Uses of Class

Packages that use DoubleVector

Uses of DoubleVector in weka.classifiers.functions.pace

Fields in weka.classifiers.functions.pace declared as DoubleVector
protected  DoubleVector DiscreteFunction.points
protected  DoubleVector DiscreteFunction.values

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions.pace that return DoubleVector
protected  DoubleVector DiscreteFunction.getPointValues()
          Gets all point values
protected  DoubleVector DiscreteFunction.getFunctionValues()
          Gets all function values
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.square()
          Returns the squared vector
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.sqrt()
          Returns the square-root of all the elements in the vector
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.copy()
          Makes a deep copy of the vector
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.sign()
          Returns the signs of all elements in terms of -1, 0 and +1.
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.subvector(int i0, int i1)
          Returns a subvector.
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.subvector(IntVector index)
          Returns a subvector.
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.unpivoting(IntVector index, int length)
          Returns a vector from the pivoting indices.
 DoubleVector x)
          Adds a value to all the elements
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.plusEquals(double x)
          Adds a value to all the elements in place
 DoubleVector v)
          Adds another vector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.plusEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Adds another vector in place element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.minus(double x)
          Subtracts a value
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.minusEquals(double x)
          Subtracts a value in place
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.minus(DoubleVector v)
          Subtracts another DoubleVector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.minusEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Subtracts another DoubleVector element by element in place
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.times(double s)
          Multiplies a scalar
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.timesEquals(double s)
          Multiply a vector by a scalar in place, u = s * u
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.times(DoubleVector v)
          Multiplies another DoubleVector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.timesEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Multiplies another DoubleVector element by element in place
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.dividedBy(DoubleVector v)
          Divided by another DoubleVector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.dividedByEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Divided by another DoubleVector element by element in place
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.cumulate()
          Returns a vector that stores the cumulated values of the original vector
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.cumulateInPlace()
          Cumulates the original vector in place
 DoubleVector v)
          Combine two vectors together
 DoubleVector className, java.lang.String method)
          Applies a method to the vector
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.rev()
          Returns the reverse vector
static DoubleVector DoubleVector.random(int n)
          Returns a random vector of uniform distribution
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.supportPoints(DoubleVector data, int ne)
          Contructs the set of support points for mixture estimation.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.empiricalBayesEstimate(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the empirical Bayes estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.nestedEstimate(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the optimal nested model estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.subsetEstimate(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the estimate of optimal subset selection.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.h(DoubleVector x)
          Computes the value of h(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.f(DoubleVector x)
          Computes the value of f(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
static DoubleVector Maths.pnorm(double x, DoubleVector mean, double sd)
          Returns the cumulative probability of a set of normal distributions with different means.
static DoubleVector Maths.dnorm(double x, DoubleVector mean, double sd)
          Returns the density values of a set of normal distributions with different means.
static DoubleVector Maths.dnormLog(double x, DoubleVector mean, double sd)
          Returns the log-density values of a set of normal distributions with different means.
static DoubleVector Maths.rnorm(int n, double mean, double sd, java.util.Random random)
          Generates a sample of a normal distribution.
static DoubleVector Maths.pchisq(double x, DoubleVector ncp)
          Returns the cumulative probability of a set of noncentral Chi-squared distributions.
static DoubleVector Maths.dchisq(double x, DoubleVector ncp)
          Returns the density of the noncentral Chi-squared distribution.
static DoubleVector Maths.dchisqLog(double x, DoubleVector ncp)
          Returns the log-density of a set of noncentral Chi-squared distributions.
static DoubleVector Maths.rchisq(int n, double ncp, java.util.Random random)
          Generates a sample of a Chi-square distribution.
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.getColumn(int j)
          Return a DoubleVector that stores a column of the matrix
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.getColumn(int i0, int i1, int j)
          Return a DoubleVector that stores some elements of a column of the matrix
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.nnls(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt)
          Solves the nonnegative linear squares problem.
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.nnlse(PaceMatrix b, PaceMatrix c, PaceMatrix d, IntVector pvt)
          Solves the nonnegative least squares problem with equality constraint.
 DoubleVector PaceMatrix.nnlse1(PaceMatrix b, IntVector pvt)
          Solves the nonnegative least squares problem with equality constraint.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.supportPoints(DoubleVector data, int ne)
          Contructs the set of support points for mixture estimation.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.pace6(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the pace6 estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.pace2(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the pace2 estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.pace4(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the pace4 estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.h(DoubleVector AHat)
          Computes the value of h(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.f(DoubleVector x)
          Computes the value of f(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
abstract  DoubleVector MixtureDistribution.supportPoints(DoubleVector data, int ne)
          Contructs the set of support points for mixture estimation.

