Uses of Class

Packages that use BeanInstance

Uses of BeanInstance in weka.gui.beans

Fields in weka.gui.beans declared as BeanInstance
private  BeanInstance KnowledgeFlow.m_editElement
          Reference to bean being manipulated
private  BeanInstance BeanConnection.m_source
private  BeanInstance BeanConnection.m_target

Methods in weka.gui.beans that return BeanInstance
protected  BeanInstance BeanConnection.getSource()
          returns the source BeanInstance for this connection
protected  BeanInstance BeanConnection.getTarget()
          Returns the target BeanInstance for this connection
static BeanInstance BeanInstance.findInstance(java.awt.Point p)
          Looks for a bean (if any) whose bounds contain the supplied point

Methods in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type BeanInstance
private  void KnowledgeFlow.doPopup(java.awt.Point pt, BeanInstance bi, int x, int y)
          Popup a context sensitive menu for the bean component
private  void KnowledgeFlow.connectComponents(java.beans.EventSetDescriptor esd, BeanInstance bi, int x, int y)
          Initiates the connection process for two beans
private static boolean BeanConnection.previousLink(BeanInstance source, BeanInstance target, int index)
          Returns true if there is a link between the supplied source and target BeanInstances at an earlier index than the supplied index
static void BeanConnection.removeConnections(BeanInstance instance)
          Remove all connections for a bean.

Constructors in weka.gui.beans with parameters of type BeanInstance
BeanConnection(BeanInstance source, BeanInstance target, java.beans.EventSetDescriptor esd)
          Creates a new BeanConnection instance.