Uses of Class

Packages that use ASEvaluation

Uses of ASEvaluation in weka.attributeSelection

Subclasses of ASEvaluation in weka.attributeSelection
 class AttributeEvaluator
          Abstract attribute evaluator.
 class CfsSubsetEval
          CFS attribute subset evaluator.
 class ChiSquaredAttributeEval
          Class for Evaluating attributes individually by measuring the chi-squared statistic with respect to the class.
 class ClassifierSubsetEval
          Classifier subset evaluator.
 class ConsistencySubsetEval
          Consistency attribute subset evaluator.
 class GainRatioAttributeEval
          Class for Evaluating attributes individually by measuring gain ratio with respect to the class.
 class HoldOutSubsetEvaluator
          Abstract attribute subset evaluator capable of evaluating subsets with respect to a data set that is distinct from that used to initialize/ train the subset evaluator.
 class InfoGainAttributeEval
          Class for Evaluating attributes individually by measuring information gain with respect to the class.
 class OneRAttributeEval
          Class for Evaluating attributes individually by using the OneR classifier.
 class PrincipalComponents
          Class for performing principal components analysis/transformation.
 class ReliefFAttributeEval
          Class for Evaluating attributes individually using ReliefF.
 class SubsetEvaluator
          Abstract attribute subset evaluator.
 class SVMAttributeEval
          Class for Evaluating attributes individually by using the SVM classifier.
 class SymmetricalUncertAttributeEval
          Class for Evaluating attributes individually by measuring symmetrical uncertainty with respect to the class.
 class UnsupervisedAttributeEvaluator
          Abstract unsupervised attribute evaluator.
 class UnsupervisedSubsetEvaluator
          Abstract unsupervised attribute subset evaluator.
 class WrapperSubsetEval
          Wrapper attribute subset evaluator.

Fields in weka.attributeSelection declared as ASEvaluation
private  ASEvaluation AttributeSelection.m_ASEvaluator
          the attribute/subset evaluator
private  ASEvaluation ForwardSelection.m_ASEval
private  ASEvaluation RaceSearch.m_ASEval
          the attribute evaluator to generate the initial ranking when doing a rank race
private  ASEvaluation RankSearch.m_ASEval
          the attribute evaluator to use for generating the ranking
private  ASEvaluation RankSearch.m_SubsetEval
          the subset evaluator with which to evaluate the ranking

Methods in weka.attributeSelection that return ASEvaluation
 ASEvaluation RaceSearch.getAttributeEvaluator()
          Get the attribute evaluator used to generate the ranking.
 ASEvaluation RankSearch.getAttributeEvaluator()
          Get the attribute evaluator used to generate the ranking.
static ASEvaluation ASEvaluation.forName(java.lang.String evaluatorName, java.lang.String[] options)
          Creates a new instance of an attribute/subset evaluator given it's class name and (optional) arguments to pass to it's setOptions method.
static ASEvaluation[] ASEvaluation.makeCopies(ASEvaluation model, int num)
          Creates copies of the current evaluator.

Methods in weka.attributeSelection with parameters of type ASEvaluation
 void AttributeSelection.setEvaluator(ASEvaluation evaluator)
          set the attribute/subset evaluator
static java.lang.String AttributeSelection.SelectAttributes(ASEvaluation ASEvaluator, java.lang.String[] options)
          Perform attribute selection with a particular evaluator and a set of options specifying search method and input file etc.
static java.lang.String AttributeSelection.SelectAttributes(ASEvaluation ASEvaluator, java.lang.String[] options, Instances train)
          Perform attribute selection with a particular evaluator and a set of options specifying search method and options for the search method and evaluator.
private static java.lang.String AttributeSelection.makeOptionString(ASEvaluation ASEvaluator, ASSearch searchMethod)
          Make up the help string giving all the command line options
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Kind of a dummy search algorithm.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space by best first search
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space using an exhaustive search.
abstract  int[] ASEvaluator, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset/ranking space.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space by forward selection.
 void RaceSearch.setAttributeEvaluator(ASEvaluation newEvaluator)
          Set the attribute evaluator to use for generating the ranking.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space by racing cross validation errors of competing subsets
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space using a genetic algorithm.
 void RankSearch.setAttributeEvaluator(ASEvaluation newEvaluator)
          Set the attribute evaluator to use for generating the ranking.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Ranks attributes using the specified attribute evaluator and then searches the ranking using the supplied subset evaluator.
static ASEvaluation[] ASEvaluation.makeCopies(ASEvaluation model, int num)
          Creates copies of the current evaluator.
 int[] ASEval, Instances data)
          Searches the attribute subset space randomly.

Uses of ASEvaluation in weka.classifiers.meta

Fields in weka.classifiers.meta declared as ASEvaluation
protected  ASEvaluation AttributeSelectedClassifier.m_Evaluator
          The attribute evaluator to use

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta that return ASEvaluation
 ASEvaluation AttributeSelectedClassifier.getEvaluator()
          Gets the attribute evaluator used

Methods in weka.classifiers.meta with parameters of type ASEvaluation
 void AttributeSelectedClassifier.setEvaluator(ASEvaluation evaluator)
          Sets the attribute evaluator

Uses of ASEvaluation in weka.filters.supervised.attribute

Fields in weka.filters.supervised.attribute declared as ASEvaluation
private  ASEvaluation AttributeSelection.m_ASEvaluator
          the attribute evaluator to use

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.attribute that return ASEvaluation
 ASEvaluation AttributeSelection.getEvaluator()
          Get the name of the attribute/subset evaluator

Methods in weka.filters.supervised.attribute with parameters of type ASEvaluation
 void AttributeSelection.setEvaluator(ASEvaluation evaluator)
          set a string holding the name of a attribute/subset evaluator