Uses of Class

Packages that use PredictionNode

Uses of PredictionNode in weka.classifiers.trees

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees declared as PredictionNode
protected  PredictionNode ADTree.m_root
          The root of the tree
protected  PredictionNode ADTree.m_search_bestInsertionNode
          The best node to insert under, as found so far by the latest search

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees with parameters of type PredictionNode
private  void ADTree.searchForBestTestSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Recursive function that carries out search for the best test (splitter) to add to this part of the tree, by aiming to minimize the Z value.
private  void ADTree.goDownAllPathsSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating every node in the subtree under currentNode.
private  void ADTree.goDownHeaviestPathSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating only the path with the most heavily weighted instances.
private  void ADTree.goDownZpurePathSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating only the path with the best Z-pure value at each branch.
private  void ADTree.goDownRandomPathSingle(PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Continues single (two-class optimized) search by investigating a random path.
private  void ADTree.evaluateNominalSplitSingle(int attIndex, PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances)
          Investigates the option of introducing a nominal split under currentNode.
private  void ADTree.evaluateNumericSplitSingle(int attIndex, PredictionNode currentNode, Instances posInstances, Instances negInstances, Instances allInstances)
          Investigates the option of introducing a two-way numeric split under currentNode.
protected  double ADTree.predictionValueForInstance(Instance inst, PredictionNode currentNode, double currentValue)
          Returns the class prediction value (vote) for an instance.
protected  java.lang.String ADTree.toString(PredictionNode currentNode, int level)
          Traverses the tree, forming a string that describes it.
protected  void ADTree.graphTraverse(PredictionNode currentNode, java.lang.StringBuffer text, int splitOrder, int predOrder, Instances instances)
          Traverses the tree, graphing each node.
protected  int ADTree.numOfAllNodes(PredictionNode root)
          Returns the total number of nodes in a tree.
protected  int ADTree.numOfPredictionNodes(PredictionNode root)
          Returns the number of prediction nodes in a tree.
protected  int ADTree.numOfPredictionLeafNodes(PredictionNode root)
          Returns the number of leaf nodes in a tree - prediction nodes without children.

Uses of PredictionNode in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree

Fields in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree declared as PredictionNode
private  PredictionNode[] TwoWayNominalSplit.children
          The children of this split
private  PredictionNode[] TwoWayNumericSplit.children
          The children of this split

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree that return PredictionNode
abstract  PredictionNode Splitter.getChildForBranch(int branchNum)
          Gets the child for a branch of the split.
 PredictionNode TwoWayNominalSplit.getChildForBranch(int branchNum)
          Gets the child for a branch of the split.
 PredictionNode TwoWayNumericSplit.getChildForBranch(int branchNum)
          Gets the child for a branch of the split.

Methods in weka.classifiers.trees.adtree with parameters of type PredictionNode
 void PredictionNode.merge(PredictionNode merger, ADTree mergingTo)
          Merges this node with another.
abstract  void Splitter.setChildForBranch(int branchNum, PredictionNode childPredictor)
          Sets the child for a branch of the split.
 void TwoWayNominalSplit.setChildForBranch(int branchNum, PredictionNode childPredictor)
          Sets the child for a branch of the split.
 void TwoWayNumericSplit.setChildForBranch(int branchNum, PredictionNode childPredictor)
          Sets the child for a branch of the split.