Uses of Class

Packages that use InstancesSummaryPanel

Uses of InstancesSummaryPanel in weka.gui

Fields in weka.gui declared as InstancesSummaryPanel
protected  InstancesSummaryPanel SetInstancesPanel.m_Summary
          The instance summary component

Methods in weka.gui that return InstancesSummaryPanel
 InstancesSummaryPanel SetInstancesPanel.getSummary()
          Gets the instances summary panel associated with this panel

Uses of InstancesSummaryPanel in weka.gui.explorer

Fields in weka.gui.explorer declared as InstancesSummaryPanel
protected  InstancesSummaryPanel ClustererPanel.m_Summary
          The instances summary panel displayed by m_SetTestFrame
protected  InstancesSummaryPanel ClassifierPanel.m_Summary
          The instances summary panel displayed by m_SetTestFrame
protected  InstancesSummaryPanel PreprocessPanel.m_InstSummaryPanel
          Displays simple stats on the working instances