ELKI command line parameter overview:


Flag to indicate that the algorithm should run the fast/approximative version.

Parameter for:

-abod.k <int>

Parameter k for kNN queries.

Default: 30

Parameter for:

-abod.kernelfunction <class>

Kernel function to use.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel.KernelFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel.PolynomialKernelFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-abod.samplesize <int>

Sample size to use in fast mode.

Parameter for:

-adapter.similarityfunction <class>

Similarity function to derive the distance between database objects from.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.NormalizedSimilarityFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.FractionalSharedNearestNeighborSimilarityFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-algorithm <class>

Algorithm to run.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.Algorithm

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-algorithm.distancefunction <class>

Distance function to determine the distance between database objects.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-app.out <file>

the file to write the generated data set into, if the file already exists, the generated points will be appended to this file.

Parameter for:

-apriori.minfreq <double>

Threshold for minimum frequency as percentage value (alternatively to parameter apriori.minsupp).

Parameter for:

-apriori.minsupp <int>

Threshold for minimum support as minimally required number of transactions (alternatively to parameter apriori.minfreq - setting apriori.minsupp is slightly preferable over setting apriori.minfreq in terms of efficiency).

Parameter for:

-bymodel.randomseed <int>

The random generator seed.

Parameter for:

-bymodel.sizescale <double>

Factor for scaling the specified cluster sizes.

Default: 1.0

Parameter for:

-bymodel.spec <file>

The generator specification file.

Parameter for:


Flag to indicate that an adjustment of the applied heuristic for choosing an interval is performed after an interval is selected.

Parameter for:

-cash.jitter <double>

The maximum jitter for distance values.

Parameter for:

-cash.maxlevel <int>

The maximum level for splitting the hypercube.

Parameter for:

-cash.mindim <int>

The minimum dimensionality of the subspaces to be found.

Default: 1

Parameter for:

-cash.minpts <int>

Threshold for minimum number of points in a cluster.

Parameter for:


Flag to indicate that only subspaces with large coverage (i.e. the fraction of the database that is covered by the dense units) are selected, the rest will be pruned.

Parameter for:

-clique.tau <double>

The density threshold for the selectivity of a unit, where the selectivity isthe fraction of total feature vectors contained in this unit.

Parameter for:

-clique.xsi <int>

The number of intervals (units) in each dimension.

Parameter for:

-copac.partitionAlgorithm <class>

Clustering algorithm to apply to each partition.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.ClusteringAlgorithm

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-copac.partitionDB <class>

Database class for each partition. If this parameter is not set, the databases of the partitions have the same class as the original database.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.Database

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-copac.preprocessor <class>

Preprocessor to derive partition criterion.

Class Restriction: extends de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing.HiCOPreprocessor

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-dbc <class>

Database connection class.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.connection.DatabaseConnection

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.connection.FileBasedDatabaseConnection

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-dbc.classLabelClass <class>

Class label class to use.

Class Restriction: extends de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.ClassLabel

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.SimpleClassLabel

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-dbc.classLabelIndex <int>

The index of the label to be used as class label.

Parameter for:

-dbc.database <class>

Database class to be provided by the parse method.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.Database

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.SequentialDatabase

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-dbc.externalIDIndex <int>

The index of the label to be used as an external id.

Parameter for:

-dbc.in <file>

The name of the input file to be parsed.

Parameter for:

-dbc.parser <class>

Parser to provide the database.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.parser.Parser

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.parser.DoubleVectorLabelParser

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-dbscan.epsilon <pattern>

The maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered.

Default: the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered, must be suitable to de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.LocallyWeightedDistanceFunction

Parameter for:

-dbscan.minpts <int>

Threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a point.

Parameter for:

-deliclu.minpts <int>

Threshold for minimum number of points within a cluster.

Parameter for:

-derivator.accuracy <int>

Threshold for output accuracy fraction digits.

Default: 4

Parameter for:


Flag to use random sample (use knn query around centroid, if flag is not set).