Methods in weka.classifiers.functions.pace with parameters of type DoubleVector
 void DoubleVector.set(DoubleVector v)
          Set the elements using a DoubleVector
 void DoubleVector.set(int i0, int i1, DoubleVector v, int j0)
          Set some elements using a DoubleVector.
 double DoubleVector.innerProduct(DoubleVector v)
          Returns the inner product of two DoubleVectors
 double DoubleVector.sum2(DoubleVector v)
          Returns ||u-v||^2
 DoubleVector v)
          Adds another vector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.plusEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Adds another vector in place element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.minus(DoubleVector v)
          Subtracts another DoubleVector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.minusEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Subtracts another DoubleVector element by element in place
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.times(DoubleVector v)
          Multiplies another DoubleVector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.timesEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Multiplies another DoubleVector element by element in place
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.dividedBy(DoubleVector v)
          Divided by another DoubleVector element by element
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.dividedByEquals(DoubleVector v)
          Divided by another DoubleVector element by element in place
 DoubleVector v)
          Combine two vectors together
 boolean NormalMixture.separable(DoubleVector data, int i0, int i1, double x)
          Return true if a value can be considered for mixture estimatino separately from the data indexed between i0 and i1
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.supportPoints(DoubleVector data, int ne)
          Contructs the set of support points for mixture estimation.
 PaceMatrix NormalMixture.fittingIntervals(DoubleVector data)
          Contructs the set of fitting intervals for mixture estimation.
 PaceMatrix NormalMixture.probabilityMatrix(DoubleVector s, PaceMatrix intervals)
          Contructs the probability matrix for mixture estimation, given a set of support points and a set of intervals.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.empiricalBayesEstimate(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the empirical Bayes estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.nestedEstimate(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the optimal nested model estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.subsetEstimate(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the estimate of optimal subset selection.
 void NormalMixture.trim(DoubleVector x)
          Trims the small values of the estaimte
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.h(DoubleVector x)
          Computes the value of h(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
 DoubleVector NormalMixture.f(DoubleVector x)
          Computes the value of f(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
static DoubleVector Maths.pnorm(double x, DoubleVector mean, double sd)
          Returns the cumulative probability of a set of normal distributions with different means.
static DoubleVector Maths.dnorm(double x, DoubleVector mean, double sd)
          Returns the density values of a set of normal distributions with different means.
static DoubleVector Maths.dnormLog(double x, DoubleVector mean, double sd)
          Returns the log-density values of a set of normal distributions with different means.
static DoubleVector Maths.pchisq(double x, DoubleVector ncp)
          Returns the cumulative probability of a set of noncentral Chi-squared distributions.
static DoubleVector Maths.dchisq(double x, DoubleVector ncp)
          Returns the density of the noncentral Chi-squared distribution.
static DoubleVector Maths.dchisqLog(double x, DoubleVector ncp)
          Returns the log-density of a set of noncentral Chi-squared distributions.
 void PaceMatrix.setMatrix(int i0, int i1, int j, DoubleVector v)
          Set the submatrix A[i0:i1][j] with the values stored in a DoubleVector
 boolean ChisqMixture.separable(DoubleVector data, int i0, int i1, double x)
          Return true if a value can be considered for mixture estimatino separately from the data indexed between i0 and i1
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.supportPoints(DoubleVector data, int ne)
          Contructs the set of support points for mixture estimation.
 PaceMatrix ChisqMixture.fittingIntervals(DoubleVector data)
          Contructs the set of fitting intervals for mixture estimation.
 PaceMatrix ChisqMixture.probabilityMatrix(DoubleVector s, PaceMatrix intervals)
          Contructs the probability matrix for mixture estimation, given a set of support points and a set of intervals.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.pace6(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the pace6 estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.pace2(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the pace2 estimate of a vector.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.pace4(DoubleVector x)
          Returns the pace4 estimate of a vector.
 void ChisqMixture.trim(DoubleVector x)
          Trims the small values of the estaimte
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.h(DoubleVector AHat)
          Computes the value of h(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
 DoubleVector ChisqMixture.f(DoubleVector x)
          Computes the value of f(x) given the mixture, where x is a vector.
 void data)
          Fits the mixture (or mixing) distribution to the data.
 void data, int method)
          Fits the mixture (or mixing) distribution to the data.
 DiscreteFunction MixtureDistribution.fitForSingleCluster(DoubleVector data, int method)
          Fits the mixture (or mixing) distribution to the data.
abstract  boolean MixtureDistribution.separable(DoubleVector data, int i0, int i1, double x)
          Return true if a value can be considered for mixture estimatino separately from the data indexed between i0 and i1
abstract  DoubleVector MixtureDistribution.supportPoints(DoubleVector data, int ne)
          Contructs the set of support points for mixture estimation.
abstract  PaceMatrix MixtureDistribution.fittingIntervals(DoubleVector data)
          Contructs the set of fitting intervals for mixture estimation.
abstract  PaceMatrix MixtureDistribution.probabilityMatrix(DoubleVector s, PaceMatrix intervals)
          Contructs the probability matrix for mixture estimation, given a set of support points and a set of intervals.
 PaceMatrix MixtureDistribution.empiricalProbability(DoubleVector data, PaceMatrix intervals)
          Computes the empirical probabilities of the data over a set of intervals.

Constructors in weka.classifiers.functions.pace with parameters of type DoubleVector
DiscreteFunction(DoubleVector p)
          Constructs a discrete function with the point values provides and the function values are all 1/n.
DiscreteFunction(DoubleVector p, DoubleVector v)
          Constructs a discrete function with both the point values and function values provided.
PaceMatrix(DoubleVector v)
          Construct a PaceMatrix with a single column from a DoubleVector