Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme

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Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (WS 2024/25)


  • All information regarding the lecture are exclusively provided via Uni2Work and Moodle.


  • Lecturers:
  • Assistants:
  • Required: Lecture "Machine Learning" or equivalent, Lecture "Knowledge Discovery in Databases I" or equivalent
  • Audience: The lecture is directed towards Master students in Mediainformatics, Bioinformatics,  Informatics, and Data Science
  • Registration:

Final Exam


Additional Exam


Time and Locations

All times are c.t. (cum tempore)

Component When Where Starts at
Lecture Wed, 14:00 - 17:00 h Theoret. Hörsaal 151, Thalkirchner Str. 36 16.10.2024
Tutorial 1 Mo, 14:00 - 16:00 h M 110, HGB 21.10.2024
Tutorial 2 Mo 16:00 - 18:00 h M 110, HGB 21.10.2024


During the last decade the availability of large amounts of data and the strong increase in computing power allowed a renaissance of neural networks and advanced planning techniques for independent agents. Whereas the area of deep learning extended well established neural network technology to allow a whole new level of data transformation, modern reinforcement learning techniques yield the artificial backbone for intelligent assistant systems and autonomous vehicles.

The course starts with an introduction to neural networks and explains the developments that led to deep architectures. Furthermore, the course gives an introduction to advanced planning techniques and how they can be trained using deep neural networks and other machine learning technologies.