Uses of Class

Packages that use ND.NDTree

Uses of ND.NDTree in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as ND.NDTree
protected  ND.NDTree ND.m_ndtree
          The tree of classes
protected  ND.NDTree ND.NDTree.m_parent
          The parent
protected  ND.NDTree ND.NDTree.m_left
          The left successor
protected  ND.NDTree ND.NDTree.m_right
          The right successor

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return ND.NDTree
protected  ND.NDTree ND.NDTree.locateNode(int nodeIndex, int[] currentIndex)
          Locates the node with the given index (depth-first traversal).

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type ND.NDTree
 void ND.buildClassifierForNode(ND.NDTree node, Instances data)
          Builds the classifier for one node.
protected  double[] ND.distributionForInstance(Instance inst, ND.NDTree node)
          Predicts the class distribution for a given instance