Uses of Interface

Packages that use AdditionalMeasureProducer

Uses of AdditionalMeasureProducer in weka.classifiers.functions

Classes in weka.classifiers.functions that implement AdditionalMeasureProducer
 class SimpleLogistic
          Class for building a logistic regression model using LogitBoost.

Uses of AdditionalMeasureProducer in weka.classifiers.meta

Classes in weka.classifiers.meta that implement AdditionalMeasureProducer
 class AdditiveRegression
          Meta classifier that enhances the performance of a regression base classifier.
 class AttributeSelectedClassifier
          Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been reduced through attribute selection.
 class Bagging
          Class for bagging a classifier.

Uses of AdditionalMeasureProducer in weka.classifiers.misc

Classes in weka.classifiers.misc that implement AdditionalMeasureProducer
 class FLR
          Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning Classifier FLR Classifier implementation in WEKA The Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning Classifier uses the notion of Fuzzy Lattices for creating a Reasoning Environment.

Uses of AdditionalMeasureProducer in weka.classifiers.rules

Classes in weka.classifiers.rules that implement AdditionalMeasureProducer
 class DecisionTable
          Class for building and using a simple decision table majority classifier.
 class JRip
          This class implements a propositional rule learner, Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER), which is proposed by William W.
 class M5Rules
          Generates a decision list for regression problems using separate-and-conquer.
 class PART
          Class for generating a PART decision list.
 class Ridor
          The implementation of a RIpple-DOwn Rule learner.

Uses of AdditionalMeasureProducer in weka.classifiers.trees

Classes in weka.classifiers.trees that implement AdditionalMeasureProducer
 class ADTree
          Class for generating an alternating decision tree.
 class J48
          Class for generating an unpruned or a pruned C4.5 decision tree.
 class LMT
          Class for "logistic model tree" classifier.
 class M5P
 class RandomForest
          Class for constructing random forests.
 class REPTree
          Fast decision tree learner.

Uses of AdditionalMeasureProducer in weka.classifiers.trees.m5

Classes in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 that implement AdditionalMeasureProducer
 class M5Base

Uses of AdditionalMeasureProducer in weka.experiment

Classes in weka.experiment that implement AdditionalMeasureProducer
 class AveragingResultProducer
          AveragingResultProducer takes the results from a ResultProducer and submits the average to the result listener.
 class ClassifierSplitEvaluator
          A SplitEvaluator that produces results for a classification scheme on a nominal class attribute.
 class CostSensitiveClassifierSplitEvaluator
          A SplitEvaluator that produces results for a classification scheme on a nominal class attribute, including weighted misclassification costs.
 class CrossValidationResultProducer
          Generates for each run, carries out an n-fold cross-validation, using the set SplitEvaluator to generate some results.
 class DatabaseResultProducer
          DatabaseResultProducer examines a database and extracts out the results produced by the specified ResultProducer and submits them to the specified ResultListener.
 class LearningRateResultProducer
          LearningRateResultProducer takes the results from a ResultProducer and submits the average to the result listener.
 class RandomSplitResultProducer
          Generates a single train/test split and calls the appropriate SplitEvaluator to generate some results.
 class RegressionSplitEvaluator
          A SplitEvaluator that produces results for a classification scheme on a numeric class attribute.