Environment for
Supported by Index-Structures

Uses of Class

Packages that use HierarchicalCASHCluster
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.result.clustering Package to collect result classes for the results of clustering algorithms. 

Uses of HierarchicalCASHCluster in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.result.clustering

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.result.clustering that return HierarchicalCASHCluster
 HierarchicalCASHCluster HierarchicalCASHClusters.getRootCluster()
          Returns the root cluster.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.result.clustering with parameters of type HierarchicalCASHCluster
protected  void HierarchicalCASHClusters.writeHeader(PrintStream out, List<AttributeSettings> settings, List<String> headerInformation, HierarchicalCASHCluster cluster)
          Writes a header for the specified cluster providing information concerning the underlying database and the specified parameter-settings.

Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.result.clustering with parameters of type HierarchicalCASHCluster
HierarchicalCASHClusters(HierarchicalCASHCluster rootCluster, Database<ParameterizationFunction> db)
          Provides a result of a clustering algorithm that computes correlation clusters in arbitrary subspaces.

Constructor parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.result.clustering with type arguments of type HierarchicalCASHCluster
HierarchicalCASHCluster(CASHInterval interval, int corrDim, Set<Integer> ids, List<HierarchicalCASHCluster> children, List<HierarchicalCASHCluster> parents, String label, int level, int levelIndex)
          Provides a hierarchical correlation cluster in an arbitrary subspace that holds the basis vectors of this cluster, the similarity matrix for distance computations, the ids of the objects belonging to this cluster and the children and parents of this cluster.
HierarchicalCASHCluster(CASHInterval interval, int corrDim, Set<Integer> ids, List<HierarchicalCASHCluster> children, List<HierarchicalCASHCluster> parents, String label, int level, int levelIndex)
          Provides a hierarchical correlation cluster in an arbitrary subspace that holds the basis vectors of this cluster, the similarity matrix for distance computations, the ids of the objects belonging to this cluster and the children and parents of this cluster.

Release 0.1 (2008-07-10_1838)