Uses of Class

Packages that use Cobweb.CNode

Uses of Cobweb.CNode in weka.clusterers

Fields in weka.clusterers declared as Cobweb.CNode
protected  Cobweb.CNode Cobweb.m_cobwebTree
          Holds the root of the Cobweb tree.

Methods in weka.clusterers that return Cobweb.CNode
private  Cobweb.CNode Cobweb.CNode.findHost(Instance newInstance, boolean structureFrozen)
          Finds a host for the new instance in this nodes children.

Methods in weka.clusterers with parameters of type Cobweb.CNode
private  double Cobweb.CNode.cuScoreForBestTwoMerged(Cobweb.CNode merged, Cobweb.CNode a, Cobweb.CNode b, Instance newInstance)
protected  void Cobweb.CNode.addChildNode(Cobweb.CNode child)
          Adds the supplied node as a child of this node.
protected  double Cobweb.CNode.categoryUtilityChild(Cobweb.CNode child)
          Computes the utility of a single child with respect to this node