Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClassHierarchy

Uses of ClassHierarchy in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as ClassHierarchy
private  ClassHierarchy HND.hierarchy
          The hierarchy of classes for the current and deeper levels.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type ClassHierarchy
HND(ClassHierarchy hierarchy, java.util.Properties properties, int level)
          The constructor to be used by the buildLevelwiseClassifier(Instances) method provides a hierarchy.

Uses of ClassHierarchy in weka.core

Classes in weka.core that implement ClassHierarchy
 class ClassTree
          ClassTree provides the hierarchy of classes according to a given encoding.

Methods in weka.core that return ClassHierarchy
 ClassHierarchy[] ClassHierarchy.getChildren()
          Returns the hierarchy of classes as given by the children.
 ClassHierarchy[] ClassTree.getChildren()
          Returns the hierarchy of classes as given by the children.

Uses of ClassHierarchy in weka.core.converters

Methods in weka.core.converters that return ClassHierarchy
 ClassHierarchy ClassTreeParser.getClassHierarchy()
          Returns the classHierarchy encoded in the currently set encodedHierarchy.
 ClassHierarchy ClassHierarchyParser.getClassHierarchy()
          Returns the ClassHierarchy decoded out of the given encodedHierarchy.

Methods in weka.core.converters with parameters of type ClassHierarchy
protected  void HierarchicalCostMatrix.init(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy)
          Inits the fields according to the given classes and hierarchy.
protected  void HierarchicalCostMatrix.adjust(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy)
          Adjusts the costMatrix for the given classes, and hierarchy, using the currently set multiplier.

Constructors in weka.core.converters with parameters of type ClassHierarchy
HierarchicalCostMatrix(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy)
          Creates a hierarchical cost matrix using default multiplier.
HierarchicalCostMatrix(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy, double multiplier)
          Creates a hierarchical cost matrix using given multiplier.