Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractConversionFilter
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.filter Data filtering, in particular for normalization and projection. 

Uses of AbstractConversionFilter in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.filter

Subclasses of AbstractConversionFilter in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.filter
 class AbstractFeatureSelectionFilter<V extends FeatureVector<?,?>>
           A ProjectionParser projects the objects of its base parser onto a subspace specified by a BitSet.
 class AbstractNormalization<O>
          Abstract super class for all normalizations.
 class AbstractRandomFeatureSelectionFilter<V extends FeatureVector<?,?>>
           A RandomProjectionParser selects a subset of attributes randomly for projection of a ParsingResult.
 class AttributeWiseErfNormalization<O extends NumberVector<O,?>>
          Attribute-wise Normalization using the error function.
 class AttributeWiseMinMaxNormalization<V extends NumberVector<V,?>>
          Class to perform and undo a normalization on real vectors with respect to given minimum and maximum in each dimension.
 class AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization<V extends NumberVector<V,?>>
          Class to perform and undo a normalization on real vectors with respect to given mean and standard deviation in each dimension.
 class DoubleVectorProjectionFilter
          Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a selected subset of attributes.
 class DoubleVectorRandomProjectionFilter
           Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a randomly selected subset of attributes.
 class InverseDocumentFrequencyNormalization
          Normalization for text frequency vectors, using the inverse document frequency.
 class SparseFloatVectorProjectionFilter
           Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a selected subset of attributes.
 class SparseFloatVectorRandomProjectionFilter
          Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a randomly selected subset of attributes.
 class TFIDFNormalization
          Perform full TF-IDF Normalization as commonly used in text mining.

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)