Uses of Class

Packages that use Attribute

Uses of Attribute in weka.associations

Methods in weka.associations with parameters of type Attribute
private  Predicate Tertius.buildPredicate(Instances instances, Attribute attr, boolean isClass)
          Build the predicate corresponding to an attribute.

Uses of Attribute in weka.classifiers.functions

Fields in weka.classifiers.functions declared as Attribute
private  Attribute SimpleLinearRegression.m_attribute
          The chosen attribute
private  Attribute SMO.m_classAttribute
          The class attribute

Uses of Attribute in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as Attribute
protected  Attribute LogitBoost.m_ClassAttribute
          The actual class attribute (for getting class names)
private  Attribute MultiClassClassifier.m_ClassAttribute
          Internal copy of the class attribute for output purposes
protected  Attribute RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.m_ClassAttribute
          The actual class attribute (for getting class names)
private  Attribute OrdinalClassClassifier.m_ClassAttribute
          Internal copy of the class attribute for output purposes

Uses of Attribute in weka.classifiers.rules

Fields in weka.classifiers.rules declared as Attribute
protected  Attribute ConjunctiveRule.Antd.att
          The attribute of the antecedent
private  Attribute ConjunctiveRule.m_ClassAttribute
          The class attribute of the data
private  Attribute OneR.OneRRule.m_class
          The class attribute.
private  Attribute OneR.OneRRule.m_attr
          Attribute to test
private  Attribute ZeroR.m_Class
          The class attribute.
private  Attribute Ridor.RidorRule.m_ClassAttribute
          The class attribute of the data
protected  Attribute Ridor.Antd.att
private  Attribute JRip.m_Class
          The class attribute of the data
protected  Attribute JRip.Antd.att
private  Attribute Ridor.m_Class
          The class attribute of the data

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules that return Attribute
 Attribute ConjunctiveRule.Antd.getAttr()
 Attribute Ridor.Antd.getAttr()
 Attribute JRip.Antd.getAttr()

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type Attribute
 java.lang.String JRip.RipperRule.toString(Attribute classAttr)
          Prints this rule
 OneR.OneRRule OneR.newRule(Attribute attr, Instances data)
          Create a rule branching on this attribute.
 OneR.OneRRule OneR.newNominalRule(Attribute attr, Instances data, int[] missingValueCounts)
          Create a rule branching on this nominal attribute.
 OneR.OneRRule OneR.newNumericRule(Attribute attr, Instances data, int[] missingValueCounts)
          Create a rule branching on this numeric attribute
private static boolean Prism.isMentionedIn(Attribute attr, Prism.Test t)
          Is this attribute mentioned in the rule?

Constructors in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type Attribute
ConjunctiveRule.Antd(Attribute a, double[] unc)
          Constructor for nominal class
ConjunctiveRule.Antd(Attribute a, double uncoveredWtSq, double uncoveredWtVl, double uncoveredWts)
ConjunctiveRule.NumericAntd(Attribute a, double[] unc)
ConjunctiveRule.NumericAntd(Attribute a, double sq, double vl, double wts)
ConjunctiveRule.NominalAntd(Attribute a, double[] unc)
ConjunctiveRule.NominalAntd(Attribute a, double sq, double vl, double wts)
OneR.OneRRule(Instances data, Attribute attribute)
          Constructor for nominal attribute.
OneR.OneRRule(Instances data, Attribute attribute, int nBreaks)
          Constructor for numeric attribute.
Ridor.Antd(Attribute a)
Ridor.NumericAntd(Attribute a)
JRip.Antd(Attribute a)
JRip.NumericAntd(Attribute a)
JRip.NominalAntd(Attribute a)
Ridor.NominalAntd(Attribute a)

Uses of Attribute in weka.classifiers.trees

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees declared as Attribute
private  Attribute Id3.m_Attribute
          Attribute used for splitting.
private  Attribute Id3.m_ClassAttribute
          Class attribute of dataset.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type Attribute
private  double Id3.computeInfoGain(Instances data, Attribute att)
          Computes information gain for an attribute.
private  Instances[] Id3.splitData(Instances data, Attribute att)
          Splits a dataset according to the values of a nominal attribute.
private  java.lang.String DecisionStump.sourceClass(Attribute c, double[] dist)

