Environment for
Supported by Index-Structures

Interface Database<O extends DatabaseObject>

Type Parameters:
O - the type of DatabaseObject as element of the database
All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<Integer>, Parameterizable, Result
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDatabase, IndexDatabase, MetricalIndexDatabase, SequentialDatabase, SpatialIndexDatabase

public interface Database<O extends DatabaseObject>
extends Parameterizable, Result, Iterable<Integer>

Database specifies the requirements for any database implementation. Note that any implementing class is supposed to provide a constructor without parameters for dynamic instantiation.

Elke Achtert

Method Summary
 void addDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener l)
          Adds a listener for the DatabaseEvent posted after the database changes.
<T> void
associate(AssociationID<T> associationID, Integer objectID, T association)
          Associates a association in a certain relation to a certain Object.
<T> void
associateGlobally(AssociationID<T> associationID, T association)
          Associates a global association in a certain relation to the database.
<D extends Distance<D>>
bulkKNNQueryForID(List<Integer> ids, int k, DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)
          Performs k-nearest neighbor queries for the given object IDs.
 O delete(Integer id)
          Removes and returns the object with the given id from the database.
 void delete(O object)
          Removes all objects from the database that are equal to the given object.
 int dimensionality()
          Returns the dimensionality of the data contained by this database in case of O extends FeatureVector.
 O get(Integer id)
          Returns the DatabaseObject represented by the specified id.
<T> T
getAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID, Integer objectID)
          Returns the association specified by the given associationID and related to the specified Object.
 Associations getAssociations(Integer id)
          Returns all associations for a given ID.
<T> T
getGlobalAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID)
          Returns the global association specified by the given associationID.
 List<Integer> getIDs()
          Returns a list comprising all IDs currently in use.
 void insert(List<Pair<O,Associations>> objectsAndAssociationsList)
          Initializes the database by inserting the specified objects and their associations into the database.
 Integer insert(Pair<O,Associations> objectAndAssociations)
          Inserts the given object into the database.
 boolean isSet(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether an association is set for at least one id in the database.
 boolean isSetForAllObjects(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether an association is set for every id in the database.
 boolean isSetGlobally(AssociationID<?> associationID)
          Checks whether a global association is set in the database.
 Iterator<Integer> iterator()
          Returns an iterator iterating over all keys of the database.
<D extends Distance<D>>
kNNQueryForID(Integer id, int k, DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)
          Performs a k-nearest neighbor query for the given object ID.
<D extends Distance<D>>
kNNQueryForObject(O queryObject, int k, DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)
          Performs a k-nearest neighbor query for the given object.
 Map<Integer,Database<O>> partition(Map<Integer,List<Integer>> partitions)
          Returns a Map of partition IDs to Databases according to the specified Map of partition IDs to Lists of IDs.
 Map<Integer,Database<O>> partition(Map<Integer,List<Integer>> partitions, Class<? extends Database<O>> dbClass, List<String> dbParameters)
          Returns a Map of partition IDs to Databases of the specified class according to the specified Map of partition IDs to Lists of IDs.
 Set<Integer> randomSample(int k, long seed)
          Returns a random sample of k ids.
<D extends Distance<D>>
rangeQuery(Integer id, String epsilon, DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)
          Performs a range query for the given object ID with the given epsilon range and the according distance function.
 void removeDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener l)
          Removes a listener previously added with addTreeModelListener.
<D extends Distance<D>>
reverseKNNQuery(Integer id, int k, DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)
          Performs a reverse k-nearest neighbor query for the given object ID.
 int size()
          Returns the number of objects contained in this Database.
Methods inherited from interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.Parameterizable
checkGlobalParameterConstraints, collectOptions, getParameters, setParameters, shortDescription

Method Detail


void insert(List<Pair<O,Associations>> objectsAndAssociationsList)
            throws UnableToComplyException
Initializes the database by inserting the specified objects and their associations into the database.

objectsAndAssociationsList - the list of objects and their associations to be inserted
UnableToComplyException - if initialization is not possible


Integer insert(Pair<O,Associations> objectAndAssociations)
               throws UnableToComplyException
Inserts the given object into the database.