Parameter for:

-derivator.sampleSize <int>

Threshold for the size of the random sample to use. Default value is size of the complete dataset.

Parameter for:

-description <class>

Class to obtain a description of. Causes immediate stop of the program.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.Parameterizable

Parameter for:

-dim <int>

an integer between 1 and the dimensionality of the feature space 1 specifying the dimension to be considered for distance computation.

Parameter for:

-dish.epsilon <double_1,...,double_n>

a comma separated list of positive doubles specifying the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered in each dimension for determination of the preference vector (default is 0.0010 in each dimension). If only one value is specified, this value will be used for each dimension.

Default: [0.0010]

Parameter for:

-dish.minpts <int>

positive threshold for minumum numbers of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a point. The value of the preference vector in dimension d_i is set to 1 if the epsilon neighborhood contains more than dish.minpts points and the following condition holds: for all dimensions d_j: |neighbors(d_i) intersection neighbors(d_j)| >= dish.minpts.

Parameter for:

-dish.mu <int>

The minimum number of points as a smoothing factor to avoid the single-link-effekt.

Default: 1

Parameter for:

-dish.strategy <pattern>

the strategy for determination of the preference vector, available strategies are: [APRIORI| MAX_INTERSECTION](default is MAX_INTERSECTION)


Parameter for:

-distance.dims <int_1,...,int_n>

a comma separated array of integer values, where 1 <= d_i <= the dimensionality of the feature space specifying the dimensions to be considered for distance computation. If this parameter is not set, no dimensions will be considered, i.e. the distance between two objects is always 0.

Parameter for:

-distance.matrix <file>

The name of the file containing the distance matrix.

Parameter for:

-distance.parser <class>

Parser used to load the distance matrix.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.parser.DistanceParser

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.parser.NumberDistanceParser

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-distancefunction.epsilon <double>

The maximum distance between two vectors with equal preference vectors before considering them as parallel.

Default: 0.0010

Parameter for:

-distancefunctions <class_1,...,class_n>

A comma separated list of the distance functions to determine the distance between objects within one representation.

Parameter for:


Enable sampling to reduce runtime from O(2*n*n) to O(n*n)+O(n) at the cost of evenutally having more than the configured number of bins.

Parameter for:

-edit.bandSize <double>

the band size for Edit Distance alignment (positive double value, 0 <= bandSize <= 1)

Default: 0.1

Parameter for:

-edr.delta <double>

the delta parameter (similarity threshold) for EDR (positive number)

Default: 1.0

Parameter for:

-em.delta <double>

The termination criterion for maximization of E(M): E(M) - E(M') < em.delta

Default: 0.0

Parameter for:

-em.k <int>

The number of clusters to find.

Parameter for:

-ericdf.delta <double>

Threshold for approximate linear dependency: the strong eigenvectors of q are approximately linear dependent from the strong eigenvectors p if the following condition holds for all stroneg eigenvectors q_i of q (lambda_q < lambda_p): q_i' * M^check_p * q_i <= delta^2.

Default: 0.1

Parameter for:

-ericdf.tau <double>

Threshold for the maximum distance between two approximately linear dependent subspaces of two objects p and q (lambda_q < lambda_p) before considering them as parallel.

Default: 0.1

Parameter for:

-erp.g <double>

the g parameter ERP (positive number)

Default: 0.0

Parameter for:

-explorer.distancefunction <class>

Distance function to determine the distance between database objects.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-fookernel.max_degree <int>

The max degree of theFooKernelFunction. Default: 2

Default: 2

Parameter for:


Request a help-message, either for the main-routine or for any specified algorithm. Causes immediate stop of the program.

Parameter for:


Request a help-message, either for the main-routine or for any specified algorithm. Causes immediate stop of the program.

Parameter for:

-hico.pca.distance <class>

The distance function used to select object for running PCA.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-hicopreprocessor.k <int>

The number of nearest neighbors considered in the PCA. If this parameter is not set, k ist set to three times of the dimensionality of the database objects.

