Package weka.gui.visualize

Interface Summary
AttributePanelListener Interface for classes that want to listen for Attribute selection changes in the attribute panel
Plot2DCompanion Interface for classes that need to draw to the Plot2D panel *before* Plot2D renders anything (eg.
VisualizePanelListener Interface implemented by a class that is interested in receiving submited shapes from a visualize panel.

Class Summary
AttributePanel This panel displays one dimensional views of the attributes in a dataset.
AttributePanelEvent Class encapsulating a change in the AttributePanel's selected x and y attributes.
ClassPanel This panel displays coloured labels for nominal attributes and a spectrum for numeric attributes.
LegendPanel This panel displays legends for a list of plots.
MatrixPanel This panel displays a plot matrix of the user selected attributes of a given data set.
Plot2D This class plots datasets in two dimensions.
PlotData2D This class is a container for plottable data.
ThresholdVisualizePanel This panel is a VisualizePanel, with the added ablility to display the area under the ROC curve if an ROC curve is chosen.
VisualizePanel This panel allows the user to visualize a dataset (and if provided) a classifier's/clusterer's predictions in two dimensions.
VisualizePanelEvent This event Is fired to a listeners 'userDataEvent' function when The user on the VisualizePanel clicks submit.
VisualizeUtils This class contains utility routines for visualization