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Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.subspace

Distance functions based on subspaces.


Class Summary
AbstractDimensionsSelectingDoubleDistanceFunction<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Provides a distance function that computes the distance (which is a double distance) between feature vectors only in specified dimensions.
DimensionSelectingDistanceFunction<N extends Number,V extends FeatureVector<V,N>> Provides a distance function that computes the distance between feature vectors as the absolute difference of their values in a specified dimension.
DimensionsSelectingEuclideanDistanceFunction<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> Provides a distance function that computes the Euclidean distance between feature vectors only in specified dimensions.
DiSHDistanceFunction<V extends RealVector<V,?>,P extends PreferenceVectorPreprocessor<V>> Distance function used in the DiSH algorithm.
HiSCDistanceFunction<V extends RealVector<V,?>,P extends PreferenceVectorPreprocessor<V>> Distance function used in the HiSC algorithm.
SubspaceDistanceFunction<V extends RealVector<V,?>,P extends Preprocessor<V>> Provides a distance function to determine a kind of correlation distance between two points, which is a pair consisting of the distance between the two subspaces spanned by the strong eigenvectors of the two points and the affine distance between the two subspaces.

Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.subspace Description

Distance functions based on subspaces.

Release 0.2.1 (2009-07-13_1605)