Uses of Class

Packages that use ClusterGenerator

Uses of ClusterGenerator in weka.datagenerators

Subclasses of ClusterGenerator in weka.datagenerators
 class BIRCHCluster
          Cluster data generator designed for the BIRCH System Dataset is generated with instances in K clusters.

Methods in weka.datagenerators with parameters of type ClusterGenerator
static void ClusterGenerator.makeData(ClusterGenerator generator, java.lang.String[] options)
          Calls the data generator.
private  java.lang.String ClusterGenerator.listSpecificOptions(ClusterGenerator generator)
          Makes a string with the options of the specific data generator.
private static void ClusterGenerator.setOptions(ClusterGenerator generator, java.lang.String[] options)
          Sets the generic options and specific options.
private static java.lang.String ClusterGenerator.listGenericOptions(ClusterGenerator generator)
          Method for listing generic options.