Uses of Class

Packages that use Distribution

Uses of Distribution in weka.classifiers.rules.part

Fields in weka.classifiers.rules.part declared as Distribution
protected  Distribution ClassifierDecList.m_test
          The pruning instances.

Uses of Distribution in weka.classifiers.trees.j48

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 declared as Distribution
protected  Distribution ClassifierSplitModel.m_distribution
          Distribution of class values.
protected  Distribution ClassifierTree.m_test
          The pruning instances.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 that return Distribution
 Distribution ClassifierSplitModel.distribution()
          Returns the distribution of class values induced by the model.
 Distribution Distribution.subtract(Distribution toSubstract)
          Subtracts the given distribution from this one.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 with parameters of type Distribution
 double GainRatioSplitCrit.splitCritValue(Distribution bags)
          This method is a straightforward implementation of the gain ratio criterion for the given distribution.
 double GainRatioSplitCrit.splitCritValue(Distribution bags, double totalnoInst, double numerator)
          This method computes the gain ratio in the same way C4.5 does.
private  double GainRatioSplitCrit.splitEnt(Distribution bags, double totalnoInst)
          Help method for computing the split entropy.
 double InfoGainSplitCrit.splitCritValue(Distribution bags)
          This method is a straightforward implementation of the information gain criterion for the given distribution.
 double InfoGainSplitCrit.splitCritValue(Distribution bags, double totalNoInst)
          This method computes the information gain in the same way C4.5 does.
 double InfoGainSplitCrit.splitCritValue(Distribution bags, double totalNoInst, double oldEnt)
          This method computes the information gain in the same way C4.5 does.
 double EntropySplitCrit.splitCritValue(Distribution bags)
          Computes entropy for given distribution.
 double EntropySplitCrit.splitCritValue(Distribution train, Distribution test)
          Computes entropy of test distribution with respect to training distribution.
private  double C45PruneableClassifierTree.getEstimatedErrorsForDistribution(Distribution theDistribution)
          Computes estimated errors for leaf.
 double SplitCriterion.splitCritValue(Distribution bags)
          Computes result of splitting criterion for given distribution.
 double SplitCriterion.splitCritValue(Distribution train, Distribution test)
          Computes result of splitting criterion for given training and test distributions.
 double SplitCriterion.splitCritValue(Distribution train, Distribution test, int noClassesDefault)
          Computes result of splitting criterion for given training and test distributions and given number of classes.
 double SplitCriterion.splitCritValue(Distribution train, Distribution test, Distribution defC)
          Computes result of splitting criterion for given training and test distributions and given default distribution.
 Distribution Distribution.subtract(Distribution toSubstract)
          Subtracts the given distribution from this one.
 double EntropyBasedSplitCrit.oldEnt(Distribution bags)
          Computes entropy of distribution before splitting.
 double EntropyBasedSplitCrit.newEnt(Distribution bags)
          Computes entropy of distribution after splitting.
 double EntropyBasedSplitCrit.splitEnt(Distribution bags)
          Computes entropy after splitting without considering the class values.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 with parameters of type Distribution
Distribution(Distribution toMerge)
          Creates distribution with only one bag by merging all bags of given distribution.
Distribution(Distribution toMerge, int index)
          Creates distribution with two bags by merging all bags apart of the indicated one.
NoSplit(Distribution distribution)
          Creates "no-split"-split for given distribution.