Uses of Class

Packages that use Range

Uses of Range in weka.attributeSelection

Fields in weka.attributeSelection declared as Range
private  Range Ranker.m_startRange
          Holds the start set for the search as a range
private  Range BestFirst.m_startRange
          holds the start set for the search as a Range
private  Range ExhaustiveSearch.m_startRange
          the start set as a Range
private  Range ForwardSelection.m_startRange
          holds the start set for the search as a Range
private  Range GeneticSearch.m_startRange
          holds the start set for the search as a Range
private  Range RandomSearch.m_startRange
          holds the start set as a range

Uses of Range in weka.classifiers

Methods in weka.classifiers with parameters of type Range
protected static java.lang.String Evaluation.printClassifications(Classifier classifier, Instances train, java.lang.String testFileName, int classIndex, Range attributesToOutput)
          Prints the predictions for the given dataset into a String variable.
protected static java.lang.String Evaluation.attributeValuesString(Instance instance, Range attRange)
          Builds a string listing the attribute values in a specified range of indices, separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.

Uses of Range in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as Range
protected  Range TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.m_Range
          The classes that are grouped together at the current node

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type Range
private  void TreeBasedMultiClassClassifier.generateClassifierForNode(Instances data, Range classes, java.util.Random rand, Classifier classifier, boolean random, boolean ordinal)
          Generates a classifier for the current node and proceeds recursively

Uses of Range in weka.clusterers

Methods in weka.clusterers with parameters of type Range
private static java.lang.String ClusterEvaluation.printClusterings(Clusterer clusterer, Instances train, java.lang.String testFileName, Range attributesToOutput)
          Print the cluster assignments for either the training or the testing data.
private static java.lang.String ClusterEvaluation.attributeValuesString(Instance instance, Range attRange)
          Builds a string listing the attribute values in a specified range of indices, separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.

Uses of Range in weka.experiment

Fields in weka.experiment declared as Range
protected  Range PairedTTester.m_DatasetKeyColumnsRange
          The range of columns that specify a unique "dataset" (eg: scheme plus configuration)
protected  Range PairedTTester.m_ResultsetKeyColumnsRange
          The range of columns that specify a unique result set (eg: scheme plus configuration)

Methods in weka.experiment that return Range
 Range PairedTTester.getResultsetKeyColumns()
          Get the value of ResultsetKeyColumns.
 Range PairedTTester.getDatasetKeyColumns()
          Get the value of DatasetKeyColumns.

Methods in weka.experiment with parameters of type Range
 void PairedTTester.setResultsetKeyColumns(Range newResultsetKeyColumns)
          Set the value of ResultsetKeyColumns.
 void PairedTTester.setDatasetKeyColumns(Range newDatasetKeyColumns)
          Set the value of DatasetKeyColumns.

Uses of Range in weka.filters.supervised.attribute

Fields in weka.filters.supervised.attribute declared as Range
protected  Range Discretize.m_DiscretizeCols
          Stores which columns to Discretize

Uses of Range in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute

Fields in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute declared as Range
protected  Range Copy.m_CopyCols
          Stores which columns to copy
protected  Range AddCluster.m_IgnoreAttributesRange
          Range of attributes to ignore
protected  Range ClusterMembership.m_ignoreAttributesRange
          Range of attributes to ignore
private  Range MakeIndicator.m_ValIndex
          The value's index
protected  Range Discretize.m_DiscretizeCols
          Stores which columns to Discretize
private  Range NumericTransform.m_Cols
          Stores which columns to transform.
protected  Range FirstOrder.m_DeltaCols
          Stores which columns to take differences between
protected  Range StringToWordVector.m_SelectedRange
          Range of columns to convert to word vectors
protected  Range Remove.m_SelectCols
          Stores which columns to select as a funky range
protected  Range AbstractTimeSeries.m_SelectedCols
          Stores which columns to copy

Methods in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute that return Range
 Range MakeIndicator.getValueRange()
          Get the range containing the indicator values.
 Range StringToWordVector.getSelectedRange()
          Get the value of m_SelectedRange.

Uses of Range in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance

Fields in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance declared as Range
private  Range RemoveRange.m_Range
          Range of instances provided by user.
protected  Range RemoveWithValues.m_Values
          Stores which values of nominal attribute are to be used for filtering.