Uses of Class

Packages that use NNge.Exemplar

Uses of NNge.Exemplar in weka.classifiers.rules

Fields in weka.classifiers.rules declared as NNge.Exemplar
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.m_Exemplars
          The list of Exemplars
private  NNge.Exemplar[] NNge.m_ExemplarsByClass
          The lists of Exemplars by class
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.Exemplar.previous
          List of all the Exemplar
private  NNge.Exemplar
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.Exemplar.previousWithClass
          List of all the Exemplar with the same class
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.Exemplar.nextWithClass

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules that return NNge.Exemplar
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.nearestExemplar(Instance inst)
          Returns the nearest Exemplar
private  NNge.Exemplar NNge.nearestExemplar(Instance inst, double c)
          Returns the nearest Exemplar with class c

Methods in weka.classifiers.rules with parameters of type NNge.Exemplar
private  void NNge.adjust(Instance newInst, NNge.Exemplar predictedExemplar)
          Adjust the NNge.
private  void NNge.prune(NNge.Exemplar predictedExemplar, Instance newInst)
          Prunes an Exemplar that matches an Instance
private  boolean NNge.detectOverlapping(NNge.Exemplar ex)
          Returns true if ex overlaps any of the Exemplars in NNge's lists
private  void NNge.initWeight(NNge.Exemplar ex)
          Init the weight of ex Watch out !
private  void NNge.addExemplar(NNge.Exemplar ex)
          Adds an Exemplar in NNge's lists Ensure that the exemplar is not already in a list : the links would be broken...
private  void NNge.removeExemplar(NNge.Exemplar ex)
          Removes an Exemplar from NNge's lists Ensure that the Exemplar is actually in NNge's lists.
private  boolean NNge.Exemplar.overlaps(NNge.Exemplar ex)
          Check if the Examplar overlaps ex