Parameter for:

-hisc.alpha <double>

a double between 0 and 1 specifying the maximum absolute variance along a coordinate axis.

Default: 0.01

Parameter for:

-hisc.k <int>

a positive integer specifying the number of nearest neighbors considered to determine the preference vector. If this value is not defined, k ist set to three times of the dimensionality of the database objects.

Parameter for:

-kernel <class>

the kernel function which is used to compute the similarity.Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel.LinearKernelFunction

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel.KernelFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel.LinearKernelFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-kernel.degree <double>

The degree of the polynomial kernel function. Default: 2.0

Default: 2.0

Parameter for:

-kmeans.k <int>

The number of clusters to find.

Parameter for:

-knndistanceorder.k <int>

Specifies the distance of the k-distant object to be assessed.

Default: 1

Parameter for:

-knndistanceorder.percentage <double>

The average percentage of distances randomly choosen to be provided in the result.

Default: 1.0

Parameter for:

-knnjoin.k <int>

Specifies the k-nearest neighbors to be assigned.

Default: 1

Parameter for:

-lcss.pDelta <double>

the allowed deviation in x direction for LCSS alignment (positive double value, 0 <= pDelta <= 1)

Default: 0.1

Parameter for:

-lcss.pEpsilon <double>

the allowed deviation in y directionfor LCSS alignment (positive double value, 0 <= pEpsilon <= 1)

Default: 0.05

Parameter for:

-loader.diskcache <file>

File name of the disk cache to create.

Parameter for:

-loader.distance <class>

Distance function to cache.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-localpca.big <double>

A constant big value to reset high eigenvalues.

Default: 1.0

Parameter for:

-localpca.small <double>

A constant small value to reset low eigenvalues.

Default: 0.0

Parameter for:

-loci.alpha <double>

Scaling factor for averaging neighborhood

Default: 0.5

Parameter for:

-loci.nmin <int>

Minimum neighborhood size to be considered.

Default: 20

Parameter for:

-loci.rmax <pattern>

The maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered.

Parameter for:

-lof.k <int>

The number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its LOF_SCORE.

Parameter for:

-lof.reachdistfunction <class>

Distance function to determine the reachability distance between database objects.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-lpnorm.p <double>

the degree of the L-P-Norm (positive number)

Parameter for:

-materialize.distance <class>

the distance function to materialize the nearest neighbors

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-materialize.k <int>

The number of nearest neighbors of an object to be materialized.

Parameter for:

-metaparser.baseparser <class>

Parser to use as base parser

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.parser.Parser

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.parser.DoubleVectorLabelParser

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-metricalindexdb.index <class>

Metrical index class to use.

Class Restriction: extends de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.metrical.MetricalIndex

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-mkapp.k <int>

positive integer specifying the maximal number k of reversek nearest neighbors to be supported.

Parameter for:


Flag to indicate that the approximation is done in the ''normal'' space instead of the log-log space (which is default).

Parameter for:

-mkapp.p <int>

positive integer specifying the order of the polynomial approximation.

Parameter for:

-mkcop.k <int>

positive integer specifying the maximal number k of reversek nearest neighbors to be supported.

Parameter for:

-mktree.kmax <int>

Specifies the maximal number k of reverse k nearest neighbors to be supported.

Parameter for:

-mtree.distancefunction <class>

Distance function to determine the distance between database objects.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-multipledbc.in <file_1,...,file_n>

A comma separated list of the names of the input files to be parsed.

Parameter for:

-multipledbc.parsers <class_1,...,class_n>

Comma separated list of classnames specifying the parsers to provide a database. If this parameter is not set, de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.parser.DoubleVectorLabelParser is used as parser for all input files.

Parameter for:

-norm <class>

Normalization class in order to normalize values in the database.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.normalization.Normalization

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-normalizations <class_1,...,class_n>

A comma separated list of normalizations for each representation. If in one representation no normalization is desired, please use the class 'de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.normalization.DummyNormalization' in the list.

