Uses of Class

Packages that use IntVector

Uses of IntVector in weka.classifiers.functions.pace

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions.pace that return IntVector
 IntVector DoubleVector.sortWithIndex()
          Sorts the array in place with index returned
static IntVector IntVector.seq(int i0, int i1)
          Generates an IntVector that stores all integers inclusively between two integers.
 IntVector IntVector.copy()
          Makes a deep copy of the vector
 IntVector IntVector.subvector(int i0, int i1)
          Returns a subvector.
 IntVector IntVector.subvector(IntVector index)
          Returns a subvector as indexed by an IntVector.

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions.pace with parameters of type IntVector
 void DoubleVector.sortWithIndex(int xi, int xj, IntVector index)
          Sorts the array in place with index changed
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.subvector(IntVector index)
          Returns a subvector.
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.unpivoting(IntVector index, int length)
          Returns a vector from the pivoting indices.
 void IntVector.set(int i0, int i1, IntVector v, int j0)
          Sets the values of elements from another IntVector.
 void IntVector.set(IntVector v)
          Sets the values of elements from another IntVector.
 IntVector IntVector.subvector(IntVector index)
          Returns a subvector as indexed by an IntVector.
 void PaceMatrix.forward(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int k0)
          Forward ordering of columns in terms of response explanation.
 int PaceMatrix.mostExplainingColumn(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int ks)
          Returns the index of the column that has the largest (squared) response, when each of columns pvt[ks:] is moved to become the ks-th column.
 void PaceMatrix.backward(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int ks, int k0)
          Backward ordering of columns in terms of response explanation.
 int PaceMatrix.leastExplainingColumn(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int ks, int k0)
          Returns the index of the column that has the smallest (squared) response, when the column is moved to become the (ks-1)-th column.
 double PaceMatrix.columnResponseExplanation(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int j, int ks)
          Returns the squared ks-th response value if the j-th column becomes the ks-th after orthogonal transformation.
 void PaceMatrix.lsqr(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int k0)
          QR transformation for a least squares problem A x = b
 void PaceMatrix.lsqrSelection(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int k0)
          QR transformation for a least squares problem A x = b
 void PaceMatrix.positiveDiagonal(PaceMatrix Y, IntVector pvt)
          Sets all diagonal elements to be positive (or nonnegative) without changing the least squares solution
 void PaceMatrix.steplsqr(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int ks, int j, boolean adjoin)
          Stepwise least squares QR-decomposition of the problem A x = b
 void PaceMatrix.rsolve(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt, int kp)
          Solves upper-triangular equation R x = b
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.nnls(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt)
          Solves the nonnegative linear squares problem.
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.nnlse(PaceMatrix b, PaceMatrix c, PaceMatrix d, IntVector pvt)
          Solves the nonnegative least squares problem with equality constraint.
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.nnlse1(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt)
          Solves the nonnegative least squares problem with equality constraint.