Uses of Interface

Packages that use Task

Uses of Task in weka.experiment

Classes in weka.experiment that implement Task
 class RemoteExperimentSubTask
          Class to encapsulate an experiment as a task that can be executed on a remote host.

Methods in weka.experiment with parameters of type Task
 java.lang.Object RemoteEngine.executeTask(Task t)
          Takes a task object and queues it for execution
private  void RemoteEngine.addTaskToQueue(Task t, java.lang.String taskId)
          Adds a new task to the queue.
 java.lang.Object Compute.executeTask(Task t)
          Execute a task

Uses of Task in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer

Classes in weka.gui.boundaryvisualizer that implement Task
 class RemoteBoundaryVisualizerSubTask
          Class that encapsulates a sub task for distributed boundary visualization.