objectAndAssociations - the object and its associations to be inserted
the ID assigned to the inserted object
UnableToComplyException - if insertion is not possible


void delete(O object)
Removes all objects from the database that are equal to the given object.

object - the object to be removed from database


O delete(Integer id)
Removes and returns the object with the given id from the database.

id - the id of an object to be removed from the database
the object that has been removed


int size()
Returns the number of objects contained in this Database.

the number of objects in this Database


Set<Integer> randomSample(int k,
                          long seed)
Returns a random sample of k ids.

k - the number of ids to return
seed - for random generator
a list of k ids


<D extends Distance<D>> List<DistanceResultPair<D>> rangeQuery(Integer id,
                                                               String epsilon,
                                                               DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)

Performs a range query for the given object ID with the given epsilon range and the according distance function.

The query result is sorted in ascending order w.r.t. the distance to the query object.

Type Parameters:
D - distance type
id - the ID of the query object
epsilon - the string representation of the query range
distanceFunction - the distance function that computes the distances between the objects
a List of the query results


<D extends Distance<D>> List<DistanceResultPair<D>> kNNQueryForID(Integer id,
                                                                  int k,
                                                                  DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)

Performs a k-nearest neighbor query for the given object ID.

The query result is sorted in ascending order w.r.t. the distance to the query object.

The general contract for the result of kNN queries in ELKI is that the resulting list contains exactly k nearest neighbors including the query object. Generally, ties will be resolved by the order of objects in the database. Any implementing method should inform about the exact policy of resolving ties.

Generally, it is assumed that the database does not contain less than k objects.

Type Parameters:
D - distance type
id - the ID of the query object
k - the number of nearest neighbors to be returned
distanceFunction - the distance function that computes the distances between the objects
a List of the query results


<D extends Distance<D>> List<DistanceResultPair<D>> kNNQueryForObject(O queryObject,
                                                                      int k,
                                                                      DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)

Performs a k-nearest neighbor query for the given object.

The query result is sorted in ascending order w.r.t. the distance to the query object.

The general contract for the result of kNN queries in ELKI is that the resulting list contains exactly k nearest neighbors including the query object if it is an element of this database. Generally, ties will be resolved by the order of objects in the database. Any implementing method should inform about the exact policy of resolving ties.

Generally, it is assumed that the database does not contain less than k objects.

Type Parameters:
D - distance type
queryObject - the query object
k - the number of nearest neighbors to be returned
distanceFunction - the distance function that computes the distances between the objects
a List of the query results


<D extends Distance<D>> List<List<DistanceResultPair<D>>> bulkKNNQueryForID(List<Integer> ids,
                                                                            int k,
                                                                            DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)

Performs k-nearest neighbor queries for the given object IDs.

The query result is sorted in ascending order w.r.t. the distance to the query object.

The general contract for the result of kNN queries in ELKI is that the resulting lists contain exactly k nearest neighbors including the query objects. Generally, ties will be resolved by the order of objects in the database. Any implementing method should inform about the exact policy of resolving ties.

Generally, it is assumed that the database does not contain less than k objects.

Type Parameters:
D - distance type
ids - the IDs of the query objects
k - the number of nearest neighbors to be returned
distanceFunction - the distance function that computes the distances between the objects
a List of List of the query results


<D extends Distance<D>> List<DistanceResultPair<D>> reverseKNNQuery(Integer id,
                                                                    int k,
                                                                    DistanceFunction<O,D> distanceFunction)

Performs a reverse k-nearest neighbor query for the given object ID.

The query result is sorted in ascending order w.r.t. the distance to the query object.

Generally, it is assumed that the database does not contain less than k objects.

Type Parameters:
D - distance type
id - the ID of the query object
k - the size of k-nearest neighborhood of any database object o to contain a database object in order to include o in the result list
distanceFunction - the distance function that computes the distances between the objects
a List of the query results


O get(Integer id)
Returns the DatabaseObject represented by the specified id.

id - the id of the Object to be obtained from the Database
Object the Object represented by to the specified id in the Database


<T> void associate(AssociationID<T> associationID,
                   Integer objectID,
                   T association)
               throws ClassCastException
Associates a association in a certain relation to a certain Object.

