Environment for
Supported by Index-Structures

Class CASHIntervalSplit

  extended by de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.logging.AbstractLoggable
      extended by de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation.cash.CASHIntervalSplit

public class CASHIntervalSplit
extends AbstractLoggable

Supports the splitting of CASH intervals.

Elke Achtert

Field Summary
private  Database<ParameterizationFunction> database
          The database storing the parameterization functions.
private  Map<HyperBoundingBox,Map<Integer,Double>> f_maxima
          Caches maximum function values for given intervals, used for better split performance.
private  Map<HyperBoundingBox,Map<Integer,Double>> f_minima
          Caches minimum function values for given intervals, used for better split performance.
private  int minPts
          Minimum points.
Fields inherited from class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.logging.AbstractLoggable
debug, logger
Constructor Summary
CASHIntervalSplit(Database<ParameterizationFunction> database, int minPts)
          Initializes the logger and sets the debug status to the given value.
Method Summary
 Set<Integer> determineIDs(Set<Integer> superSetIDs, HyperBoundingBox interval, double d_min, double d_max)
          Determines the ids belonging to the given interval, i.e. the parameterization functions falling within the interval.
Methods inherited from class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.logging.AbstractLoggable
debugFine, debugFiner, debugFinest, exception, progress, verbose, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private Database<ParameterizationFunction> database
The database storing the parameterization functions.


private Map<HyperBoundingBox,Map<Integer,Double>> f_minima
Caches minimum function values for given intervals, used for better split performance.


private Map<HyperBoundingBox,Map<Integer,Double>> f_maxima
Caches maximum function values for given intervals, used for better split performance.


private int minPts
Minimum points.

Constructor Detail


public CASHIntervalSplit(Database<ParameterizationFunction> database,
                         int minPts)
Initializes the logger and sets the debug status to the given value.

database - the database storing the parameterization functions
minPts - the number of minimum points
Method Detail


public Set<Integer> determineIDs(Set<Integer> superSetIDs,
                                 HyperBoundingBox interval,
                                 double d_min,
                                 double d_max)
Determines the ids belonging to the given interval, i.e. the parameterization functions falling within the interval.

superSetIDs - a superset of the ids to be determined
interval - the hyper bounding box defining the interval of alpha values
d_min - the minimum distance value for the interval
d_max - the maximum distance value for the interval
the ids belonging to the given interval, if the number ids of exceeds minPts, null otherwise

Release 0.3 (2010-03-31_1612)