Parameter for:

-normalize.max <double_1,...,double_n>

a comma separated concatenation of the maximum values in each dimension that are mapped to 1. If no value is specified, the maximum value of the attribute range in this dimension will be taken.

Parameter for:

-normalize.mean <double_1,...,double_n>

a comma separated concatenation of the mean values in each dimension that are mapped to 0. If no value is specified, the mean value of the attribute range in this dimension will be taken.

Parameter for:

-normalize.min <double_1,...,double_n>

a comma separated concatenation of the minimum values in each dimension that are mapped to 0. If no value is specified, the minimum value of the attribute range in this dimension will be taken.

Parameter for:

-normalize.stddev <double_1,...,double_n>

a comma separated concatenation of the standard deviations in each dimension that are scaled to 1. If no value is specified, the standard deviation of the attribute range in this dimension will be taken.

Parameter for:


Revert normalization result to original values - invalid option if no normalization has been performed.

Parameter for:

-optics.epsilon <pattern>

The maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered.

Parameter for:

-optics.minpts <int>

Threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a point.

Parameter for:

-orclus.alpha <double>

The factor for reducing the number of current clusters in each iteration.

Default: 0.5

Parameter for:

-out <file>

Directory name (or name of an existing file) to write the obtained results in. If this parameter is omitted, per default the output will sequentially be given to STDOUT.

Parameter for:


Enable gzip compression of output files.

Parameter for:


Silently overwrite output files.

Parameter for:

-parser.classLabelIndex <int>

Index of a class label (may be numeric), counting whitespace separated entries in a line starting with 0 - the corresponding entry will be treated as a label.

Default: -1

Parameter for:

-parser.distancefunction <class>

Distance function.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-pca.covariance <class>

Class used to compute the covariance matrix.

Class Restriction: extends de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.CovarianceMatrixBuilder

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.StandardCovarianceMatrixBuilder

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-pca.filter <class>

Filter class to determine the strong and weak eigenvectors.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.EigenPairFilter

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.PercentageEigenPairFilter

Known implementations:

Parameter for:


Flag to mark delta as an absolute value.

Parameter for:

-pca.filter.alpha <double>

The share (0.0 to 1.0) of variance that needs to be explained by the 'strong' eigenvectors.The filter class will choose the number of strong eigenvectors by this share.

Default: 0.85

Parameter for:

-pca.filter.composite.list <class_1,...,class_n>

A comma separated list of the class names of the filters to be used. The specified filters will be applied sequentially in the given order.

Parameter for:

-pca.filter.delta <double>

The threshold for strong Eigenvalues. If not otherwise specified, delta is a relative value w.r.t. the (absolute) highest Eigenvalues and has to be a double between 0 and 1. To mark delta as an absolute value, use the option -pca.filter.absolute.

Default: 0.01

Parameter for:

-pca.filter.n <int>

The number of strong eigenvectors: n eigenvectors with the n highesteigenvalues are marked as strong eigenvectors.

Parameter for:

-pca.filter.progressivealpha <double>

The share (0.0 to 1.0) of variance that needs to be explained by the 'strong' eigenvectors.The filter class will choose the number of strong eigenvectors by this share.

Default: 0.5

Parameter for:

-pca.filter.relativealpha <double>

The sensitivity niveau for weak eigenvectors: An eigenvector which is at less than the given share of the statistical average variance is considered weak.

Default: 1.1

Parameter for:

-pca.filter.weakalpha <double>

The minimum strength of the statistically expected variance (1/n) share an eigenvector needs to have to be considered 'strong'.

Default: 0.95

Parameter for:

-pca.weight <class>

Weight function to use in weighted PCA.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.weightfunctions.WeightFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.weightfunctions.ConstantWeight

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-pcabasedcorrelationdf.delta <double>

Threshold of a distance between a vector q and a given space that indicates that q adds a new dimension to the space.

