Uses of Class

Packages that use ADTree

Uses of ADTree in weka.classifiers.trees

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type ADTree
 void ADTree.merge(ADTree mergeWith)
          Merges two trees together.

Uses of ADTree in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree with parameters of type ADTree
 void PredictionNode.addChild(Splitter newChild, ADTree addingTo)
          Adds a child to this node.
 void PredictionNode.merge(PredictionNode merger, ADTree mergingTo)
          Merges this node with another.
private  void PredictionNode.setOrderAddedSubtree(Splitter addChild, ADTree addingTo)
          Sets the order added values of the subtree rooted at this splitter node.