Uses of Class

Packages that use HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode

Uses of HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode in weka.gui

Fields in weka.gui declared as HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode
private  HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode HierarchyPropertyParser.m_Root
          Keep track of the root of the tree
private  HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode HierarchyPropertyParser.m_Current
          Keep track of the current node when traversing the tree
 HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode.parent
          The parent of this node

Methods in weka.gui with parameters of type HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode
private  void HierarchyPropertyParser.buildBranch(HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode parent, java.lang.String[] values, int lvl)
          Private function to build one branch of the tree based on one property
private  boolean HierarchyPropertyParser.isContained(HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode parent, java.lang.String[] values, int lvl)
          Private function to decide whether one level of one branch contains the relevant values
private  java.lang.String HierarchyPropertyParser.showNode(HierarchyPropertyParser.TreeNode node, boolean[] hasBar)
          Show one node of the tree in text format