Uses of Class

Packages that use TestSetEvent

Uses of TestSetEvent in weka.gui.beans

Methods in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type TestSetEvent
 void TestSetListener.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accept and process a test set event
protected  void TestSetMaker.notifyTestSetProduced(TestSetEvent tse)
          Tells all listeners that a test set is available
 void ClassAssigner.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
protected  void ClassAssigner.notifyTestListeners(TestSetEvent tse)
 void AbstractDataSink.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accept a test set
 void DataVisualizer.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accept a test set
 void Classifier.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accepts a test set for a batch trained classifier
 void CrossValidationFoldMaker.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accept a test set
private  void CrossValidationFoldMaker.notifyTestSetProduced(TestSetEvent tse)
          Notify all test set listeners of a TestSet event
 void TrainTestSplitMaker.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accept a test set
protected  void TrainTestSplitMaker.notifyTestSetProduced(TestSetEvent tse)
          Notify test set listeners that a test set is available
 void Filter.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accept a test set
private  void Filter.notifyTestListeners(TestSetEvent ce)
 void TextViewer.acceptTestSet(TestSetEvent e)
          Accept a test set for displaying as text