Uses of Class

Packages that use Associator

Uses of Associator in weka.associations

Subclasses of Associator in weka.associations
 class Apriori
          Class implementing an Apriori-type algorithm.
 class Tertius
          Class implementing a Tertius-type algorithm.

Methods in weka.associations that return Associator
static Associator Associator.forName(java.lang.String associatorName, java.lang.String[] options)
          Creates a new instance of a associator given it's class name and (optional) arguments to pass to it's setOptions method.
static Associator[] Associator.makeCopies(Associator model, int num)
          Creates copies of the current associator.

Methods in weka.associations with parameters of type Associator
static Associator[] Associator.makeCopies(Associator model, int num)
          Creates copies of the current associator.