Uses of Class

Packages that use ASSearch

Uses of ASSearch in weka.attributeSelection

Subclasses of ASSearch in weka.attributeSelection
 class BestFirst
          Class for performing a best first search.
 class ExhaustiveSearch
          Class for performing an exhaustive search.
 class ForwardSelection
          Class for performing a forward selection hill climbing search.
 class GeneticSearch
          Class for performing a genetic based search.
 class RaceSearch
          Class for performing a racing search.
 class RandomSearch
          Class for performing a random search.
 class Ranker
          Class for ranking the attributes evaluated by a AttributeEvaluator Valid options are: -P
Specify a starting set of attributes.
 class RankSearch
          Class for evaluating a attribute ranking (given by a specified evaluator) using a specified subset evaluator.

Fields in weka.attributeSelection declared as ASSearch
private  ASSearch AttributeSelection.m_searchMethod
          the search method

Methods in weka.attributeSelection that return ASSearch
static ASSearch ASSearch.forName(java.lang.String searchName, java.lang.String[] options)
          Creates a new instance of a search class given it's class name and (optional) arguments to pass to it's setOptions method.

Methods in weka.attributeSelection with parameters of type ASSearch
 void AttributeSelection.setSearch(ASSearch search)
          set the search method
private static java.lang.String AttributeSelection.makeOptionString(ASEvaluation ASEvaluator, ASSearch searchMethod)
          Make up the help string giving all the command line options

Uses of ASSearch in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as ASSearch
protected  ASSearch AttributeSelectedClassifier.m_Search
          The search method to use

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return ASSearch
 ASSearch AttributeSelectedClassifier.getSearch()
          Gets the search method used

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type ASSearch
 void AttributeSelectedClassifier.setSearch(ASSearch search)
          Sets the search method

Uses of ASSearch in weka.filters.supervised.attribute

Fields in weka.filters.supervised.attribute declared as ASSearch
private  ASSearch AttributeSelection.m_ASSearch
          the search method if any

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.attribute that return ASSearch
 ASSearch AttributeSelection.getSearch()
          Get the name of the search method

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.attribute with parameters of type ASSearch
 void AttributeSelection.setSearch(ASSearch search)
          Set as string holding the name of a search class