Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResultProducer

Uses of ResultProducer in weka.experiment

Classes in weka.experiment that implement ResultProducer
 class AveragingResultProducer
          AveragingResultProducer takes the results from a ResultProducer and submits the average to the result listener.
 class CrossValidationResultProducer
          Generates for each run, carries out an n-fold cross-validation, using the set SplitEvaluator to generate some results.
 class DatabaseResultProducer
          DatabaseResultProducer examines a database and extracts out the results produced by the specified ResultProducer and submits them to the specified ResultListener.
 class LearningRateResultProducer
          LearningRateResultProducer takes the results from a ResultProducer and submits the average to the result listener.
 class RandomSplitResultProducer
          Generates a single train/test split and calls the appropriate SplitEvaluator to generate some results.

Fields in weka.experiment declared as ResultProducer
protected  ResultProducer DatabaseResultProducer.m_ResultProducer
          The ResultProducer used to generate results
protected  ResultProducer DatabaseResultListener.m_ResultProducer
          The ResultProducer to listen to
protected  ResultProducer AveragingResultProducer.m_ResultProducer
          The ResultProducer used to generate results
protected  ResultProducer CSVResultListener.m_RP
          The ResultProducer sending us results
protected  ResultProducer Experiment.m_ResultProducer
          The result producer
protected  ResultProducer LearningRateResultProducer.m_ResultProducer
          The ResultProducer used to generate results

Methods in weka.experiment that return ResultProducer
 ResultProducer DatabaseResultProducer.getResultProducer()
          Get the ResultProducer.
 ResultProducer AveragingResultProducer.getResultProducer()
          Get the ResultProducer.
 ResultProducer Experiment.getResultProducer()
          Get the result producer used for the current experiment.
 ResultProducer LearningRateResultProducer.getResultProducer()
          Get the ResultProducer.

Methods in weka.experiment with parameters of type ResultProducer
 void DatabaseResultProducer.preProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Prepare for the results to be received.
 void DatabaseResultProducer.postProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          When this method is called, it indicates that no more results will be sent that need to be grouped together in any way.
 void DatabaseResultProducer.acceptResult(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Accepts results from a ResultProducer.
 boolean DatabaseResultProducer.isResultRequired(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Determines whether the results for a specified key must be generated.
 void DatabaseResultProducer.setResultProducer(ResultProducer newResultProducer)
          Set the ResultProducer.
 void DatabaseResultListener.preProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Prepare for the results to be received.
 void DatabaseResultListener.postProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Perform any postprocessing.
 java.lang.String[] DatabaseResultListener.determineColumnConstraints(ResultProducer rp)
          Determines if there are any constraints (imposed by the destination) on any additional measures produced by resultProducers.
 void DatabaseResultListener.acceptResult(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Submit the result to the appropriate table of the database
 boolean DatabaseResultListener.isResultRequired(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Always says a result is required.
protected  void DatabaseResultListener.updateResultsTableName(ResultProducer rp)
          Determines the table name that results will be inserted into.
protected  boolean DatabaseResultListener.isKeyInCache(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Returns true if the supplied key is in the key cache (and thus we do not need to execute a database query).
protected  void DatabaseResultListener.loadCache(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Executes a database query to fill the key cache
 void RemoteExperiment.setResultProducer(ResultProducer newResultProducer)
          Set the result producer used for the current experiment.
protected  boolean DatabaseUtils.isKeyInTable(java.lang.String tableName, ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Executes a database query to see whether a result for the supplied key is already in the database.
 java.lang.Object[] DatabaseUtils.getResultFromTable(java.lang.String tableName, ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Executes a database query to extract a result for the supplied key from the database.
 void DatabaseUtils.putResultInTable(java.lang.String tableName, ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Executes a database query to insert a result for the supplied key into the database.
 java.lang.String DatabaseUtils.createExperimentIndexEntry(ResultProducer rp)
          Attempts to insert a results entry for the table into the experiment index.
 java.lang.String DatabaseUtils.getResultsTableName(ResultProducer rp)
          Gets the name of the experiment table that stores results from a particular ResultProducer.
 java.lang.String DatabaseUtils.createResultsTable(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.String tableName)
          Creates a results table for the supplied result producer.
 java.lang.String[] AveragingResultProducer.determineColumnConstraints(ResultProducer rp)
          Determines if there are any constraints (imposed by the destination) on the result columns to be produced by resultProducers.
 void AveragingResultProducer.preProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Prepare for the results to be received.
 void AveragingResultProducer.postProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          When this method is called, it indicates that no more results will be sent that need to be grouped together in any way.
 void AveragingResultProducer.acceptResult(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Accepts results from a ResultProducer.
 boolean AveragingResultProducer.isResultRequired(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Determines whether the results for a specified key must be generated.
 void AveragingResultProducer.setResultProducer(ResultProducer newResultProducer)
          Set the ResultProducer.
 void CSVResultListener.preProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Prepare for the results to be received.
 void CSVResultListener.postProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Perform any postprocessing.
 java.lang.String[] CSVResultListener.determineColumnConstraints(ResultProducer rp)
          Determines if there are any constraints (imposed by the destination) on the result columns to be produced by resultProducers.
 void CSVResultListener.acceptResult(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Just prints out each result as it is received.
 boolean CSVResultListener.isResultRequired(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Always says a result is required.
private  void CSVResultListener.printResultNames(ResultProducer rp)
          Prints the names of each field out as the first row of the CSV output.
 java.lang.String[] ResultListener.determineColumnConstraints(ResultProducer rp)
          Determines if there are any constraints (imposed by the destination) on additional result columns to be produced by resultProducers.
 void ResultListener.preProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Prepare for the results to be received.
 void ResultListener.postProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Perform any postprocessing.
 void ResultListener.acceptResult(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Accepts results from a ResultProducer.
 boolean ResultListener.isResultRequired(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Determines whether the results for a specified key must be generated.
 void InstancesResultListener.preProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Prepare for the results to be received.
 void InstancesResultListener.postProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Perform any postprocessing.
 void InstancesResultListener.acceptResult(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Collects each instance and adjusts the header information.
 void Experiment.setResultProducer(ResultProducer newResultProducer)
          Set the result producer used for the current experiment.
 java.lang.String[] LearningRateResultProducer.determineColumnConstraints(ResultProducer rp)
          Determines if there are any constraints (imposed by the destination) on the result columns to be produced by resultProducers.
 void LearningRateResultProducer.preProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          Prepare for the results to be received.
 void LearningRateResultProducer.postProcess(ResultProducer rp)
          When this method is called, it indicates that no more results will be sent that need to be grouped together in any way.
 void LearningRateResultProducer.acceptResult(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key, java.lang.Object[] result)
          Accepts results from a ResultProducer.
 boolean LearningRateResultProducer.isResultRequired(ResultProducer rp, java.lang.Object[] key)
          Determines whether the results for a specified key must be generated.
 void LearningRateResultProducer.setResultProducer(ResultProducer newResultProducer)
          Set the ResultProducer.