Uses of Class

Packages that use Experiment

Uses of Experiment in weka.experiment

Subclasses of Experiment in weka.experiment
 class RemoteExperiment
          Holds all the necessary configuration information for a distributed experiment.

Fields in weka.experiment declared as Experiment
private  Experiment RemoteExperiment.m_baseExperiment
          The base experiment to split up into sub experiments for remote execution
protected  Experiment[] RemoteExperiment.m_subExperiments
          The sub experiments
private  Experiment RemoteExperimentSubTask.m_experiment

Methods in weka.experiment that return Experiment
 Experiment RemoteExperiment.getBaseExperiment()
          Get the base experiment used by this remote experiment
 Experiment RemoteExperimentSubTask.getExperiment()
          Get the experiment for this sub task

Methods in weka.experiment with parameters of type Experiment
 void RemoteExperiment.setBaseExperiment(Experiment base)
          Set the base experiment.
 void RemoteExperimentSubTask.setExperiment(Experiment task)
          Set the experiment for this sub task

Constructors in weka.experiment with parameters of type Experiment
RemoteExperiment(Experiment base)
          Construct a new RemoteExperiment using a base Experiment

Uses of Experiment in weka.gui.experiment

Fields in weka.gui.experiment declared as Experiment
protected  Experiment ResultsPanel.m_Exp
          An experiment (used for identifying a result source) -- optional
(package private)  Experiment RunPanel.ExperimentRunner.m_ExpCopy
protected  Experiment RunPanel.m_Exp
          The experiment to run
protected  Experiment SimpleSetupPanel.m_Exp
          The experiment being configured
protected  Experiment AlgorithmListPanel.m_Exp
          The experiment to set the algorithm list of
protected  Experiment SetupPanel.m_Exp
          The experiment being configured
protected  Experiment DatasetListPanel.m_Exp
          The experiment to set the dataset list of
protected  Experiment RunNumberPanel.m_Exp
          The experiment being configured
protected  Experiment GeneratorPropertyIteratorPanel.m_Exp
          The experiment this all applies to

Methods in weka.gui.experiment that return Experiment
 Experiment SetupModePanel.getExperiment()
          Gets the currently configured experiment.
 Experiment SimpleSetupPanel.getExperiment()
          Gets the currently configured experiment.
 Experiment SetupPanel.getExperiment()
          Gets the currently configured experiment.

Methods in weka.gui.experiment with parameters of type Experiment
 void SetupModePanel.switchToAdvanced(Experiment exp)
          Switches to the advanced setup mode.
 void SetupModePanel.switchToSimple(Experiment exp)
          Switches to the simple setup mode only if allowed to.
 void ResultsPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Tells the panel to use a new experiment.
protected  void ResultsPanel.setInstancesFromExp(Experiment exp)
          Examines the supplied experiment to determine the results destination and attempts to load the results.
 void RunPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Sets the experiment the panel operates on.
 boolean SimpleSetupPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Sets the experiment to configure.
 void AlgorithmListPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Tells the panel to act on a new experiment.
 void SetupPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Sets the experiment to configure.
 void DatasetListPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Tells the panel to act on a new experiment.
 void RunNumberPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Sets the experiment to be configured.
 void DistributeExperimentPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Sets the experiment to be configured.
 void GeneratorPropertyIteratorPanel.setExperiment(Experiment exp)
          Sets the experiment which will have the custom properties edited.

Constructors in weka.gui.experiment with parameters of type Experiment
RunPanel.ExperimentRunner(Experiment exp)
RunPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the panel with the supplied initial experiment.
SimpleSetupPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the setup panel with the supplied initial experiment.
AlgorithmListPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the algorithm list panel with the given experiment.
SetupPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the setup panel with the supplied initial experiment.
DatasetListPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the dataset list panel with the given experiment.
RunNumberPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the panel with the supplied initial experiment.
DistributeExperimentPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the panel with the supplied initial experiment.
GeneratorPropertyIteratorPanel(Experiment exp)
          Creates the property iterator panel and sets the experiment.