Uses of Class

Packages that use IBk.NeighborNode

Uses of IBk.NeighborNode in weka.classifiers.lazy

Fields in weka.classifiers.lazy declared as IBk.NeighborNode
private  IBk.NeighborNode IBk.NeighborList.m_First
          The first node in the list
private  IBk.NeighborNode IBk.NeighborList.m_Last
          The last node in the list
private  IBk.NeighborNode IBk.NeighborNode.m_Next
          A link to the next neighbor instance

Constructors in weka.classifiers.lazy with parameters of type IBk.NeighborNode
IBk.NeighborNode(double distance, Instance instance, IBk.NeighborNode next)
          Create a new neighbor node.