Uses of Class

Packages that use LBR.Indexes

Uses of LBR.Indexes in weka.classifiers.lazy

Fields in weka.classifiers.lazy declared as LBR.Indexes
protected  LBR.Indexes LBR.m_subInstances
protected  LBR.Indexes LBR.tempSubInstances

Methods in weka.classifiers.lazy with parameters of type LBR.Indexes
 void LBR.Indexes.resetDatasetBasedOn(LBR.Indexes FromIndexes)
          Resets the boolean values in Attribute and Instance array to reflect an empty dataset withthe same attributes set as in the incoming Indexes Object
 void LBR.Indexes.resetAttIndexTo(LBR.Indexes FromIndexes)
          Resets the boolean value in AttIndexes array based on another set of Indexes
 int LBR.leaveOneOut(LBR.Indexes instanceIndex, int[][][] counts, int[] priors, boolean[] errorFlags)
          Leave-one-out strategy.
 void LBR.localNaiveBayes(LBR.Indexes instanceIndex)
          Class for building and using a simple Naive Bayes classifier.
 double[] LBR.localDistributionForInstance(Instance instance, LBR.Indexes instanceIndex)
          Calculates the class membership probabilities.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.lazy with parameters of type LBR.Indexes
LBR.Indexes(LBR.Indexes FromIndexes)