and merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this ClassTree.
 Instance SparseInstance.mergeInstance(Instance inst)
          Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result.
 Instance Instances.firstInstance()
          Returns the first instance in the set.
 Instance Instances.instance(int index)
          Returns the instance at the given position.
 Instance Instances.lastInstance()
          Returns the last instance in the set.

Methods in weka.core with parameters of type Instance
 Instance ClassHierarchy.mergeClasses(Instance instance)
          Returns a new Instance with classes selected and merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this hierarchy.
 Instance BinarySparseInstance.mergeInstance(Instance inst)
          Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result.
 boolean Instance.equalHeaders(Instance inst)
          Tests if the headers of two instances are equivalent.
 Instance Instance.mergeInstance(Instance inst)
          Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result.
 Instance ClassTree.mergeClasses(Instance instance)
          Returns a new Instance with classes selected and merged to superclasses according to the superclasses of this ClassTree.
 Instance SparseInstance.mergeInstance(Instance inst)
          Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result.
 void Instances.add(Instance instance)
          Adds one instance to the end of the set.
 boolean Instances.checkInstance(Instance instance)
          Checks if the given instance is compatible with this dataset.

Constructors in weka.core with parameters of type Instance
BinarySparseInstance(Instance instance)
          Constructor that generates a sparse instance from the given instance.
Instance(Instance instance)
          Constructor that copies the attribute values and the weight from the given instance.
SparseInstance(Instance instance)
          Constructor that generates a sparse instance from the given instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.core.converters

Methods in weka.core.converters that return Instance
 Instance ArffLoader.getNextInstance()
          Read the data set incrementally---get the next instance in the data set or returns null if there are no more instances to get.
 Instance CSVLoader.getNextInstance()
          CSVLoader is unable to process a data set incrementally.
 Instance Loader.getNextInstance()
          Read the data set incrementally---get the next instance in the data set or returns null if there are no more instances to get.
abstract  Instance TreeLoader.getNextInstance()
 Instance SerializedInstancesLoader.getNextInstance()
          Read the data set incrementally---get the next instance in the data set or returns null if there are no more instances to get.
 Instance C45Loader.getNextInstance()
          Read the data set incrementally---get the next instance in the data set or returns null if there are no more instances to get.
private  Instance C45Loader.getInstance( tokenizer)
          Reads an instance using the supplied tokenizer.
abstract  Instance AbstractLoader.getNextInstance()

Uses of Instance in weka.datagenerators

Methods in weka.datagenerators that return Instance
 Instance BIRCHCluster.generateExample()
          Generate an example of the dataset.
private  Instance BIRCHCluster.generateInstance(Instances format, java.util.Random randomG, double stdDev, double[] center, java.lang.String cName)
          Generate an example of the dataset.
(package private) abstract  Instance ClusterGenerator.generateExample()
          Generates one example of the dataset.
 Instance RDG1.generateExample()
          Generate an example of the dataset dataset.
private  Instance RDG1.updateDecisionList(java.util.Random random, Instance example)
          Generates a new rule for the decision list.
private  Instance RDG1.generateExample(java.util.Random random, Instances format)
          Generates an example with its classvalue set to missing and binds it to the datasets.
private  Instance RDG1.votedReclassifyExample(Instance example)
          Classify example with maximum vote the following way.
(package private) abstract  Instance Generator.generateExample()
          Generates one example of the dataset.

Methods in weka.datagenerators with parameters of type Instance
private  Instance RDG1.updateDecisionList(java.util.Random random, Instance example)
          Generates a new rule for the decision list.
private  FastVector RDG1.generateTestList(java.util.Random random, Instance example)
          Generates a new rule for the decision list and classifies the new example.
private  boolean RDG1.classifyExample(Instance example)
          Tries to classify an example.
private  Instance RDG1.votedReclassifyExample(Instance example)
          Classify example with maximum vote the following way.
private  double RDG1.RuleList.classifyInstance(Instance example)
 boolean Test.passesTest(Instance inst)
          Determines whether an instance passes the test.

Uses of Instance in weka.experiment

Fields in weka.experiment declared as Instance
(package private)  Instance PairedTTester.Dataset.m_Template
(package private)  Instance PairedTTester.Resultset.m_Template

Methods in weka.experiment that return Instance
protected  Instance PairedTTester.DatasetSpecifiers.specifier(int i)
          Get the template at the given position.