Type Parameters:
T - association data type
associationID - the id of the association, respectively the name of the relation
objectID - the id of the Object to which the association is related
association - the association to be associated with the specified Object
ClassCastException - if the association cannot be cast as the class that is specified by the associationID


<T> void associateGlobally(AssociationID<T> associationID,
                           T association)
                       throws ClassCastException
Associates a global association in a certain relation to the database.

Type Parameters:
T - association data type
associationID - the id of the association, respectively the name of the relation
association - the association to be associated with the database
ClassCastException - if the association cannot be cast as the class that is specified by the associationID


Associations getAssociations(Integer id)
Returns all associations for a given ID.

id - the id for which the associations are to be returned
all associations for a given ID


<T> T getAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID,
                     Integer objectID)
Returns the association specified by the given associationID and related to the specified Object.

Type Parameters:
T - association data type
associationID - the id of the association, respectively the name of the relation
objectID - the id of the Object to which the association is related
Object the association which is associated with the specified Object or null, if there is no association with the specified associationID nor with the specified objectID


<T> T getGlobalAssociation(AssociationID<T> associationID)
Returns the global association specified by the given associationID.

Type Parameters:
T - association data type
associationID - the id of the association, respectively the name of the relation
Object the association or null, if there is no association with the specified associationID


Iterator<Integer> iterator()
Returns an iterator iterating over all keys of the database.

Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<Integer>
an iterator iterating over all keys of the database
See Also:
- for a Database {@code db}, this allows the construct {@code for(Integer id : db) // work with database ids }.


List<Integer> getIDs()
Returns a list comprising all IDs currently in use. The list returned shall not be linked to any actual list possibly hold in the database implementation.

a list comprising all IDs currently in use


Map<Integer,Database<O>> partition(Map<Integer,List<Integer>> partitions,
                                   Class<? extends Database<O>> dbClass,
                                   List<String> dbParameters)
                                                          throws UnableToComplyException
Returns a Map of partition IDs to Databases of the specified class according to the specified Map of partition IDs to Lists of IDs.

partitions - a Map of partition IDs to Lists of IDs defining a partition of the database
dbClass - the class of the databases to be returned, if this argument is null the returned databases have the same class as this database
dbParameters - the parameter array of the returned database class, only necessary if parameter dbClass is not null
a Map of partition IDs to Databases of the specified class according to the specified Map of Lists of IDs - the databases in this map may contain the same objects, but the managing IDs are generally independent from the IDs in the original database
UnableToComplyException - in case of problems during insertion or class instantiation


Map<Integer,Database<O>> partition(Map<Integer,List<Integer>> partitions)
                                                          throws UnableToComplyException
Returns a Map of partition IDs to Databases according to the specified Map of partition IDs to Lists of IDs. Returns the same result as partition(partitions, null, null).

partitions - a Map of partition IDs to Lists of IDs defining a partition of the database
a Map of partition IDs to Databases of the specified class according to the specified Map of Lists of IDs - the databases in this map may contain the same objects, but the managing IDs are generally independent from the IDs in the original database
UnableToComplyException - in case of problems during insertion


boolean isSetForAllObjects(AssociationID<?> associationID)
Checks whether an association is set for every id in the database.

associationID - an association id to be checked
true, if the association is set for every id in the database, false otherwise


boolean isSet(AssociationID<?> associationID)
Checks whether an association is set for at least one id in the database.

associationID - an association id to be checked
true, if the association is set for every id in the database, false otherwise


boolean isSetGlobally(AssociationID<?> associationID)
Checks whether a global association is set in the database.

associationID - an association id to be checked
true, if the global association is set in the database, false otherwise


int dimensionality()
                   throws UnsupportedOperationException
Returns the dimensionality of the data contained by this database in case of O extends FeatureVector.

the dimensionality of the data contained by this database in case of O extends FeatureVector
UnsupportedOperationException - if O does not extend FeatureVector or the database is empty


void addDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener l)
Adds a listener for the DatabaseEvent posted after the database changes.

l - the listener to add
See Also:


void removeDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener l)
Removes a listener previously added with addTreeModelListener.

l - the listener to remove
See Also:

Release 0.2 (2009-07-06_1820)