Environment for
Supported by Index-Structures

Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling

Parameter handling and option descriptions.


Interface Summary
Parameterizable Interface to define the required methods for command line interaction.

Class Summary
AbstractParameterizable Abstract superclass for classes parameterizable.
AttributeSetting Encapsulates a setting of one attribute.
AttributeSettings Encapsulates the current settings of the attributes of an object.
ClassListParameter<C> Parameter class for a parameter specifying a list of class names.
ClassParameter<C> Parameter class for a parameter specifying a class name.
DoubleListParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying a list of double values.
DoubleParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying a double value.
FileListParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying a list of files.
FileParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying a file.
Flag Option class specifying a flag object.
IntListParameter Paramter class for a parameter specifying a list of integer values.
IntParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying an integer value.
ListParameter<T> Abstract parameter class defining a parameter for a list of objects.
LongParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying a long value.
NumberParameter<T extends Number> Abstract class for defining a number parameter.
Option<T> Abstract superclass for specifying program arguments.
OptionHandler Provides an OptionHandler for holding the given options.
OptionID An OptionID is used by option handlers as a unique identifier for specific options.
OptionUtil Utility functions related to Option handling.
Parameter<T,C> Abstract class for specifying a parameter.
PatternParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying a pattern.
VectorListParameter Parameter class for a parameter specifying a list of vectors.

Enum Summary
FileListParameter.FilesType Available types of the files: FileListParameter.FilesType.INPUT_FILES denotes input files, FileListParameter.FilesType.OUTPUT_FILES denotes output files.
FileParameter.FileType Available file types: FileParameter.FileType.INPUT_FILE denotes an input file, FileParameter.FileType.OUTPUT_FILE denotes an output file.

Exception Summary
NoParameterValueException Thrown by OptionHandler in case of incorrect parameter-array.
ParameterException Abstract super class for all exceptions thrown during parameterization.
UnspecifiedParameterException Exception when a required parameter was not given.
UnusedParameterException Thrown by OptionHandler in case of request of an unused parameter.
WrongParameterValueException Thrown by a Parameterizable object in case of wrong parameter format.

Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling Description

Parameter handling and option descriptions.

Release 0.2.1 (2009-07-13_1605)