Methods in weka.experiment with parameters of type Instance
protected  void PairedTTester.DatasetSpecifiers.add(Instance inst)
          Add an instance to the list of specifiers (if necessary)
 PairedStats PairedCorrectedTTester.calculateStatistics(Instance datasetSpecifier, int resultset1Index, int resultset2Index, int comparisonColumn)
          Computes a paired t-test comparison for a specified dataset between two resultsets.
protected  boolean PairedTTester.Dataset.matchesTemplate(Instance first)
          Returns true if the two instances match on those attributes that have been designated key columns (eg: scheme name and scheme options)
protected  void PairedTTester.Dataset.add(Instance inst)
          Adds the given instance to the dataset
protected  boolean PairedTTester.Resultset.matchesTemplate(Instance first)
          Returns true if the two instances match on those attributes that have been designated key columns (eg: scheme name and scheme options)
 FastVector PairedTTester.Resultset.dataset(Instance inst)
          Returns a vector containing all instances belonging to one dataset.
 void PairedTTester.Resultset.add(Instance newInst)
          Adds an instance to this resultset
protected  java.lang.String PairedTTester.templateString(Instance template)
          Returns a string descriptive of the key column values for the "datasets
 PairedStats PairedTTester.calculateStatistics(Instance datasetSpecifier, int resultset1Index, int resultset2Index, int comparisonColumn)
          Computes a paired t-test comparison for a specified dataset between two resultsets.

Constructors in weka.experiment with parameters of type Instance
PairedTTester.Dataset(Instance template)
PairedTTester.Resultset(Instance template)

Uses of Instance in weka.filters

Methods in weka.filters that return Instance
 Instance Filter.output()
          Output an instance after filtering and remove from the output queue.
 Instance Filter.outputPeek()
          Output an instance after filtering but do not remove from the output queue.

Methods in weka.filters with parameters of type Instance
protected  void Filter.push(Instance instance)
          Adds an output instance to the queue.
protected  void Filter.bufferInput(Instance instance)
          Adds the supplied input instance to the inputformat dataset for later processing.
private  void Filter.copyStringValues(Instance inst, Instances destDataset, int[] strAtts)
          Copies string values contained in the instance copied to a new dataset.
protected  void Filter.copyStringValues(Instance instance, boolean instSrcCompat, Instances srcDataset, Instances destDataset)
          Takes string values referenced by an Instance and copies them from a source dataset to a destination dataset.
protected  void Filter.copyStringValues(Instance instance, boolean instSrcCompat, Instances srcDataset, int[] srcStrAtts, Instances destDataset, int[] destStrAtts)
          Takes string values referenced by an Instance and copies them from a source dataset to a destination dataset.
 boolean Filter.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean AllFilter.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean NullFilter.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.

Uses of Instance in weka.filters.supervised.attribute

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.attribute with parameters of type Instance
 boolean ClassOrder.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean NominalToBinary.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void NominalToBinary.convertInstance(Instance inst)
          Convert a single instance over.
private  void NominalToBinary.convertInstanceNominal(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over if the class is nominal.
private  void NominalToBinary.convertInstanceNumeric(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over if the class is numeric.
 boolean AttributeSelection.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  void AttributeSelection.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean Discretize.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  void Discretize.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.

Uses of Instance in weka.filters.supervised.instance

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.instance with parameters of type Instance
 boolean SpreadSubsample.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean Resample.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.

Uses of Instance in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute that return Instance
 Instance RemoveType.output()
          Output an instance after filtering and remove from the output queue.
 Instance RemoveType.outputPeek()
          Output an instance after filtering but do not remove from the output queue.
protected  Instance TimeSeriesDelta.mergeInstances(Instance source, Instance dest)
          Creates a new instance the same as one instance (the "destination") but with some attribute values copied from another instance (the "source")
private  Instance RandomProjection.convertInstance(Instance currentInstance)
          converts a single instance to the required format
protected  Instance TimeSeriesTranslate.mergeInstances(Instance source, Instance dest)
          Creates a new instance the same as one instance (the "destination") but with some attribute values copied from another instance (the "source")
protected  Instance AbstractTimeSeries.historyInput(Instance instance)
          Adds an instance to the history buffer.
protected abstract  Instance AbstractTimeSeries.mergeInstances(Instance source, Instance dest)
          Creates a new instance the same as one instance (the "destination") but with some attribute values copied from another instance (the "source")

