Uses of Package

Packages that use weka.gui.explorer

Classes in weka.gui.explorer used by weka.gui.explorer
          This panel allows the user to select, configure, and run a scheme that learns associations.
          This panel allows the user to select and configure an attribute evaluator and a search method, set the attribute of the current dataset to be used as the class, and perform attribute selection using one of two selection modes (select using all the training data or perform a n-fold cross validation---on each trial selecting features using n-1 folds of the data).
          This panel allows the user to select and configure a classifier, set the attribute of the current dataset to be used as the class, and evaluate the classifier using a number of testing modes (test on the training data, train/test on a percentage split, n-fold cross-validation, test on a separate split).
          This panel allows the user to select and configure a clusterer, and evaluate the clusterer using a number of testing modes (test on the training data, train/test on a percentage split, test on a separate split).
          This panel controls simple preprocessing of instances.