Uses of Class

Packages that use HierarchyPropertyParser

Uses of HierarchyPropertyParser in weka.gui

Fields in weka.gui declared as HierarchyPropertyParser
protected  HierarchyPropertyParser GenericObjectEditor.m_ObjectNames
          The model containing the list of names to select from

Methods in weka.gui that return HierarchyPropertyParser
protected  HierarchyPropertyParser GenericObjectEditor.getClassesFromProperties()
          Called when the class of object being edited changes.

Methods in weka.gui with parameters of type HierarchyPropertyParser
protected  javax.swing.JTree GenericObjectEditor.createTree(HierarchyPropertyParser hpp)
          Creates a JTree from an object heirarchy.
protected  void GenericObjectEditor.addChildrenToTree(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode tree, HierarchyPropertyParser hpp)
          Recursively builds a JTree from an object heirarchy.

Uses of HierarchyPropertyParser in weka.gui.beans

Methods in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type HierarchyPropertyParser
private  void KnowledgeFlow.processPackage(javax.swing.JPanel holderPanel, java.lang.String tempBeanCompName, HierarchyPropertyParser hpp)