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute with parameters of type Instance
 boolean RemoveType.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean Add.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean NominalToBinary.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void NominalToBinary.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over if the class is nominal.
 boolean ReplaceMissingValues.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void ReplaceMissingValues.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean AddNoise.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void AddNoise.changeValueRandomly(java.util.Random r, int numOfValues, int indexOfAtt, Instance instance, boolean useMissing)
          method to set a new value
 boolean Standardize.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void Standardize.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean StringToNominal.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean Normalize.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void Normalize.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean Copy.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  Instance TimeSeriesDelta.mergeInstances(Instance source, Instance dest)
          Creates a new instance the same as one instance (the "destination") but with some attribute values copied from another instance (the "source")
 boolean RandomProjection.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  Instance RandomProjection.convertInstance(Instance currentInstance)
          converts a single instance to the required format
 boolean AddCluster.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  void AddCluster.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean ClusterMembership.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  double[] ClusterMembership.logs2densities(Instance in)
          Converts logs back to density values.
protected  void ClusterMembership.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean MakeIndicator.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean NumericToBinary.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void NumericToBinary.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean Discretize.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  void Discretize.convertInstance(Instance instance)
          Convert a single instance over.
 boolean Obfuscate.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean RemoveUseless.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean NumericTransform.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  Instance TimeSeriesTranslate.mergeInstances(Instance source, Instance dest)
          Creates a new instance the same as one instance (the "destination") but with some attribute values copied from another instance (the "source")
 boolean SwapValues.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean AddExpression.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean MergeTwoValues.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean FirstOrder.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean StringToWordVector.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
private  void StringToWordVector.convertInstance(Instance instance)
private  int StringToWordVector.convertInstancewoDocNorm(Instance instance, FastVector v)
 boolean Remove.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean AbstractTimeSeries.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
protected  Instance AbstractTimeSeries.historyInput(Instance instance)
          Adds an instance to the history buffer.
protected abstract  Instance AbstractTimeSeries.mergeInstances(Instance source, Instance dest)
          Creates a new instance the same as one instance (the "destination") but with some attribute values copied from another instance (the "source")

Uses of Instance in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance with parameters of type Instance
 boolean SparseToNonSparse.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean Resample.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean RemoveWithValues.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean NonSparseToSparse.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.
 boolean RemoveMisclassified.input(Instance instance)
          Input an instance for filtering.

Uses of Instance in weka.gui.beans

Fields in weka.gui.beans declared as Instance
protected  Instance IncrementalClassifierEvent.m_currentInstance
private  Instance InstanceEvent.m_instance

Methods in weka.gui.beans that return Instance
 Instance IncrementalClassifierEvent.getCurrentInstance()
          Get the current instance
 Instance InstanceEvent.getInstance()
          Get the instance

Methods in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type Instance
 void IncrementalClassifierEvent.setCurrentInstance(Instance i)
          Set the current instance for this event
 void InstanceEvent.setInstance(Instance i)
          Set the instance

Constructors in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type Instance
IncrementalClassifierEvent(java.lang.Object source, Classifier scheme, Instance currentI, int status)
          Creates a new IncrementalClassifierEvent instance.
InstanceEvent(java.lang.Object source, Instance instance, int status)
          Creates a new InstanceEvent instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer

Fields in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer declared as Instance
private  Instance RemoteBoundaryVisualizerSubTask.m_predInst
(package private)  Instance BoundaryPanel.PlotThread.m_predInst

Methods in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer with parameters of type Instance
private  double KDDataGenerator.distance(Instance first, Instance second)
          Calculates the distance between two instances
private  void KDDataGenerator.updateMinMax(Instance instance)
          Updates the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes based on a new instance.

Uses of Instance in weka.gui.explorer

Methods in weka.gui.explorer with parameters of type Instance
private  void ClassifierPanel.processClassifierPrediction(Instance toPredict, Classifier classifier, Evaluation eval, FastVector predictions, Instances plotInstances, FastVector plotShape, FastVector plotSize)
          Process a classifier's prediction for an instance and update a set of plotting instances and additional plotting info. plotInfo for nominal class datasets holds shape types (actual data points have automatic shape type assignment; classifier error data points have box shape type).
protected  java.lang.String ClassifierPanel.predictionText(Classifier classifier, Instance inst, int instNum)

Uses of Instance in weka.gui.streams

Fields in weka.gui.streams declared as Instance
private  Instance InstanceJoiner.m_OutputInstance
          The current output instance
private  Instance InstanceLoader.m_OutputInstance

Methods in weka.gui.streams that return Instance
 Instance InstanceProducer.outputPeek()
 Instance InstanceJoiner.outputPeek()
          Output an instance after filtering but do not remove from the output queue.
 Instance InstanceLoader.outputPeek()

Methods in weka.gui.streams with parameters of type Instance
 void InstanceTable.input(Instance instance)
 void InstanceCounter.input(Instance instance)
 boolean InstanceJoiner.input(Instance instance)
 void InstanceSavePanel.input(Instance instance)
 void InstanceViewer.input(Instance instance)

Uses of Instance in weka.gui.visualize

Methods in weka.gui.visualize with parameters of type Instance
 boolean VisualizePanel.PlotPanel.inSplit(Instance i)
          This will check if an instance is inside or outside of the current shapes.