Uses of Class

Packages that use SelectedTag

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.associations

Methods in weka.associations that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag Apriori.getMetricType()
          Get the metric type
 SelectedTag Tertius.getNegation()
          Get the value of negation.
 SelectedTag Tertius.getMissingValues()
          Get the value of missingValues.
 SelectedTag Tertius.getValuesOutput()
          Get the value of valuesOutput.

Methods in weka.associations with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void Apriori.setMetricType(SelectedTag d)
          Set the metric type for ranking rules
 void Tertius.setNegation(SelectedTag v)
          Set the value of negation.
 void Tertius.setMissingValues(SelectedTag v)
          Set the value of missingValues.
 void Tertius.setValuesOutput(SelectedTag v)
          Set the value of valuesOutput.

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.attributeSelection

Methods in weka.attributeSelection that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag BestFirst.getDirection()
          Get the search direction
 SelectedTag RaceSearch.getRaceType()
          Get the race type
 SelectedTag RaceSearch.getFoldsType()
          Get the xfold type
 SelectedTag SVMAttributeEval.getFilterType()
          Get the filtering mode passed to SMO

Methods in weka.attributeSelection with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void BestFirst.setDirection(SelectedTag d)
          Set the search direction
 void RaceSearch.setRaceType(SelectedTag d)
          Set the race type
 void RaceSearch.setFoldsType(SelectedTag d)
          Set the xfold type
 void SVMAttributeEval.setFilterType(SelectedTag newType)
          The filtering mode to pass to SMO

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.classifiers.bayes

Methods in weka.classifiers.bayes that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag BayesNet.getScoreType()
          Method declaration

Methods in weka.classifiers.bayes with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void BayesNet.setScoreType(SelectedTag newScoreType)
          Method declaration

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.classifiers.functions

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag SMOreg.getFilterType()
          Gets how the training data will be transformed.
 SelectedTag LinearRegression.getAttributeSelectionMethod()
          Gets the method used to select attributes for use in the linear regression.
 SelectedTag PaceRegression.getEstimator()
          Gets the estimator
 SelectedTag SMO.getFilterType()
          Gets how the training data will be transformed.

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void SMOreg.setFilterType(SelectedTag newType)
          Sets how the training data will be transformed.
 void LinearRegression.setAttributeSelectionMethod(SelectedTag method)
          Sets the method used to select attributes for use in the linear regression.
 void PaceRegression.setEstimator(SelectedTag estimator)
          Sets the estimator.
 void SMO.setFilterType(SelectedTag newType)
          Sets how the training data will be transformed.

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.classifiers.lazy

Methods in weka.classifiers.lazy that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag KStar.getMissingMode()
          Gets the method to use for handling missing values.
 SelectedTag IBk.getDistanceWeighting()
          Gets the distance weighting method used.

Methods in weka.classifiers.lazy with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void KStar.setMissingMode(SelectedTag newMode)
          Sets the method to use for handling missing values.
 void IBk.setDistanceWeighting(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the distance weighting method used.

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.classifiers.meta

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag CostSensitiveClassifier.getCostMatrixSource()
          Gets the source location method of the cost matrix.
 SelectedTag MultiClassClassifier.getMethod()
          Gets the method used.
 SelectedTag MetaCost.getCostMatrixSource()
          Gets the source location method of the cost matrix.
 SelectedTag RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.getPruningType()
          Get the pruning type
 SelectedTag ThresholdSelector.getDesignatedClass()
          Gets the method to determine which class value to optimize.
 SelectedTag ThresholdSelector.getEvaluationMode()
          Gets the evaluation mode used.
 SelectedTag ThresholdSelector.getRangeCorrection()
          Gets the confidence range correction mode used.

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void CostSensitiveClassifier.setCostMatrixSource(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the source location of the cost matrix.
 void MultiClassClassifier.setMethod(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the method used.
 void MetaCost.setCostMatrixSource(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the source location of the cost matrix.
 void RacedIncrementalLogitBoost.setPruningType(SelectedTag pruneType)
          Set the pruning type
 void ThresholdSelector.setDesignatedClass(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the method to determine which class value to optimize.
 void ThresholdSelector.setEvaluationMode(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the evaluation mode used.
 void ThresholdSelector.setRangeCorrection(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the confidence range correction mode used.

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.classifiers.trees

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag ADTree.getSearchPath()
          Gets the method of searching the tree for a new insertion.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void ADTree.setSearchPath(SelectedTag newMethod)
          Sets the method of searching the tree for a new insertion.

Uses of SelectedTag in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute that return SelectedTag
 SelectedTag RemoveType.getAttributeType()
          Gets the attribute type to be deleted by the filter.
 SelectedTag RandomProjection.getDistribution()
          Returns the current distribution that'll be used for calculating the random matrix

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute with parameters of type SelectedTag
 void RemoveType.setAttributeType(SelectedTag type)
          Sets the attribute type to be deleted by the filter.
 void RandomProjection.setDistribution(SelectedTag newDstr)
          Sets the distribution to use for calculating the random matrix