Environment for
Supported by Index-Structures

Uses of Class

Packages that use DoubleMinMax
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.statistics Statistical analysis algorithms The algorithms in this package perform statistical analysis of the data (e.g. compute distributions, distance distributions etc.) 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data Basic classes for different data types, database object types and label types. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math Mathematical operations and utilities used throughout the framework. 

Uses of DoubleMinMax in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.statistics

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.statistics that return DoubleMinMax
private  DoubleMinMax DistanceStatisticsWithClasses.exactMinMax(Database<V> database, DistanceFunction<V,D> distFunc)
private  DoubleMinMax DistanceStatisticsWithClasses.sampleMinMax(Database<V> database, DistanceFunction<V,D> distFunc)

Uses of DoubleMinMax in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data that return DoubleMinMax
<V extends NumberVector<?,?>>
VectorUtil.getRangeDouble(V vec)
          Return the range across all dimensions.

Uses of DoubleMinMax in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math that return DoubleMinMax
static DoubleMinMax[] DoubleMinMax.newArray(int size)
          Generate a new array of initialized DoubleMinMax objects (with default constructor)

Release 0.3 (2010-03-31_1612)