Uses of Attribute in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt declared as Attribute
protected  Attribute ResidualSplit.m_attribute
          The attribute selected for the split

Uses of Attribute in weka.core

Methods in weka.core that return Attribute
 Attribute Instance.attribute(int index)
          Returns the attribute with the given index.
 Attribute Instance.attributeSparse(int indexOfIndex)
          Returns the attribute with the given index.
 Attribute Instance.classAttribute()
          Returns class attribute.
(package private)  Attribute Attribute.copy(java.lang.String newName)
          Produces a shallow copy of this attribute with a new name.
 Attribute SparseInstance.attributeSparse(int indexOfIndex)
          Returns the attribute associated with the internal index.
 Attribute Instances.attribute(int index)
          Returns an attribute.
 Attribute Instances.attribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns an attribute given its name.
 Attribute Instances.classAttribute()
          Returns the class attribute.

Methods in weka.core with parameters of type Attribute
 boolean Instance.isMissing(Attribute att)
          Tests if a specific value is "missing".
 void Instance.setMissing(Attribute att)
          Sets a specific value to be "missing".
 void Instance.setValue(Attribute att, double value)
          Sets a specific value in the instance to the given value (internal floating-point format).
 void Instance.setValue(Attribute att, java.lang.String value)
          Sets a value of an nominal or string attribute to the given value.
 java.lang.String Instance.stringValue(Attribute att)
          Returns the string value of a nominal, string, or date attribute for the instance.
 java.lang.String Instance.toString(Attribute att)
          Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string.
 double Instance.value(Attribute att)
          Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format.
 void ClassRemoveableInstances.insertAttributeAt(Attribute att, int position)
          Inserts an attribute at the given position (0 to numAttributes()) and sets all values to be missing.
 int Attribute.addStringValue(Attribute src, int index)
          Adds a string value to the list of valid strings for attributes of type STRING and returns the index of the string.
 void Instances.deleteWithMissing(Attribute att)
          Removes all instances with missing values for a particular attribute from the dataset.
 double Instances.meanOrMode(Attribute att)
          Returns the mean (mode) for a numeric (nominal) attribute as a floating-point value.
 int Instances.numDistinctValues(Attribute att)
          Returns the number of distinct values of a given attribute.
 void Instances.renameAttribute(Attribute att, java.lang.String name)
          Renames an attribute.
 void Instances.renameAttributeValue(Attribute att, java.lang.String val, java.lang.String name)
          Renames the value of a nominal (or string) attribute value.
 void Instances.setClass(Attribute att)
          Sets the class attribute.
 void Instances.sort(Attribute att)
          Sorts the instances based on an attribute.
 double Instances.variance(Attribute att)
          Computes the variance for a numeric attribute.
 void Instances.insertAttributeAt(Attribute att, int position)
          Inserts an attribute at the given position (0 to numAttributes()) and sets all values to be missing.

Uses of Attribute in weka.core.converters

Methods in weka.core.converters with parameters of type Attribute
protected  void HierarchicalCostMatrix.init(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy)
          Inits the fields according to the given classes and hierarchy.
protected  void HierarchicalCostMatrix.adjust(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy)
          Adjusts the costMatrix for the given classes, and hierarchy, using the currently set multiplier.

Constructors in weka.core.converters with parameters of type Attribute
HierarchicalCostMatrix(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy)
          Creates a hierarchical cost matrix using default multiplier.
HierarchicalCostMatrix(Attribute nominalClasses, ClassHierarchy hierarchy, double multiplier)
          Creates a hierarchical cost matrix using given multiplier.

Uses of Attribute in weka.filters.supervised.attribute

Fields in weka.filters.supervised.attribute declared as Attribute
private  Attribute ClassOrder.m_ClassAttribute
          Class attribute of the data

Uses of Attribute in weka.gui.visualize

Fields in weka.gui.visualize declared as Attribute
protected  Attribute AttributePanel.AttributeSpacing.m_attrib
          The attribute itself.

Constructors in weka.gui.visualize with parameters of type Attribute
AttributePanel.AttributeSpacing(Attribute a, int aind)
          This constructs the bar with the specified attribute and sets its index to be used for selecting by the mouse.