Default: 0.25

Parameter for:

-predecon.delta <double>

a double between 0 and 1 specifying the threshold for small Eigenvalues (default is delta = 0.01).

Default: 0.01

Parameter for:

-preprocessor.epsilon <pattern>

An epsilon value suitable to the specified distance function.

Parameter for:


Flag to omit (a new) preprocessing if for each object the association has already been set.

Parameter for:

-preprocessorhandler.preprocessor <class>

The Classname of the preprocessor to determine the neighbors of the objects.

Class Restriction: extends de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing.SharedNearestNeighborsPreprocessor

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.preprocessing.SharedNearestNeighborsPreprocessor

Parameter for:

-proclus.mi <int>

The multiplier for the initial number of medoids.

Default: 10

Parameter for:

-projdbscan.distancefunction <class>

Distance function to determine the distance between database objects.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-projdbscan.epsilon <pattern>

The maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered.

Parameter for:

-projdbscan.lambda <int>

The intrinsic dimensionality of the clusters to find.

Parameter for:

-projdbscan.minpts <int>

Threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a point.

Parameter for:

-projectedclustering.k <int>

The number of clusters to find.

Parameter for:

-projectedclustering.k_i <int>

The multiplier for the initial number of seeds.

Default: 30

Parameter for:

-projectedclustering.l <int>

The dimensionality of the clusters to find.

Parameter for:

-projectionparser.selectedattributes <int_1,...,int_n>

a comma separated array of integer values d_i, where 1 <= d_i <= the dimensionality of the feature space specifying the dimensions to be considered for projection. If this parameter is not set, no dimensions will be considered, i.e. the projection is a zero-dimensional feature space

Parameter for:

-randomprojection.numberselected <int>

number of selected attributes

Default: 1

Parameter for:

-rankqual.bins <int>

Number of bins to use in the histogram

Default: 20

Parameter for:

-rdknn.distancefunction <class>

Distance function to determine the distance between database objects.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.spatial.SpatialDistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-rdknn.k <int>

positive integer specifying the maximal number k of reverse k nearest neighbors to be supported.

Parameter for:

-resulthandler <class>

Result handler class.

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.ResultHandler

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.ResultWriter

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-rocauc.positive <pattern>

Class label for the 'positive' class.

Parameter for:

-sharedNearestNeighbors <int>

number of nearest neighbors to consider (at least 1)

Default: 1

Parameter for:

-snn.epsilon <int>

The minimum SNN density.

Parameter for:

-snn.minpts <int>

Threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-SNN-neighborhood of a point.

Parameter for:

-SNNDistanceFunction <class>

the distance function to asses the nearest neighbors

Class Restriction: implements de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.DistanceFunction

Default: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.EuclideanDistanceFunction

Known implementations:

Parameter for:

-sod.alpha <double>

The multiplier for the discriminance value for discerning small from large variances.

Default: 1.1

Parameter for:

-sod.knn <int>

The number of shared nearest neighbors to be considered for learning the subspace properties.

Default: 1

Parameter for:


flag to specify bulk load (default is no bulk load)

Parameter for:

-spatial.bulkstrategy <pattern>

the strategy for bulk load, available strategies are: [MAX_EXTENSION| ZCURVE](default is ZCURVE)

Default: ZCURVE

Parameter for:

-spatialindexdb.index <class>

Spatial index class to use.

Class Restriction: extends de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.spatial.SpatialIndex

Known implementations:

Parameter for:


Request output of performance time.

Parameter for:

-treeindex.cachesize <int>

The size of the cache in bytes.

Default: 2147483647

Parameter for:

-treeindex.file <file>

The name of the file storing the index. If this parameter is not set the index is hold in the main memory.

Parameter for:

-treeindex.pagesize <int>

The size of a page in bytes.

Default: 4000

Parameter for:


Enable verbose messages while performing the algorithm.

Parameter for: