Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemSet

Uses of ItemSet in weka.associations

Methods in weka.associations that return ItemSet
 ItemSet ItemSet.subtract(ItemSet toSubtract)
          Subtracts an item set from another one.

Methods in weka.associations with parameters of type ItemSet
static double ItemSet.confidenceForRule(ItemSet premise, ItemSet consequence)
          Outputs the confidence for a rule.
 double ItemSet.liftForRule(ItemSet premise, ItemSet consequence, int consequenceCount)
          Outputs the lift for a rule.
 double ItemSet.leverageForRule(ItemSet premise, ItemSet consequence, int premiseCount, int consequenceCount)
          Outputs the leverage for a rule.
 double ItemSet.convictionForRule(ItemSet premise, ItemSet consequence, int premiseCount, int consequenceCount)
          Outputs the conviction for a rule.
 ItemSet ItemSet.subtract(ItemSet toSubtract)
          Subtracts an item set from another one.